Concussion Essays

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3 Pages 1267 Words
Even though football players know the damage the game could bring them the still play and love the game. (Gibeaut, 2011) Especially in today's game with how rough it can be it is very easy to injury yourself. (Gibeaut, 2011) Players are jumping, tackling, and throwing their bodies at one another with no doubts of hurting themselves and the most...
3 Pages 1279 Words
Accidents happen all the time, but what effects do those accidents have on your body? Brain injuries are a common injury than many people disregard. There are many long term effects that can come from a concussion. A mild traumatic brain injury that affects the normal functions of the brain is called a concussion. Concussions can result from falling, car...
3 Pages 1305 Words
According to a study from the University of Colorado about sports injuries, 60% of football players experience an injury in high school (Dawn). If this problem continues, the sport of football will die. Football is not suitable for kids because it causes brain injuries to the kids and that affects their education in the long run. Football players have helmets...
2 Pages 781 Words
Concussions, they are a problem for every athlete that competes in a contact sport goes through, whether its reported or not. Concussions are something that cannot just be ignored. 50% of high school athletes and 70% of college athletes fail to report a concussion. Concussions can not only lead to brain damage, but also short-term or even long-term memory loss....
4 Pages 1815 Words
Introduction Concussions or mild traumatic brain injury has gain more attention in the past 10 years. The center of disease control describes a concussion as a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth....
2 Pages 758 Words
Attention Getter: Dribbling down the line she went, she makes a cross into the opponent's 18-yard box. Her teammate going for a header, she heads it into the goal SCORE!! She falls instantly and isn’t moving. The coaches call the trainers, the trainers call the ambulance. Slowly she opens her eyes being blinded by the stadium lights, then stands up...
2 Pages 884 Words
Rationale Boxing is a very physical intense sport, the risks of serious injury is very high due to the aggressive physical damage that can happen to your brain if not wearing headgear, the most common injury that occurs to the brain is concussion. Concussion is when a wave through brain tissue causes discharge of damaging chemicals, the nerve cells can...
2 Pages 1020 Words
A concussion is known in the scientific world as an alteration of neurological function or a brain injury. People have known about concussions since the early 1900’s but have not understood the severity of these brain injuries until recently. Studies have shown that a concussion is most likely not caused from just one single hit but from a culmination of...
4 Pages 1772 Words
The human brain is a complex bundle of nerves and muscles that is the nucleus for all human functions. The ability to breathe, move, think, and live are direct results of the underlying function of the brain. Therefore, based upon the overall significance of the brain, it becomes imperative to protect it from all damage. A concussion, is an injury...
5 Pages 2208 Words
The issue floating around the NFL at this point is concussions, and CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). This certain retired NFL player was only 59 when he had his brain scanned, and in about two years people around him began to notice some change, motor deficits like very simple tasks becoming very hard. Not being able to button his shirt properly,...
5 Pages 2299 Words
When considering a topic for a literature review my attention was instantly drawn to something concerning sports. Along the lines of sport, I was most interested in injury, injury prevention and rehabilitation from those injuries. Throughout my time playing sports both recreationally and in an organized setting I saw my fair share of injuries ranging from dislocations of shoulders, broken...
4 Pages 1833 Words
Introduction A lot of people don't exactly know what a concussion is, never mind the severity of this brain injury. Concussions are considered a mild brain injury because they are not usually life-threatening. This is correct. A concussion is usually not a life-threatening injury which is why people didn't use to pay it much attention. However, the attitudes toward concussions...
3 Pages 1189 Words
Introduction: Through several decades the practice of contact sports has grown exponentially, especially the art of American football. The gridiron, tackling based competition fans watch has had its remarkable influence across the United States and has been prevalent worldwide. Though its dark side of the commonality of consequential injuries that can greatly affect a player’s body is evident, it is...
2 Pages 991 Words
In Today's sports, concussions have become very serious and it is most definitely a topic parents should consider. Concussions tend to get more common each year, they have rose 60% within the last decade. This is because people aren't worried or even aware of them and may every think their harmless. Some of this may even fall back on how...
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