Memoir Essay about Music in My Life

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Music is the art of mixing song and/or instrumental sounds together to make manifestations of the outcome, like emotions and places. Music may identify feeling and ideas that some people may take, but they may not communicate for whatever cause, it is actually the noun that implies music-a in Latin and has arisen from the Greek language muse. The word music has synonyms like melody, music, and song. Music is the finest physical way because of the form of connection it implies. Humans have music For many other reasons like amusement or to exercise one’s mind, it can be used as a tool to express thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I’m certain music is a part of life somehow, structure or form. Whether you hear it on the commute to work, at the gym, or at the party, it’s likely pretty immediate in your day-to-day life. Sometimes, you may use music as the filler for that white screen sound you would have otherwise, but when you actually hear it, lyrics will talk to you when you need it most. When you are bad or going through something tough in the relationship. From my point of view, Music is the greatest existence of a person, which touches the spirit and also helps someone to sympathetically manifest unspoken feelings and world him. The result of music in person is what separated him from different creatures. Because of the higher force of music in the living of humans, it is capable of breaking boundaries to part people from other backgrounds and ethnic heritage. So, there is a lot to tell about music making it one of the most significant elements in this time of humans of all races and faiths. As a matter of fact, music can easily be described as wonderful power that is capable of bonding people together and establishing global Union, love, too as harmony. Every society does music and every past society has made music too. Surveys show how music affects some parts of our brain really deeply. Music produces powerful feelings and a mess of memories. Music fuels the idea and therefore it fuels our creativity. The creative idea provides to make good discoveries and innovations.

There are a lot of songs On my favorite list. For example, I may like a particular song because of the music such as the rhythm or the instruments used in it or the song where the lyrics are just mind-blowing, I have selected three songs which indeed are of three different scenarios

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  • Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
  • God’s Plan by Drake
  • Believer by Imagine Dragons

These three songs are my all-time favorite songs starting with Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson. This song was written and composed by Michael Jackson himself, he didn’t invent breakdancing, but he adopted it and gained it with his performance art breaks, music videos, and his legendary moonwalk. Michael Jackson honed his smooth movement dance and revolutionized music recording and live concerts. This song was released in 1987 that is eleven years before I was born, the very first time I watched this video song I fell in love with it. The energy when you see the dance moves each and every time is just astonishing, even though the lyrics are not sensible and it's quite plain moreover like a plain conversation, the music composed is just mind-boggling. I was amazed for a song in the 1980’s made me look into it, probably none of the people my age would look back it is not a common thing but in my age category people, my close friends love this song. The combination of his dance moves to this music, I am totally out of words. The king of pop surely made a mark while performing live concerts, I see people falling over, crying, shouting, and howling “Oh My God”. This song is always special to me and no matter how often I listen to It and how often I see it I just don’t feel bored in any circumstances. The next song I am going to talk about is God’s Plan by Drake, as soon as you see the title of the song which says “God’s plan” there is something related to the almighty and the plans made him. I am a fan of the lyrics of this song it is just staggering, whenever I hear this song playing I relate the lyrics to my own life, where I see people in a different way. The music in this song is common like the other songs out there but, the lyrics are crystal clear and each of the lines can be related to our everyday life. For example, “Bad things, It’s a lot of bad things that they wishing on me” This line alone speaks for itself and I myself relate this to the negative people out there, no matter how you succeed in life, no matter how often you help people there will always be negative people around you wishing that bad thing will end on you, after mentioning all these lines they lyrics goes “God’s plan” which is obviously is god’s plan and that is why it is so special to me on how it relates to life. This song was released in 2018 and was a blockbuster hit. The last song Is Believer by Imagine Dragons which was released in 2017, yet again the lyrics in this particular song are very different and the meanings of each line are so motivational in every way. I listen to this song whenever I am at the gym working out and whenever I need some motivation. Each and every line in this song is so motivational and I ended up learning the lyrics of this song, It is very personal to me because the lyrics stress out the pain faced by an individual, and the different hurdles faced in life. “Believer” is a very strong meaningful word that keeps me going when I am in search of some motivation in life. All these songs stand out in different parts such as the lyrics, the dance moves, and the music. Some songs are very personal. some songs are motivational and some songs are just wonderful to listen to. Music plays a very important role in my life and I listen to it whenever I am driving and when I am all alone. It is very helpful in every way where you feel better and mentally healthy with a positive desire in life that is how important music is in my life.

Music is one of the most important elements in my life, it gives me entertainment and ease when I look tired. The beautiful rhythm of music not only releases my tension but also makes me feel comfortable in my mental state. Likewise, music helps my tired spirit by soothing it with beats. Some people could not go without music and I feel I am one of those people. One of the longest relationships I’ve always taken my time for is my relationship with music. All my time I have always taken music as the soundtrack, as cheesy as the sounds, to some of these most crucial bits in my life. Songs help me recall some of the greatest and worst moments in my lifetime. They function as milestones in the manner of some of those important moments In my life. Music has touched my soul and transformed me as one person. There is a lot of strength in music that takes me back to those exact same bits and people with whom I get to see it.

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