Significance of Outdoor Games for Children's Development

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As children, one of the biggest rewards that we can have is when our parents allow us to play outside with our friends or with our toys. However, aside from being a fun activity children can enjoy, play is also considered one of the most effective ways we help children’s overall growth and development. Even though most children today spend more time indoors and looking at their computer or gadgets’ screens, or simply because of overprotective parents, studies have proven that this parenting trend is actually detrimental to a child’s growth and development. In this essay, I would like to focus on outdoor games and why they are good for children.

According to Red Tricycle, one of the benefits that children get from outdoor play is that it provides them with healthy exposure to sunshine. As compared to staying indoors, children who play more outside get a lot of exposure to the sun, which enables them to acquire the needed level of vitamin D during early childhood. Furthermore, one New York Times article also reveals that moderate sun exposure can boost your child’s overall immunity against infections and respiratory tracts, all the while reducing the risk of vision-related problems.

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On the other hand, playing outdoors is another way for children to get the needed amount of exercise that their body needs. Letting kids stay indoors and increase their screen time exposure is not only detrimental to their cognitive health, but an article published in the Washington Post reports that children who play outdoor games are more likely to live healthy and wholesome lives once they reach adulthood. Meanwhile, a similar article published in The Telegraph reveals that outdoor games, or playing in nature, improve children’s sleeping habits. Some countries even encourage infants to sleep outdoors, but with adult supervision, reports Red Tricycle.

And lastly, outdoor play is another way children can develop different life skills that can help them in their later lives. According to a study released by Harvard Health Publishing, free play often encourages children to use some of their early life skills, such as planning, decision-making, problem-solving, negotiation, and multitasking. In other words, the study says that the more that children socialize with their peers, the more likely will they be able to practice and hone these early life skills, which can be extremely useful once they become adults. In addition, unstructured play can help children learn to improvise and improve their creativity since this allows them to amuse themselves, another important skill that is necessary for their overall cognitive functioning and creativity.

In summary, play, especially outdoor play, is essential for children's growth and development. In the modern information age, parents should not forget about this and in every possible way encourage their children to play outdoor games.

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Significance of Outdoor Games for Children’s Development. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
“Significance of Outdoor Games for Children’s Development.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023,
Significance of Outdoor Games for Children’s Development. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 Jan. 2025].
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