Profile Essay about a Friend

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Mental Health issue is a big problem around the world. Sadly, most of us will go through emotional trauma throughout our lifetime. Even if you don’t, then most likely one person around you has. I have been through emotional trauma once. It caused problems for my friends and my family. My friend group during high school has had some troubles with mental health. I believe that the mental health issue could be solved through social connection with each other, helping each other relieve stress, and helping each other sleep better.

The problem that I’m addressing is the mental health issue. It usually happens when someone goes through stress, setbacks, or an obstacle of some sort. The way people react to those events could result in mental health issues such as depression or worse suicidal thoughts. Mental health issues will affect everyone around that person such as family members and friends. Even though I’m not depressed anymore, that doesn’t mean that I’m not involved in this issue. The way you recover and build your mental health during and after your depression is a great factor in how you would deal with future traumas. My friend group involves mental health issues. One or multiple friends have been somewhat depressed because of too much stress.

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I was once affected by depression back then during my junior year. It started with a friend. One of my friends broke up with another her boyfriend at the time. Right after that event, she started to FaceTime me more often. She wanted me to join her in League of Legends. Then, one day she confessed to me. I said that I didn’t like her, but she didn’t give up. Also, during junior year, she claimed that she has a certain heart disease. She said that she could potentially die from this disease. My friends and I never learned the details of that certain disease, but we all believed her false statements.

In the beginning, she used this disease to force me to do stuff that I didn’t want to do such as public display of affection and taking her out on dates. She forced me by saying that she doesn’t have much time left, and she said that she has a bucket list waiting to be completed. Also, she said that if I say no, she’ll commit suicide. At that time, I didn’t think much about it. Now looking back, I should have contacted a higher authority of some sort to deal with this situation. Unfortunately, I didn’t contact any higher authority and rather dealt with it myself thinking it was not that big of a deal. Also, I cared about her back then because she was my friend. It got very out of hand when she visited me at work with her parents. Also, she kept on calling me nonstop during work that my parents told me to block her. I was stressed and frustrated. I told her that I don’t like her, but she wouldn’t stop messing with me. It got to the point where I started to punch walls and it made my family worried. I just wanted to help her, but in the end, it didn’t help either one of us. This problem got solved in the end by me ending my friendship with her.

My solution to the mental health issue is to have a healthy diet, get quality sleep, have more social connections, and learn to manage stress. A healthy diet can lead to a better mood and better sleep. “An unhealthy diet can take a toll on your brain and mood, disrupt your sleep, sap your energy, and weaken your immune system.” (Smith et al. 18) Quality sleep is also important. Quality sleep can help you look more energetic and it will also improve your mood. Social connections can help you when you needed help, so you can talk to them when you’re facing some obstacles. Managing stress is an important quality to have. Stress can affect someone’s brain and mood. We talk a lot in our friend group, so I believe that we should keep on talking to each other openly about everything.

A healthy diet for me is always a balance of meat and vegetables. My parents always tell me to eat vegetables with a combination of meat. That way you get all the nutrients you need. I don’t eat sugary snacks often because they’re good, but they’re harmful if you eat too much of them. Some people can’t fall asleep because they’re worried about something, but sleep is an important part of building mental health. According to an article, “When it comes to your mental health, getting enough sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Skipping even a few hours here and there can take a toll on your mood, energy, mental sharpness, and ability to handle stress.” (Smith et al. 20) I agree with this because I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Although I didn’t achieve that, when I do get 8 hours of sleep, I feel great the next day. Our friends could help each other to get better sleep by don’t talk too long at night. Everyone should just go to their bed and close their eyes and sleep.

Having good friends is a nice thing. Some people with mental health issues don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want to feel different from other people. Also, they feel like they would be burdening their problems onto them. I felt that way during my situation in the junior year but talking to friends is a great way to make me feel better throughout the day especially when my friend is a good listener. “A good listener will listen to the feelings behind your words, and won’t interrupt, judge, or criticize you.” (Smith et al. 9) Talking with a good listener will also reduce your stress. Giving yourself some free time throughout the day can be helpful with stress. For example, I will take out some time within my studying period to go out and eat or watch YouTube. I believe our friend group could improve by not judging each other or criticizing each other when someone is stressed or made a mistake. We should be able to listen to their complaints and be able to give a constructive response.

People might say that why not just take therapy? People usually look at the positive sides of therapy while ignoring the negative effects. According to a table from an article, they’ve taken 653 people and given them treatments, but 37% of the sample said that “I experiment more anxiety.” What’s more, 20% of the sample said that “I have more problems with my sleep.” (Rozental et al. 10) I believe that therapy can be used as a last resort if my solution doesn’t work.

Lastly, I believe mental health issues within my friend group could be prevented with my solution. My solution will decrease the amount of negative feeling a friend might have and make their life more enjoyable. The mental health issue is an important problem and can’t be overlooked. I hope you guys have learned more about me and how I and my friends would all change for the better.

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