Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room

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Common room is like a type of shared lounge for people. In university, common room is as shared lounge for student to rest or study. Regular features for this kind of room include couches, table, chair and sometimes has television. Common room may be known as other name depends on the location and the purpose of the room but the characteristic is the same. As example, there is some mental hospital that had this type of room such as the common room and it is called 'day room'. There are many types of air conditioner with different specification. The right air conditioner for common room can be determined by choosing the right specifications.

Firstly, air conditioning is really suitable for studying and it gives comfort to the surrounding. It can decrease the temperature of the common room by providing a cool and comfortable environment for indoor exercise. Every student who wants to do discussion or revision in hot weather can be in this common room because the situation of the surrounding room is quiet and relax. Less noise enters this room due to closed windows and doors. When air conditioner is on, it is normal if the doors and windows are closed off keeping cool and quiet surrounding. Then, in this cool environment, it can prevent the electronics like phones, laptops, tablets, ceiling fans, and fluorescent lamps from overheating. Students will bring its gadgets inside the common room and it can cool down the gadgets without we realize. Bugs and flies will not enter the room because the temperature inside does not suit them. There are air conditioning filters which keeping the fleas out from the common room. It can keep the room safe and clean.

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Next, humidity is very important specification to be considered as it provides comfort to people. Humidity is the water vapors that in gaseous state in the air. These gases are invisible to human eyes. Humidity is labeled like that because it is like the white fog that covers our surroundings. For common room, the moisture or humidity must suitable and ideal with the condition of the room. The humidity must be in ideal state which can give comfort to human. If the humidity is too high, it will reduce the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body by reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the skin. People will always feel warm due to their heat can’t be released in the air. If there were wooden furniture, it will absorb the moisture and expand and it will lead to fungal problems. Next, the humidity must not be too low. It can cause irritated respiratory tracts, dry eyes, lips cracks and sometimes even skin complaints.

When it comes to the right HVAC system design for a common room, it is not only about the thermal comfort. It is also important to control humidity, eliminate odors, and remove contaminants such as carbon dioxide, dust and even bacteria and viruses that can spread illness. Ventilation is a process of replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality. Function of ventilation is used to introduce outside air to keep interior building air circulating. Maintaining proper indoor air quality levels is very important for workforce wellbeing and productivity. The HVAC system design must provide for adequate intake and distribution of outside air within the space as well as well-controlled distribution of conditioned air. When we care about this method, we can increase the student’s comfort while studying in the common room.

Lastly, common rooms are usually operated for a long period of time. For some common room in several universities, common room even operated for 24 hrs. Thus, it is important that the air conditioner installed in the common room has a high energy efficiency rating (EER). For instance, higher EER leads to lower energy bills. To determine the EER of the air conditioner, the air conditioner that will be installed in the common room need to get an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This certificate will be produced by EPC assessor when they have settled brief survey on the common room. The scale of energy efficiency scale from A to G. A is the most efficient while G is the worst efficient. For air conditioner that are installed in the common room, especially those operated 24 hours, it is recommended to get energy efficiency scale A as it saves the most for the energy bill of the air conditioner. Although it might be pricier to install at first, but in a long-term basis, it will save more bills amount compared to a conventional air conditioner.

These are the features of air conditioner which are suitable for the common room. Air conditioning gives better air quality to the surrounding room. It is the perfect way to keep the temperatures comfortable for studying in hot weather. From the studies, hot temperature of the surrounding can lower the student’s thinking and learning. The implied function of the air conditioning is also can increase the rate of learning and skill formation. Therefore, air conditioning gives a lot of advantages to the occupants of the room. Whatever you want to do like studying, revising chapter, and researching, find the room which has the air conditioning to get the comfortable environment.

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Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room.” Edubirdie, 28 Oct. 2022,
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Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Oct 28 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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