500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Cause and Solution of Air Pollution Essay

The air pollution solution I will be talking about today is the Paris Agreement. As Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the director of WHO said: “The Paris Agreement is potentially the strongest health agreement of this century”. The goal of the Paris Agreement is to make our “response to climate change stronger”. They will do this by “keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even...
1 Page 503 Words

Brotherhood In Gilgamesh

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is Gilgamesh, half man half demigod whose ultimate goal is to reach immortality and then there's Endiku, who was made from clay and water by Aruru who lived with the wild. The whole creation of Endiku was made to rid Gilgamesh of his arrogance and Gilgamesh quest for immortality is what ultimately led him to meet Endiku and the genuine kinship between those two is libertarian. Everything is shared, devotion to the fellowship is...
1 Page 498 Words

Analysing Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Anime

Introduction Jojo’s bizarre adventure (JBA) is a fighting Japanese anime that was adapted from the manga(comic). The comments of the anime are two extremes. Some people love this anime , but some people can't accept its unique style of painting, so why is this anime so popular? This report analyses and comments on the anime in an objective way. Painting style The painting style of JBA is unique, people can find out the anime is JBA with only the painting...
1 Page 498 Words

America is Not a Democracy Essay

Even though America may be considered a Democracy, could it be falling into a Plutocracy? In fact, it very much could, A study named “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens” (2019) implies and gives evidence to show that it could be a Plutocracy. The evidence given was a database of 1,779 policy issues, which included data on the opinions of median-income Americans, to determine whose opinions correlated most closely with actual government policy. They even...
1 Page 515 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy Essay

Democracy is something that gives the right to the people to elect their head. In short, you can say that democracy is all about electing officials through people’s vote and consent. There are many big countries that enjoy democracy as it is considered to be the basis of any system. For any country to progress, it is important that democracy is established. Though democracy offers a number of benefits to the people but there are a few disadvantages too. Let...
1 Page 499 Words

Absolutism VS Democracy

In past years, a democratic nation where autocracy has been recently on the rise is Turkey. The reason for this is the fact that the Justice and Development Party (now the AKP) and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have worked together to implement various laws and innovative strategies in order to gain power. Erdogan rose to power in 2002, when he became president of the newly formed AKP party, and after winning the general elections, slowly he became more and...
1 Page 480 Words

A Rhetorical Question in 'Gretel In Darkness'

Throughout 'Gretel in Darkness', Louise Gluck employs the medium of poetry to describe the intense emotional turmoil that a survivor of traumatic experiences can go through, weaving the audience through the flashbacks of a distressing experience and interjecting the all too real alienation that one can feel when recovering. The author's expert word choice and rhetorical questioning invites the audience to explore trauma through themes of memory and isolation. The imagery of the witch's house and the forest is recalled...
1 Page 522 Words

A Rainy Day at the Beach

A tour is a pleasant experience. It makes us feel relaxed by reducing anxiety and stress. We should go for a tour with our family, friends or others. A tour also helps to increase our relational bonding. I personally a tour lover. I travel a lot. Whenever I find an opportunity to go for a tour, I try to do my best. Almost every year I go for several tours in various places. Last summer I went for a tour...
1 Page 509 Words

Esperanza Rising': Book Report

Lost and alone in the forbidden Black Forest, Otto meets three baffling sisters and all of a sudden winds up laced in a confusing mission including a prophecy, a promise, and a harmonica. Decades later, Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy in California each turned out to be intertwined when the plain same harmonica arrives in their lives, restricting them by an undetectable string of predetermination. Every one of the kids confront overwhelming difficulties: saving a dad, securing...
1 Page 524 Words

Liberalism vs Socialism Comparison Essay

The terms ‘socialism’ and liberalism’ are used a lot nowadays, and many people often mistake one for the other. In order to differentiate between these two terms, one must keep in mind the clear-cut differences by defining the prevailing ideology of each term. The tenets of socialism assert that the state should wield total economic power by manipulating prices of goods and wages of workers. Furthermore, socialism requires people to submit to the rule of law. In return for their...
1 Page 495 Words

Medical Tourism in the Philippines: Strengths and Weaknesses

Medical tourism is the one major part resources in the rapid growth of the economy nowadays, it involves more patients to decide where to visit a local health provider, that’s why if you’re in the world of medical tourism you’re not stop finding discovering new tactics, styles, and find ways to attract patients, so they don’t get stressed over whatever their illness is. The customer’s experiences of medical tourism are the main factor that influences his/her satisfaction, which in turn...
1 Page 508 Words

If I Were President: Essay

Being the president of a country is a big responsibility for one person. If I were president, I would change the government, overthrowing corrupt politicians and those with a criminal record in the field of government. I would listen to the grievance of my fellow citizens on their daily problems in our society like traffics, flooding, and many more. I would try to solve the problem of flooding by continuing the project of the past President Marcos. Based on the...
1 Page 480 Words

The Dark Side of Technology

As the advent of technology brought an easiness and comfort in our life, at the same time it brought some devastating impact on our social life. People don't take interest in their ambitions and life matters, they only enjoy using different technological gadgets like computers, mobile phones, speakers, iPods, television. Besides this, there is a huge outreach to almost every person in social media that may be any leader, scholar, model etc. This was not possible without technology. Technology had...
1 Page 499 Words

Cryptocurrency: Arguments in Its Favor and Increased Media Attention to It

Usually, when we make a transaction, the payment is processed by a credit card company or a bank. However, this could lead to risks such as protecting data from hackers, taking longer for international payments and expensive. Therefore, cryptocurrency helps to keep data secure and protected using mathematics as it only exists in computer networks. With digital currency like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the media attention has gained as there’s public knowledge in the modern marketplace. The main argument in favor...
1 Page 504 Words

