1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Pros and Cons of Golden Rice

Organisms that have altered genomes in them are known as transgenics. A transgenic is essentially when an organism has been altered through the injection of another animal’s genes. Transgenics are generated in a laboratory either for commercial or research purposes and are created through the process of recombinant DNA where one gene is taken from organism and put with another to create a new organism. Golden rice is an example of a transgenic organisms and specifically, genetically modified organism (GMO)....
2 Pages 973 Words

Portrayal of Segregation between Whites and Blacks in ‘The Help’ and ‘Hidden Figures’

Throughout Tate Taylor’s ‘The Help’ and Theodore Melfi’s ‘Hidden Figures’, the directors reveal how discrimination encompassed every aspect of social life in the ‘60s, which was still legally enforced in America. This is explored in Taylor’s 2011 film on how white housewives justified the emotional abuse and mistreatment of their black maids by persuading themselves that black individuals are inferior to white people. This is also prevalent in Melfi’s 2017 film which follows three African American women who work for...
2 Pages 974 Words

Political, Social and Cultural Representation of Europe in the Movie 'Casablanca'

Speaking about the political representation of Europe in the movie, it should be noted that the action of the film unfolds during the modern World War II. During World War II many Europeans fled from the Fascists controlled continents seeking refuge in America and around the world. Casablanca acts as one of them. A Nazi major arrives here and tries to detain a Czechoslovakian leader. This movie is an intense and moving political thinker which revolves under various philosophical and...
2 Pages 966 Words

Poetry as a Cure for Teenage Mental Illness

You may think poetry is useless and dull, which it can be, but it also an amazing way to be creative and show what you feel. Poetry dates back thousands of years to the earliest literate cultures, before even written texts. In these times it was used for remembering history or law. Throughout centuries it has evolved into many new types of poems, topics and uses, such as Shakespearean sonnets or Japanese haiku. The poetry that is popular today is...
2 Pages 988 Words

Physical Beauty Vs Inner Beauty

Beauty is mostly referred to how people thought about themselves. If people are revered of their outlooks or intelligence, their self-esteem will cumulatively increase, and they would feel beautiful. However, most people recently are being insecure about their appearance and start to make-up, color their hair, purchase stunning dressing or even seek for cosmetic surgery in order to emulate other charming celebrities and be alluring. Those people have been forgotten the significance of their inner beauty. Inner beauty shows inner...
2 Pages 954 Words

Personal Opinion about GMO Foods

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. GMO foods are made through genetic engineering. According to my past knowledge of GMO foods is that they are very dangerous. They lead to many health risks that may lead to cancer or damaged organs. That’s just naming a few of the problems it can cause. With GMO they’re modified to do certain things such as resist pests and weed killers. But modifying DNA may cause changed down the road for genetics. These genetic...
2 Pages 961 Words

Our Time Is Now

Life unfurls in the present. In any case, so regularly, we let the present sneak away, enabling time to surge past imperceptibly and unseized, and wasting the valuable seconds of our lives as we stress over the future and ruminate about what's past. Therefore, understanding time in a philosophical way is as pointless as filling a bucket with holes to the top. Time is a human concept that can be explained in numerous ways by many different individuals. There is...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Oral Cancer as One of the Most Popular Types of Cancer

Oral cancer is known as one of the most popular types of cancer among people all over the globe, and there are about 200K deaths recorded annually, as a result of it. Oral cancer occurs when a bunch of malignant cells infect the oral tissues, and this harms the oral cavity overall, including different parts, such that the lips, gum, palate, and tongue. It mainly happens as a result of carelessness when it comes to dental care. There are various...
2 Pages 975 Words

Opinion Writing about Therapy Dogs

What do you expect to find in a classroom? Students, books, pens, pencils and dogs? For pupils in primary and high schools in Scotland it is not common to be greeted by a furry friend in the work area. In my opinion, the idea of having trained dogs in the classroom to help with learning is a great one and it’s time to take action and expand on the 0.24% of UK schools that cater to having these dogs. I...
2 Pages 1026 Words

My Dream Vs the American Dream

How is the American Dream is portrayed in different scenarios and centuries? The American Dream is accomplished by sacrifice, working hard, and taking risks, and not by luck. My dream is similar to the American Dream because I believe I can be successful if I put a lot of effort into achieving my goals. George and Lennie understand that if they work hard, they can live an independent, successful life and settle down, without having to worry about money and...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Essay on My Career Journey

