The Role Of ESL Student On Politeness & Impoliteness Expression In Classroom Context Toward The Usage Of Speaking English Appropriately

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In understanding each communication either cross-cultural or interpersonal are convey the utterance as well as comprehend the meaning. When both of them are not accomplished, misunderstanding gonna happends. In case of this, the role of Politeness and impoliteness pragmatics in EFLTW are needed to be applied. Those two things are needed to be applied in order to implement The role of EFL student on Politeness & Impoliteness expression in classroom context toward the usage of speaking English appropriately


Politeness has been defined by many different scholars. According to Greetz (1960), Indonesia referred politeness as a kind of “etiquette” for Javanese being polite they need to follow the sets of etiquette. In the short meaning, politeness is usually can be called as someone’s good behavior. According to Fauziati (2009), being good berhavior person should have some categories or indicators which show that those person are polite. A person will be called as a polite if they are talking by using inderect speech, and use respectful forms of address system such as like, sir, madam, or use formulic utterances, like ; please, excuse me, sorry, thank you, etc. In contrast of it, impoliteness is contrary to politeness. It can called as an opposite of politeness. They are opposite in terms of orientation to face. If politeness refer to the way to support or redress face want. But, impoliteness refer to attack face want. Impoliteness prefers to make the communication Impoliteness tends to compose the communication of threatening actions which are intentionally needless and contradictory.

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So far we have been considering that English is a foreign language especially in Indonesia. It shown on the way how English is implemented on this country. Mostly students are learn English language in their school. But, it does not implemented an essential role neither in national nor social life. It’s in line with Geoffrey (2003), the average citizen does not need English or any other foreign language to live his daily life or even for social or professional advancement. Even though Indonesia is one of country which implement English for foreign languages does not means that English is not used or important. The role of English within a nation’s daily life could influrncing geographical, historical, cultural and political factors and not all of those are immuteable.

On this paper, the reasearcher will show the role of EFL in classroom context especialy in the usage of speaking English appropriately and dercribe the role of politeness and impoliteness expression that using by EFL students in their English speaking skill.

Formulation of the problems

  1. What is the role EFL in classroom context especialy in the usage of speaking English appropriately?
  2. To what extent the role of politeness and impoliteness expression that using by EFL student in their English speaking skill ?

Objectives of the research

  1. To describe the role EFL in classroom context especialy in the usage of speaking English appropriately.
  2. To describe the extent the role of politeness and impoliteness expression that using by EFL student in their English speaking skill.


Politeness is one of the most intractable questions in the field, to which multitude of answers and have been proposed. According to Bargiela-Chiappini (2003:1464) ‘Despite the variety of studies which focus on linguistic politeness […]

The field still lacks an agreed definition of what ‘politeness’ is.’ Although this state of affairs is not conducive to the development of certain aspects of the field, work undertaken to develop definitions and approaches to politeness can at least help deepen one’s appreciation of the issues. Based on Leech (1983a:82), the role of politeness principels was to maintain the social equilibrium and the friendly relations which enable us to assume that our interlocutors were baing cooperative in the first place.


Impoliteness can be associated with a negative evaluation as opposed to a positive evaluation, which can be aligned with politeness. Impoliteness has its own set of conventionalised impolite formula. In another definision Impolite according to (Culpeper: 1996), If the politeness strategies refer to the way to support or redress face want, impoliteness super-strategies refer to attack face want.

English for Foreign Language

Learners of English as a foreign language have a choice of language variety to a larger extent than second language learners. It may be seen, then, that the role of English within a nation’s daily life is influenced by geographical, historical, cultural and political factors, not all of which are immutable. But the role of English at a given point in time must affect both the way it is taught and the resultant impact on the daily life and growth of the individual.

The aim of speaking

Learners should know “language features” and the ability to process them in communication. If the speaker dominates these language features, will help learners to acquire successful communication goal. Harmer (2001).

Speaking is not only just knowing the linguistic feature of the massege expanding oral communication requires more than memorized vocabulary and grammatical comprehension. One of the obstacles of learning speaking is contradiction between class materials and courses, so that most of the teachers do not facilitate situations for real practice in speaking;basically students interest and student needs. According to (Gower, Philips, & Walter, 1995), Speaking is the production skill that is included in two main categories: accuracy and fluency. Accuracy consists of using vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation through some activities, fluency take into account “the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously”.

Analysis result & discussion

The role of EFL class in classroom context especially in the usage of speaking English appropriately is helpfull. As we now that English language for Indonesians is a foreign language, means that English is now always used in everysingle time. By the EFL class, the quantity of students will further increase in using English. They can praactice all the time and the learning process will run well. Beside that, in order to build an appropriately expression. Students must implement the polite aspect in every single time. The thing that they need to consider is polite, when politeness is implemented so the communication will develop wisely. This part willbe increasing the student extent on speaking english.

Conclusion & implications

The conclusion is the role of EFL class and politeness also impolitness are have correlation and relationship. Which is one of those things if full filled so the aim will be reach. In other hand, if one of the rule is not implemented, then the aim will not be reached.


  1. Derakhshan Ali, (2016) Developing EFL Learner’s Speaking Ability, Accuracy and Fluency
  2. Maharani Perdana Hestuningtyas, (2017) The Students’ Comprehension On Politeness/ Impoliteness In Interlanguage Pragmatics Of Complaintsby Efl Learners
  3. Culpeper Jonathan (2011) Politeness and Impoliteness
  4. Broughton Geoffrey (1980) Teaching English as Foreign Language
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The Role Of ESL Student On Politeness & Impoliteness Expression In Classroom Context Toward The Usage Of Speaking English Appropriately. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
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