Photosynthesis essays

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Essay topics
3 Pages 1170 Words
Photosynthesis is a concept that most people have heard about from a very young age. We all know that plants use sunlight and convert it into energy, but this is really just the basics of what happens during photosynthesis. Thus, in my essay, I’m going to dig deeper into it. First of all, it should be noted that there are...
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6 Pages 2840 Words
ABSTRACT Study on the temperature effect on plant photosynthesis is essential for proper understanding of physiology of plants as well as designing of crops that are able to cope-up with temperatures greater as well as lower than optimum growth temperatures. Any fluctuation in temperatures from the optimum temperature affects the overall growth and productivity of plants. Any temperature fluctuation from...
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2 Pages 912 Words
Introduction Photosynthesis is very complex process, if analyzed in complete detail. It involves the converting light energy to chemical energy that is used by plants. One of the main aspects of photosynthesis is the flow of electrons. In the process, there is reduction of CO₂, known as carbon dioxide, and the oxidation of H₂0, known as water. This is known...
Carbon DioxidePhotosynthesisPlant
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6 Pages 2776 Words
Abstract Photosynthesis is the solar energy- dependent process on which food production for human existence ultimately depends. Each day passes with 854 million people hungry and, for that reason, the United Nations Millennium Declaration committed the world’s nations to ‘eradicate extreme poverty and hunger’. Sixty percent of the world’s population lives in Asia, where each hectare of land used for...
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4 Pages 2036 Words
RATIONALE Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate the oxygen production in the process of photosynthesis because they are specialised to produce oxygen while submerged under water. The common aquatic plant that is used for most of the experiments is Elodea. In theory, when an aquatic plant is placed in a solution in the presence of appropriate light intensity, the...
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3 Pages 1365 Words
Introduction With the increasing pressure to feed a growing population, the ability to understand plant growth has never been more crucial, especially as the surrounding environment continues to change due to global warming (Semenov and Halford, 2009)(FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2014). As photosynthesis is directly related to a plant’s potential growth, knowledge of factors that affect this process, such as...
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3 Pages 1537 Words
ABSTRACT The problem that was researched and studied, was how to increase the rate of photosynthesis. This topic is important because photosynthesis is one of the most important processes regarding all life on Earth. By increasing the rate of photosynthesis, the process will be able to generate more energy at a faster pace. The procedure used to study this conflict...
Carbon DioxidePhotosynthesisPlant
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6 Pages 2794 Words
Abstract The effect of light wavelength on the rate of photosynthesis in baby spinach leaves was determined by recording the consumption of carbon dioxide for four minutes. Red, blue, and green light were tested to determine which color increased the rate of photosynthesis the most. Each color has a specific range of wavelengths to describe it, and the closer the...
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2 Pages 963 Words
Flowers are grown all over the world in gardens, greenhouses and in the wilderness naturally, and are shipped across huge distances. While the flower is still attached to the plant the flower benefits from the sugars that the plant's leaves manufacture through the process of photosynthesis (SFGate, Unknown). Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to harness energy from sunlight...
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6 Pages 2748 Words
Background Most motor oils are made from a denser petroleum hydrocarbon base stock derived from crude oil, with added ingredients to enhance particular properties (Pennzoil, 2019). Oil spillages are a disastrous occurrence in the environment and have a negative effect on both animals and plants. According to the United Sates Environmental Protection Agency, 750 million litres of oil are disposed...
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