The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA

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The United States criminal justice system is a set of agencies that were created by the administrations to manage crimes and punish people who break the laws. The two types of criminal justice systems are the state and federal agencies. The state criminal justice systems manage violations occurred in its state limits, while the federal agencies manage violations happened on federal land or within more than one state. The United States criminal justice system is a powerful tool that consists of the three main elements, police, courts, and corrections. These elements operate jointly to help decrease crime, protect the innocents, stop unacceptable demeanor and maintain a safe society.

Police Officers are called the first responder because they respond to emergency calls and are always the first to arrive at a crime scene or a conflict. They patrol the community 24/7 to maintain security, investigate potential violations, arresting suspected criminals of any illegal actions and prevent crimes, while it helps in keeping the society and people safe.

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The courts are managed by judges, and they make the law and resolve conflicts. It proceeds with criminal cases and decides if there is sufficient proof to charge, while they also deal with traffic tickets and settle conflicts that require directing legally. The courts also have attorneys and juries who make sure felons are granted a fair hearing.

Corrections isolate criminals from society who have been convicted of crimes and being punished by the sentencing court by supplying them with housing which will have them losing their rights. Correctional officers work in prisons, and they oversee criminals who have been sentenced by the courts to face punishment for their wrongdoings and improve their behavior. Furthermore, corrections offer offenders with schooling along with therapy and also instruct them on moral and self-control.

The United States Criminal Justice System is a large field that contains a broad category of jobs and professions which allows different individuals to provide their valuable service to the society. There are careers in Homeland Security, and they secure the US borders, deal with unlawful immigration, terrorism, and natural disasters. Forensic Investigation looks for evidence of criminal activity and document physical proof. Social Justice Services deals with child custody investigations and much more.

Ethics are the base of the criminal justice system that will support all as a nation, It has a collection of ethical principle to follow that will help in meeting it's community needs. Police, courts, and corrections are required to cooperate and maintain good communication daily to fulfill their mission and make society a more secure place to be.

However, there have been dilemmas within the correction due to overcrowding of jails that are causing problems like brutal living situations among inmates that have to share a one-person cell. With the vast congestion causing prisoners to not have their privacy, it causes a rise in violence and self-destruction.

Finally, the criminal justice system is the most significant public system for people and society. They operate with exceptional power together to reduce crime and defend the innocent, while some put their life on the line to protect the country.

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The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA. (2021, August 06). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA.” Edubirdie, 06 Aug. 2021,
The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
The Structure Of Criminal Justice System In The USA [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 06 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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