Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google

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Table of contents

  1. Vision
  2. Goals and Objectives
  3. SWOT Analysis

Google came into existence more than 20 years ago on the 4th of September 1998. Google was created by two friends named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They found Google when they were completing their Ph.D. at the Stanford University in California. The headquarters of Google is located in California, United States. Google was actually known as Backrub when it was initially founded. Together Larry Page and Sergey Brin own 14% of Google’s shares. Sundar Pichai is the current CEO of Google. In 2013, the company won ‘Overall Brand of the Year’ and ‘Ad of the Year’ awards for their success from a television and video analytics firm called Ace Metrix. This company was built around the idea that work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun. The main aim of this company was to provide the best possible information about what a person searched for. In 2001, Google made its first international office in Tokyo. Google Images was also launched in 2001. There are over 150 million Internet searches that Google handles per day. The company has increased the number of language versions to 15. In 2004, Google launched Gmail and bought a digital mapping firm named Keyhole which later became Google Earth. The famous browser Google Chrome was launched 2008. Mobile games became a trend in 2012 and so Google launched its own Google Play from which games could be downloaded on phones and iPads. At one point Google’s parent company known as Alphabet was the most profitable company in the world making $4.9 billion in the last 3 months of 2015. Nowadays it is the 9th most profitable company in the world making almost $78 billion this annual year.


Google’s main objective or vision statement is to organize all of the data in the world and make it accessible for everyone in a useful way. Google also has an unofficial motto which is to avoid being evil. The company focuses on quick search for people looking to find out information on any sort of topic. It also has a chatting function in its email service called Gmail. The site Google+ is part of Google’s vision for social media that is available in phones and other devices. Google's idea of Android phones gives its user’s free access to Google Maps which provides navigation. Google is also involved in other fields as well, such as the Google cars that operate on their own. This is part of Google’s vision for the future where cars drive themselves and people sitting in the car can focus on more productive activities. The Google Chrome web browser is part of the company's vision of having their own browser which gives people access to features online. The company has even begun a new project called ‘Calico’, that is focused on creating a healthier future for all of humanity.

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Goals and Objectives

One of Google’s main goals is to organize the world’s information and make it available and helpful to all people around the world. Every day thousands of users search for information that can be useful for them on one web browser. Google owns more than 70% of America’s online search market. Another objective of Google is to produce the best possible solutions to your questions. Whether you are looking for answers or products, the first place you think to look at would be Google. Nowadays people even look for directions to a certain place on Google. It is amazing that what you are looking for is available on Google and you can get that information in only a few seconds. This is possible because of all the algorithms that search through a huge database containing billions of websites, links, publications etc. One of Google’s goals is to constantly update its algorithms to have information on the new day to day events happening around the world. Google’s reputation is based on the great quality of information it gives. To maintain this reputation it does not rank a website that it doesn’t trust. When it doesn’t rank a website, the website does not appear when searched about that particular information. Google does not care who makes the website or whether the person/business making the website profits or not. It only cares about promoting the websites it trusts.

SWOT Analysis

  1. Strengths. They have got a strong brand image and it is well known by most people around the world. They have a large and diversified business as they have been around for more than 20 years.
  2. Weaknesses. They depend too much on the Internet and not all countries have access to the Internet. They have got very little physical presence since they are an online based business. They haven’t made enough products people want.
  3. Opportunities. They can exploit the current trend of increased mobile usage by offering mobile-friendly products.
  4. Threats. They have got some tough competition. Other firms can copy Google’s products.

This shows that Google has got important strengths that most companies around the world wish they had. To address its weaknesses, the company must improve its physical presence through promotions and opening more physical stores. The company has opened stores in UK but now the need to go worldwide. Based on this SWOT analysis, the company must make efforts against the threats of competition and copying of their work. Google can expect better performance when they address the issues mentioned in this SWOT analysis.

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Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Vision, Goals, Objectives, Strengths and Weaknesses of Google [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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