The Problem Of Concussion In Football

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Even though football players know the damage the game could bring them the still play and love the game. (Gibeaut, 2011) Especially in today's game with how rough it can be it is very easy to injury yourself. (Gibeaut, 2011) Players are jumping, tackling, and throwing their bodies at one another with no doubts of hurting themselves and the most important part about being a football player is being and staying healthy. (Navia, 2012). One of the most frequently occurring injury in sports is the concussion. (Gibeaut, 2011) In just 2017 alone, there were 291 reported concussions the number of concussions in football in general has been rising and has been a huge talk around the world in recent years. (Gibeaut, 2011) New research is attempting to solve this problem but since it is such a common injury it is going to be very hard. (Gibeaut, 2011).

The risk of death in the NFL became big in 2009 when a study that the NFL did found that retired players were 19 times more likely to develop memory problems than any other men of similar age. (Unschooled in Hard Knocks, 2012) Over the past few years in sports concussions have been a big concern. Since some current and former athletes have suffered from this and some having career ending injuries concussions have been a focal point into today's new research for the medical and sports communities. (Navia, 2012). In recent Studies the Sports Legacy Institute has found some athletes that have a background of head injuries and concussions have symptoms of memory loss, motor function loss, and some disorders like depression. (Navia, 2012). Because of CTE and NFL players committing suicide the NFL donated 30 million dollars the U.S. National Institutes of Health for research about sports related head injuries. (Underwood, 2013). The NFL also is doing its own study of examining 120 retired players brains and will test for brain damage. (Miller, 2009). As things went on and people kept getting injured the NFL developed and made stricter laws that when players have a concussion it is harder for them to get back to playing. (Navia, 2012).

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Not only is concussion a issue in the NFL it is a big problem with all ages playing any contact sports. (Navia, 2012). An Estimated 4.5 million children play organized football in the U.S. and in the last 3 years over 400,000 concussions were reported just in high school football. (Navia, 2012). Even though so many children and athletes have suffered from concussion type injuries they still have yet to find a good solution or any solution at all. (Navia, 2012). About 144,000 people at the age of 18 or younger are treated every year in the U.S. hospitals for concussions. (Unschooled in Hard Knocks. 2012). The statistics show that by the time a student’s high school playing career is over more than 60 percent of athletes will have has a concussive injury. (Unschooled in Hard Knocks. 2012). But so many younger children that have suffered a concussion go unreported because of youth sports coach, parents and even themselves do not understand when a concussion can occur and what it is. (Faure, 2010). In recent reporting’s of concussions during high school athletics has increased a lot. (Underwood, 2016). Many schools, leagues, and even states enforced laws and protocols on concussion in youth and high school sports. (Underwood, 2016). Parents, coaches, and officials need to know and learn more about the actual hazards of concussions and how to best prevent them.(Unschooled in Hard Knocks. 2012). It is scary for players at the age of 17 or 18 whose brains are still forming because they have to potential to hurt and ruin the brain. (Faure, 2010). Doctors and health experts are worried about the effect of getting more than one concussion before the brain has a fully chance to heal. (Unschooled in Hard Knocks. 2012). The first ever law concerning concussion was passed in 2009. (Underwood, 2016). The law was named after a kid named Zackery Lystedt who was disabled at the age of 13 for the rest of his life after suffering a head injury while playing football. (Underwood, 2016).

Sports caused head injuries have gained a lot of public attention these past couple years. Will smith made movie called “Concussion” in 2015, and a settlement between the NFL and former players regarding chronic traumatic encephalopathy has been made. (Underwood, 2016)

A couple players had to give up their contracts with the team and retire because of damage to their brain due to head injuries. (Underwood, 2016). People are just starting to realize more of what the consequences of the long-term effects of a concussion can do to you. (Navia, 2012).

A concussion is an injury to the brain that results in temporary loss of brain functions. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). Usually concussions are caused by a hit to the head or hard hit to the body that can slightly move and stop your brain. It can cause memory loss, depression and even personality change. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). If it is not taken seriously and treated the proper way you could risk death by having a second concussion. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). Concussions can happen by blows to the head or neck area, fall, car accident, or just anything active. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). It does not take a big hit to cause a concussion. (Hubbard, Hodge, & Kotrotsios, 2015). There are many side effects of having a concussion and you have to treat it right. Headaches, weakness, vomiting, nausea, memory loss and much more. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh,2015).

Treating a concussion might be the most important of it. You have to make sure you do the right thing to treat it and everything will be ok but if you don’t then it can cause bad things for your brain health in the future. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). The main treatment for a concussion is rest. You need to sleep!!! But go to a doctor and he will tell you what to do. (Hubbard, Hodge, & Kotrotsios, 2015). For athletes, many schools use special testing such SCAT2 to help detect what type of concussion it is. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). A person who has had a concession in the past is at a greater risk of being diagnosed with another concussion. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). In the NFL there is a rule called the Madden rule, once you diagnose a player with a concussion they have to go to the locker room and stay there for the remainder of the game. (Davies, 2014). You will need to avoid any activity that increasing symptoms like working out, sports, or any type of heavy movements. It can take roughly a week to 10 days to fully recover from a concussion. (Bartholet, 2012). Younger kid needs a longer recovery after a concussion. (Charleswell, Ross, Tran, & Walsh, 2015). Diagnosing someone is very important, you have to understand the person well. See if they look different, seem different, or see if anything looks different. (Davies, 2014).

The statistics show that there needs to be new rules put in place, even with the new ones in place. The effects showed that there isn’t enough safety and gear for the players. (Asplund, & Best, 2015). Though the stats are showing the prevention for head injuries are still getting better. (Asplund, & Best, 2015). Both the professional sports world and the amateur sports world are still lacking help in creating a solution for this problem. (Navia, 2012). Strategies to help cut down the number on concussions in the football should be a top priority for the NFL. (Asplund, & Best, 2015). It is going to take more time and a lot more research but for now we have a lot to learn. (Asplund, & Best, 2015). Remember winning might be the thing everyone wants, but your life and career comes first. (Asplund, & Best, 2015).

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The Problem Of Concussion In Football. (2021, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Problem Of Concussion In Football.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2021,
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