Persuasive Essay Examples

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Why School Uniforms Are Good: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 401 Words
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Should public schools have school uniforms? This question has been discussed for many years. Usually, students are strongly against this policy. First of all, they explain this by the fact that the school uniform violates their rights, it prevents them from freely expressing their personality and showing their identity. However, I think school uniforms are good. Wearing a school uniform...

Was John F. Kennedy a Good President: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1154 Words
Ever heard of the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Chances are yes. President John F. Kennedy served his short period as president well. His life before the presidency had been interesting. Unfortunately, his assassination led to the end of this great era. John F. Kennedy had grown up living a more complicated life. He was in a family with a...

Persuasive Essay about Sports and Why It's Important

3 Pages 1251 Words
Exercise is essential to human life. It keeps people healthy, slim, and strong. It is very important at every stage of life. It can also improve people's personality. When we perform a certain exercise on a regular basis, exercise will keep all our organs alert and the heart will become stronger. Sports are as old as humans themselves. It keeps...

Persuasive Essay on Legalizing Weed

2 Pages 957 Words
My essay is devoted to the topic of legalizing weed. This topic caught my attention when I saw that weed is allowed for medical purposes. Then I realized that if people take it medicinally in small amounts, can people take it in small amounts to still get high? I decided to do this because kids our age are starting to...

Why We Need Feminism: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 938 Words
Once upon a time, women were not allowed to live their lives on their terms, they had no right to decide what they wanted to do with their lives, they had no liberty to become who they wanted to become, and summarily they had no hold over their lives. That is what life was for women, but it was the...

Why Everyone Should Learn to Cook: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 408 Words
I strongly believe that everyone should learn to cook, especially young children. This is because it can save money, give independence, and helps people who have allergies. First of all, I think that we should learn to cook because it can save money. This is because people usually buy takeaway and Uber Eats. We can save money by not purchasing...

Adopted Child Contact with Birth Parents Should Be Prohibited: Persuasive Essay

5 Pages 2127 Words
According to the Adoption Network, about 60-70% of domestic adoptions are open, meaning that there is some level of openness and acknowledgment of information between the adoptive and birth parents about the adopted child. However, while people believe that adopted children should be able to contact their birth parents, there is compelling evidence that suggests quite the opposite. In open...

Importance of Community in Our Life: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 440 Words
As humans, we feel a strong need to belong. To one another, to our friends and families, to our culture and country, to our world. This is because belonging is primal and fundamental to our sense of happiness and well-being. Many sociological and psychological studies have investigated the sense of community. One of its definitions, proposed by McMillan and Chavis,...

Today's American Education System Needs Changes: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 693 Words
The education system is a problem that needs to be addressed because education is very important. Many jobs require certain degrees and certain knowledge to get the job. Only 36% of Americans end up graduating college, and about 6,211,000 Americans end up unemployed. This needs to be fixed. Today's school focuses on test taking, but in the future, most jobs...

Persuasive Essay on Why It Is Important to Be Honest in Modern Times

1 Page 646 Words
In this present-day world, the moralities of the lifestyles had been long passed away. People commenced staying like animals, barring morality or etiquette. So, we must assume the importance of honesty today. Generally, humans say that honesty is high-quality coverage in life. If we want to succeed in life, we must be honest and straightforward. Nothing like honesty in life....

Domestic Violence Should Not Be in Our Society: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 406 Words
How many cases of domestic violence do you think are reported each year? About 13 million, with many who have gone unnoticed! I am completely convinced that there should be no domestic violence in our society. We cannot allow women and men who are suffering from violence to be unheard of. The only way to stop this horrific problem is...

Marijuana as the Culprit Behind America's Mental Health Crisis: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 639 Words
Studies have shown that marijuana users are more likely to experience symptoms of poor mental health than those who do not. Many have been puzzled by this, as marijuana has become an increasingly accepted treatment for mental disorders throughout Western medical practice. Could there possibly be a causal relationship between marijuana use and one’s emotional decline? If so, what does...

Persuasive Essay on Legalizing Marijuana

2 Pages 966 Words
According to the CDC, “Marijuana, which can also be called weed, pot, dope, or cannabis, is the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. It contains mind-altering compounds like THC, as well as other active compounds like CBD, that are not mind-altering”. There have been many debates regarding the legalization of marijuana. When discussing the topic of legalizing marijuana,...

Was Napoleon a Hero or a Tyrant: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 627 Words
Considering Napoleon in the light of French history, the debate about who he was after all – a tyrant or a hero – is more relevant than ever. Contrary to what most people think of him as a tyrant, I see him as a hero. I believe that Napoleon was a national hero and was a big success for France...

