The Theme Of Freedom Lack In The Giver

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In an attempt to make a perfect society the people in the community lose their freedom and don't gain anything from it. Through her novel The 'Giver', Lois Lowry utilizes the aims, that the community tried to make a perfect society and gain a lot, by solving world problems. Firstly, Lowry explores the community controlling the weather. Secondly, the characters in the novel cannot choose their jobs. Finally, all characters have to take pills to 'suppress' their emotions. Thus, Lowry provides an insight into the attempts of the people in charge to create a perfect society.

Lowry explores how the Committee of Elders tried to make a perfect society by controlling the weather. The Committee of Elders had authority over everyone, they aimed to create a perfect society by controlling the weather, they informed this by choosing if the weather would be hot, cold, this was called “climate control”. The Giver stated that “weather made transportation almost impossible”. This conversation between the Giver and Jonas gave readers insight into why the Committee of Elders decided to control the weather. When “Climate Control” was not invented, transportation was extremely hard, the Committee of Elders wanted to solve this problem by creating “Climate Control”, they believed that this could contribute to a utopian society. However, snow was removed from the community. Destroying snow will end a lack of food in the community because it would make growing crops easier. Jonas was curious about why there was no snow in the community the Giver stated that “Snow made growing crops difficult”. This conversation gave not only the readers but also Jonas an insight into why the Committee of Elders decided to destroy snow, the Committee of Elders destroyed snow by “Climate Control”, which gave them authority to dictate the weather. Therefore, Lowry explores how the Committee of Elders tried to create a perfect society by controlling the weather.

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Lowry unpacks how people in the community do not have the freedom to choose their jobs. The aim of the Committee of Elders' attempt of a perfect society was to take away the people's freedom to choose jobs, however, because of this they choose the peoples jobs for them. The jobs are decided at the ceremony of 12 and are announced by the Chief Elder, the children are watched throughout their childhood so the right decision can be made, to determine their future. Jonas was waiting for his job to be announced. The Chief Elder stated that “They have determined your future”. Jonas’s reaction once he heard what she said, he was not only excited but extremely nervous to finally find out the job that was chosen for him. Jonas had the Receiver of memory job which was given to him because of his knowledge. However, the people in the community are not able to choose jobs, mother's are not able to choose their children. They can't give birth to any children only birth mothers can which they are assigned the job at the ceremony of 12. Jonas’s mother didn’t like this job; she stated that “There's very little honour in that assignment”. Jonas’s mother's opinion about birth mothers isn't good, she along with many other women would love the freedom to deliver their children instead of being handed babies. Therefore, Lowry explores how the people in the community have lost the freedom to choose their jobs and have babies.

Lowry utilises how the people in the community are forced to take pills called “stirring” which suppress all emotions this is described as “stirring”. The people in the community are forced to repress all emotions. This means no one within the community can physically have emotions for another person. Once Jonas didn't take his pills, he had a dream fantasising over his friend Fiona. Jonas stated that “I wanted to take her clothes off and get her into the tub”. The talk between Jonas and his mother gives readers an insight into not only what happens after you don't take the pills but the lack of freedom the people in the community get. To create a perfect society the Committee of elders decided to invent sameness this could get rid of racism and other big problems although it seemed to be a great idea the people lost their ability to see colour. Within the community, they struggled to completely master sameness. When Jonas was talking to the Giver, the Giver stated that “We've nether completely mastered sameness”. The conversation between the Giver and Jonas gives readers insight into why the community lost more than they gained by it and gives insight into why the community has no freedom. Therefore, Lowry explores how the people have to suppress their emotions by “stirring” and how sameness was neither fully developed.


Throughout the novel The Giver, Lowry explores the lack of freedom the people in the community have, she, explains the attempts to create a perfect society. She shares experiences from the people in the community, not having their freedom. Lowry, however, explores the loss the community faced to gain a perfect society. No one could feel love for other people. Thus, she encourages readers to sympathize, the lack of freedom people have within the community.

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The Theme Of Freedom Lack In The Giver. (2022, July 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 3, 2025, from
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