People have been debating gun control in America. The reason for this debate is some people want age limits increased for the purchase of firearms and make background checks stricter because of how easy it is to obtain a gun, while others think gun control laws will take away their rights to protect their families.
In America, the death rate from gun violence has increased. There should be more gun control laws in the United States to limit the number of mass shootings and reduce the number of deaths related to gun violence. Guns are also responsible for accidental deaths in the United States. Children and teenagers are getting their parents' guns and accidentally shooting themselves or taking them to school. This is because some parents do not keep their guns in a safe place out of reach, so the kids do not find them. Stricter gun control laws can make safety training a requirement for parents with young children and teenagers living in the home. With more gun control laws many lives can be saved from accidental deaths caused by guns. Mass shootings will also be reduced if parents are required to take safety classes since most mass school shootings are done by teenage children.
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Another reason gun control laws are needed in America is to prevent people from buying a gun with any violent background. For example, anyone with previous convictions like armed robbery, assault. A person with these types of convictions should not be allowed to purchase a gun. Certain types of guns should be banned for purchase, such as an automatic rifle, which is mostly the type of gun used in mass shootings. The American people want to keep dangerous people from owning a gun and limit the purchase of illegal guns. Enforcing gun control laws for people with major convictions will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and removing assault rifles for sale will reduce crime rates in America. These are good reasons why gun control laws need to be more enforced in America.
The last reason gun control laws are an innovative idea for America is because of the death rate due to gun violence among young adults. The age limit needs to be stricter for the sale of a gun. By raising the age limit to 30 years old to purchase a gun, Americans can see a reduction in the gun violent death rate among adults. Prohibiting the sale of a gun to someone 21 or younger should be illegal, increasing the age limit could show that some adults are responsible for owning a firearm. Since the number of mass shootings has increased and deaths by accidental shootings have occurred, people have been trying to understand where these teens and young children got the guns to commit such crimes. Reasons like this are why gun control laws are needed in America. These gun laws can provide safety training for anyone who needs it, especially parents with children. The death rate associated with gun violence will be reduced.
In summary, gun control is the right thing to do. Gun violence is extremely high in America. This is why gun control should be enforced because it can reduce gun violence and make people feel safer.
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