Importance of Integrity in the Legal Profession: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 723 Words
Two online dictionaries, the Cambridge Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, define integrity as a summation of possession of robust moral principles and resolve to firmly adhere to the code that is subscribed to. In this essay, we shall discuss the importance of integrity in the legal profession. This will be done by first laying down the required qualities to join...

Persuasive Essay on Why History Is Important

2 Pages 760 Words
The statement that those who ignore history ignore it at their own peril cannot be truer. Studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to understand our present. It is important because history helps you understand the past to predict the future and help in creating it. Epidemics and pandemics have...

Are Illegal Immigrants Taking American Jobs: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 597 Words
The book ‘‘They Take Our Jobs!’: And 20 Other Myths about Immigration’ written by Aviva Chomsky highlights the widespread myths and beliefs about immigration and immigrants. Throughout the book, Chomsky challenges the biased assumptions that increase the misinformed claims about immigrants, radically altering the notions of citizenship, stereotypes, the law, discrimination, and US history. As she quotes, “Immigrants are blamed...

Why Do People Lie: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 881 Words
A lie is a statement that is believed to be false and is usually used to mislead someone. The practice of spreading falsehood is called lying. A person who tells lies can be called a liar. People lie for many different reasons. In this essay, I am going to consider the most typical of them. Firstly, people tell lies to...

Why Education Is a Right: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1387 Words
Students, teachers, principals, and staff, also the government that is included in this statement, help kids have better education and that education is important in their lives to get a good career and also to succeed in life. Although some people might think that education is not a privilege for their children to learn new things and accomplish their goals....

Immigration Laws Should Be Reformed: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1349 Words
Recently I was accepted into one of my top colleges that I will attend next fall. This news filled my family with joy and crowded all my close ones with pride. As a first-year student in the United States coming from Mexico, this is even more fulfilling because I had to put much more effort into getting to know a...

Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 906 Words
Deportation is a word that most think of Mexicans when they hear it, but deportation includes Asians, Africans, and many more. Deportation is a huge problem in the United States. During Obama’s run as president, over five million people were deported. Now President Trump is trying to deport all immigrants. Even if his numbers are low compared to Obama’s, it...

High Schools Should Start Later: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1115 Words
Not many people can honestly say that they are one hundred percent a ‘morning person’, and for those that identify as such, morning hardly ever means 4:30 or 5 a.m. Waking up this early in the morning is something that many high schoolers are required to do in order to make it to school on time. In this essay, I...

Healthy Eating Needed in the Learning Environment: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1087 Words
Most people will say that the United States focuses more on healthy eating today, but that does not mean that our eating habits are better than they were years ago. They have actually become worse due to an increase in the production of processed and refined foods that are low in nutrients and high in fat and sugar. The most...

Why a Healthy Diet Is Beneficial: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 658 Words
Managing a healthy diet means you’re indulging in a colorful array of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, good fats, and starches, which play two very crucial roles: providing you with the energy you need to stay active all day, as well as providing you with the nutrients you need for healthy development and growth, no matter what age you are. It...

If I Have Three Wishes: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 807 Words
In my life, I have been exposed to a constant factor called change, and have witnessed its inevitability in various situations. Becoming aware of the necessity of change in life has been challenging to me until I realized that change is a driver of progress. A significant milestone that enlightened me to desire to be a driver of change is...

Health Care and Its Income Orientation as a Problem: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 783 Words
An individual's socioeconomic status, whether evaluated by income, level of education, or occupational status, has been linked to various health issues. It has been proven as one of the significant factors that determine one's perception by society and, most notably, their access to opportunities. It is unfortunate that health care, a basic human need that should be available to all,...

Gun Control Is the Right Thing to Do: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 540 Words
People have been debating gun control in America. The reason for this debate is some people want age limits increased for the purchase of firearms and make background checks stricter because of how easy it is to obtain a gun, while others think gun control laws will take away their rights to protect their families. In America, the death rate...

Should Americans Be Required to Vote: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 439 Words
I believe that all American citizens should be required to vote. Although I am not 18 years old yet, as soon as my birthday rolls around, I will have my voice heard and my vote counted in every election that is held in my city, state, and country. It saddens me that many people do not adhere to our duty...

Why Cooking Is Important: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1487 Words
As the world changes every day, so does the establishment of family and the day-to-day routine they participate in. A few of these routines include family meals and homemade cooking. Sadly, the relationship between family and food has changed throughout the years. According to research from a New York Post article titled ‘Here’s How Many Meals the Average American Eats...
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