This Is Who I Really Am

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All of these Facebook quizzes drive me crazy. I am like the next guilty person when making I want to know whether Donald Trump took the last one. But this morning, when I saw 'Your Finger Words About Your People', I shook my head. I don't need to look at my feet to find out who I am and don't need it. We lose a lot of things when we always see our fingers. Look, look ahead, look inside, and know who you are. Don't rely on stupid Facebook quizzes.

Know who you are and be good with the fact that you who are you always change. If you ask me who I was before Albany and who I am now, I have to tell you that there are two different souls. The core, the 'I' core, is the same, but I have these little traits that occur when bad things happen and try not to let them change my essence, but it's not an easy task. Albany's experience has made me bitter and angry. Because I really believe in karma, I really tried very hard not to want evil for this project, but every morning I needed conscious effort.

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So, who am I?

First of all, I’m a mother. The truth is, I never wanted to be a mother and my two chickens were a mistake, but now, 25 years later, I can't imagine life without them. They are the reason why I did not undergo a constant vodka diet after my divorce and the reason for getting out of bed every day. So far, they are the best things I've done in my life, and somehow they have become the two most amazing people I know.

Secondly, I am a wife. I am currently married for the third time. My first marriage lasted seven years and my second marriage lasted nine months. Usually, I don't accept my second marriage because it's very short, but it happens. But this third marriage is undoubtedly my best marriage and relationship. I have learned a lot from my past and am glad that we have been together for 13 years.

My friend doesn't have close friends, but some of what I have is for me. Some come from middle school and others I do on the road. They are spread throughout the country, but if any of them need me, I will be there without asking why. When we become friends, I consider you forever as my friend.

I am old because I am looking for a missing road group, I have a driver's license since 1997. I am not sure why I have it and why I did not find an observer group that I had outside myself last week. But a retrospective view of me is a 30-year-old sword, and that's when I feel every year in my 50 years of life. I paused and looked at the mirror in the bathroom. I wondered who this old woman looked at me. It couldn't be recognized for the first time, and for the first time since the fifties, I felt as old as this woman's appearance. You closed your eyes and turned 30, and then you opened your 50s, it went really fast and today I have to adapt.

Most importantly, I'm happy. With all the turns and turns during the past 50 years, this is more than just height. I love and lose and love again. I have to be the mother of two children that I never knew I wanted or needed. I have to grow as a man and be a wonderful woman and a good friend. Life is good and that is enough.

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This Is Who I Really Am. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“This Is Who I Really Am.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
This Is Who I Really Am. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
This Is Who I Really Am [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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