We all like comfort. A glass of red with a blanket in front of the fire on a cold, dreary day. The warm embrace of a loved one, sleeping in late. To advance your career, however, you have to step out of your comfort zone. I entered the financial industry at the age of 19, which was already uncomfortable. When I started in October 1987, the stock market ‘crashed’ and lost 500 points in one day — something headlines today...
2 Pages 991 Words

My American Dream Sounds Like

Personally, the American Dream today is the ability to succeed by doing what you love. I understand that everyone has different dreams of how they want to live their life. Some people just want to graduate college and get a Bachelor’s degree, then live the rest of their life working an average 9-5 job, then get old and retire. For me that is definitely not the life I see myself living. I am dreaming bigger and I visualize myself being...
2 Pages 968 Words

Motherhood Difficulties of Migrant Women

Motherhood is a unique and fascinated experience for some women. Many women’s experiences of being mother do not go well. Being mother is associated with many responsibilities and lifestyle changes. These transitional demands often become stressful for many females and leads to psychological problems. This often becomes worse for women who live abroad. Being mother out of their own cultural context, social support and caregivers, interaction and communication problems with healthcare providers and changes in identity are some crucial problems...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Mental Health and Mental Illness Should Be Taken More Seriously

In this essay I will be discussing my opinion on mental health, my personal experience, and why I believe it is not taken as seriously as it should be. Most people have been or will be diagnosed with a mental illness in their lifetime. Unfortunately, though everyone does not receive the help they need for these illnesses. Mental illness is normal and can affect anyone, even being passed down genetically. But yet there is still shame behind having it. I...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Mark Zuckerberg's Leadership Shown in the Movie 'The Social Network'

This report will introduce the effectiveness of leadership shown in the movie ‘The Social Network’ which was based on the owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. It primarily focuses on the, leader’s leadership characteristics, behavior and style. Mark Zuckerberg was the undergraduate 2nd year student in the Harvard college. He was very obsessed to the programming and coding. Afterwards, he created a website name FaceMash, in which he hacked various hostel databases and downloaded pictures of female students, where male students...
2 Pages 984 Words

Main Views and Beliefs of Max Weber and John Maynard Keynes

This short paper will focus on the studies and the beliefs that intellectuals such as Max Weber and John Maynard Keynes devoted their lives to. Theorists and sociologists alike have played a very important part of our everyday modern lives. There works and achievements have allowed us as a civilization to effectively understand how to properly communicate with our environment and society in unisons. The works of Max Weber and John Maynard Keynes have propelled our society and in turn,...
2 Pages 995 Words

Key Themes of the Movie 'Frozen'

‘Frozen’ is a movie like no other in the Disney industry because it has not one but two female protagonists. This story is about two sisters, Elsa, and Anna, who have this unconditional love and care for each other even when they were far away from each other. They show the power of sisterhood, contradict the belief that ‘true love’ comes from being in love with a prince, and show the importance of self-acceptance. Frozen offers the ethics of family...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Job with the Highest Depression Rate

This paper is talk about the deprecation and how can it effect the worker in their jobs. There are many jobs that can make you depression in some jobs the depression rate is higher than other jobs. Like personal care, food service, social workers, and healthcare. So, what makes those have the higher rate? the reasons that make those jobs have the higher rate are many. For example, a lot of personal work, if you take care of sick people...
2 Pages 988 Words

The Jewelry by Guy De Maupassant

The short story, ‘The Jewelry’, by Guy De Maupassant examines the theme of life being full of irony and never knowing what you are really dealing with. One may perceive something and think it is amazing until they see the reality of the situation and then truly understand what they were dealing with and how the person or thing they thought were something turned to be something completely different. The short story is filled with many ironic situations. Irony is...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Increasing Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The general problem of drinking alcohol can lead to addiction and further negative implications within the body and mind of an individual. This is important because individuals begin to drink just to feel good it will cause a serious social and medical problem as they may not be able to function without it. Therefore, the critical issue at that point is how can one avert and control its addiction and limit the damages that are associated with drinking. Within the...
2 Pages 1020 Words

How Animals Use Sound to Communicate? Essay

Animals use sound to communicate for reasons of survival, friendship, and breeding. Following the start of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, sound communication has since been a key aspect of animal lives, allowing for the enunciation of varying ideas to others. The conflicting purposes of auditory communication can be through several animals such as birds, chimpanzees, and dogs. The significant threshold moments will also be exemplified as the distinct effect of early life, early humanity and domestication will...
2 Pages 997 Words

Have Genetically Modified Foods Improved the Food Industry? Essay

Genetic modification is the area of biotechnology which concerns itself with the manipulation of genetic material in living organisms and enabling them to perform a specific function. New developments leading to modern genetic modification which took place in 1946 where scientists first discovered that genetic material was transferable between different species. Genetically modified yields have been helpful to both the economy and nature. The worldwide nourishment harvest yield (1996–2013) has expanded by > 370 million tons (Raman, 2017) over a...
2 Pages 1022 Words

GMOs: For or Against

Imagine if we could produce crops that do not require any pesticides, grow quicker than normal, and are produced with vital nutrients not previously found in them. This isn’t fantasy, as we already do all of the above through GMOs. According to the World Health Organization, GMOs or genetically modified organisms, are defined as organisms, such as plants, in which the genetic material, or DNA, has been modified in a manner that would not occur in nature. This is generally...
2 Pages 961 Words

Genetically Modified Foods: Golden Rice

Genetically modified foods will enhance food security. Food security is defined as 'when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life' (World Food Summit, 1996). Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are used in the agricultural industry to increase crop protection (resistance against plant viruses/diseases and tolerance towards herbicides); and additionally, are of greater nutritional benefit to the...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Genetically Modified Food Products

With Earths large population of over seven billion people, it comes to no surprise that we have had to resort in producing genetically modified foods. Food is the fuel for our bodies; food helps keep us alive, it’s a source of energy that give us the ability to take on internal and external tasks. Genetically modified foods, also known by the term bioengineered foods are organisms that have changes in their DNA, an example being the transfer of the gene...
2 Pages 954 Words

Food Waste: The Dumbest Environmental Problem

Food waste has become a contributor to climate change, energy consumption, and the growing impoverished and food-deprived population. People’s lack of consideration is the base of this issue, and if we continue, these problems will progress and eventually reach to an extent of which is unreturnable. This is considered the dumbest environmental problem, as the solution to this problem is easy – people need to realize what they are doing to their environment and change how they manage their food....
2 Pages 988 Words

Food Addiction to Chocolate

Addictions are a very serious topic of discussion which has recently flooded the media. There are several types of addiction, each with a respective magnitude, and food addictions fall into this category. Food addiction is often pushed to the side by addictions deemed more detrimental by society. This accusation of food addictions not being detrimental does not accurately represent the magnitude of the situation. There are several categories of food addiction and one of these is the addiction to sweets,...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Eva's Way of Developing Conscience in the Film ‘Freedom Writers’

The English term ‘dignity’ comes from the Latin word ‘dignitas’, meaning ‘worthiness’. It implies that each person is worthy of honor, respect and to be treated ethically for who they are, and not just for what they can do. Human dignity cannot be earned and cannot be taken away. It is of significance in morality, ethics, law and politics as an extension of the Enlightenment-era concepts of inherent, inalienable rights. Conscience, meaning a person's inner moral sense of right and...
2 Pages 959 Words

Essay on the Movie 'Food, Inc.'

‘Food, Inc.’ is an informative yet eerie documentary exposing the truth behind the food industry and its ways behind food production. Directed by Robert Kenner, this 2008 documentary sets out to educate the American population, manufacturers and government on a number of serious matters. Kenner achieves this through disclosing the appalling nature of the working and growing conditions, food safety and of course how the food is produced. Although he points out all the flaws in an outraged and indignant...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Essay on Bone Cancer

Cancer involves the uncontrolled division of the body's cells, which cancer can cause in any tissue of the body, and each type of cancer has its own unusual characteristics. Cancer begins when a cell breaks free from conventional restrictions on cell division and begins to require motivation to proliferate. “All the cells conveyed by division of this to start with, genetic cell and its descendant in addition appear uncivilized proliferation” (Cho, Y. J., Cho, Y. M., Kim, S. H., Shin,...
2 Pages 1033 Words
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