Benefits of Free Trade for Developing Countries

A free trade policy is one in which imports and exports are not limited. It can also be described as the application of the free market concept to foreign trade. Government will not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports by imposing tariffs or subsidies on import. Countries, especially those in the developing stage, profit from free trade in a variety of ways. A developing world is one country with limited economic resources and/or a low standard of living. Strategic...
1 Page 485 Words

Factors Contributing to the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe

The loss of legitimacy, the arms race with the West and the Economic problems are the main precursor to eventual collapse of communism. While the Soviet government failed to create the correct policies to tackle their social and economic woes, their political actions in the 1980s also proved to be pivotal in the downfall of the Soviet Union and the eventual downfall of communism throughout Eastern Europe. The arms race exhausted the productive capacity of the Soviet Union and other...
1 Page 500 Words

Presidency: How a Candidate Becomes the President

Every four years a new president is elected, but what does a candidate do behind the scenes to become president? Running for presidency takes a lot of time, money, and work. The first step to becoming president is qualifying and meeting regulations. A president qualifies if he is 35 years old, lived in the country for 14 years, and either been born in America or one of his or her parents been born in America. Once someone meets those requirements,...
1 Page 523 Words

Should Students Get Limited Access to the Internet? Essay

Nowadays, with every passing day the Internet has become more essential for daily life activities. To get instant information or for any transaction’s the Internet became very useful and necessary. For students, the Internet has become more important because with the help of the Internet they will get their tasks done. However, a vital factor in every habit comes with some good and bad effects for the people who are habituated to it. Students are using the Internet so much...
1 Page 503 Words

Internet Censorship in China: Pros and Cons

Censorship, as it is defined today, is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, harmful, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. In many countries, the freedom to use the internet as we wish does not exist. Certain searches and even entire parts of the internet may be blocked by a country’s government. One of the biggest examples of censorship today is the censorship of China’s Internet. The Chinese Internet stands...
1 Page 501 Words

Belgium's Efforts to Combat Illicit Arms Trade

According to Wikipedia, the arms trade is defined as “global industry which manufactures and sells weapons and military technology”. Recorded to have happened since the 16th century, the global transfer of weapons undoubtedly has brought many profits for the mass arms-producing nations’ economic as well as strengthened the means of self-defense of a country. However, due to lux control over the arms market, making thousand types of firearms went missing or into wrong hands such as the extremist and terrorist,...
1 Page 513 Words

My First Trip to San Juan: An Essay

Every year, my family takes a trip to Puerto Rico to visit family and friends. In 2017, Hurricane Maria came to the Island and devastated Puerto Rico, ‘La Isla del Encanto’. The next time we visited our home in Las Marias was in the summer of 2018. We were able to see our family and bring some things that were still needed. However, the highlight of the trip, that separated it from all the other times we have gone, was...
1 Page 505 Words

Enforcing Net Neutrality: Right or Not

To reap the benefits of the Internet and maximize its potential, we should adopt a balanced approach to regulating the Internet, leaving the industry to market forces and intervening only when necessary. Proponents of net neutrality argue that discrimination of Internet traffic by ISPs limits consumer choice and impedes innovation. They fear that without regulations, ISPs may be enticed to block, degrade or impose charges for consumer choice (IDA, 2010). For example, ISPs may begin selling Internet bundles, where accessing...
1 Page 495 Words

The Impact of Hispanics on the Political Culture of Texas

Nowadays, the United States has grown rapidly throughout the years; however, one of the growths that have been shown is the one in Texas. The issue that now is showing is the fear that Hispanics would become the highest number of people populated in Texas. Whatsoever, this essay is going to talk about how the growth of Hispanics has impact Texas or how it will affect in the future. An analysis shows that the growth in Hispanics will impact Texas,...
1 Page 513 Words

How Are Information Systems Transforming Business, and Why Are They so Essential for Running and Managing a Business Today?

The manner in which businesses are done in the modern era have been altered a lot by the usage of information system in the firms all around the world. Information system has made processing faster in any firm. The data about inventory is available on the computers and the orders are processed over the computers and in this way the count of things go out are added up for purchase by the information system, thus there is no manual counting...
1 Page 509 Words

Position Paper on Argentina and Its Economic Development

Argentina is a federal country comprising 23 provinces and the autonomous federal capital of Buenos Aires .It has a long economic history that dates from 1880 when Argentina was relatively isolated backwater , dependent on the salted meet , wool , leather and and hide industries .After 1880 it began to experience swift growths through the export of livestock and grain commodities as well as through Britain and French investmen, marking the beginning of a fifty-year era of significant economic...
1 Page 491 Words

Essay on Population Problem in India

Some people argue that a majority of pressing global issues are engendered by population explosion. In my opinion, I completely agree with this point of view for some reasons. We need to control our population. One vexing problem worth mentioning is the chronic shortage of housing in many major cities worldwide, especially in densely populated areas in the city center. The primary cause of such an issue is the massive influx of rural migrants who flock to cities in search...
1 Page 514 Words

Andrew Jackson Good or Bad? Essay

After viewing the documentary ‘Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, and the Presidency’, my attitude towards Andrew Jackson changed. I can conclude that Andrew Jackson had very serious anger issues and this could lead to some problems. Andrew Jackson had some very bad anger issues and this would lead to some problems. Jackson resigned from congress after a year of service and began raising race horses and made large sum bets on the races. Andrew was a man who loved violence, whiskey...
1 Page 525 Words

An Overview of the Differences Between New York and Los Angeles

New York City and Los Angeles are two major urban communities found inside the United States of America. Large and crowded, the urban areas are found in various states, New York City being in New York while Los Angeles being in California. The two of them draw in a large number of guests despite being tremendously packed and expensive to live in. While the urban communities have a few similitudes and might be alluring to different individuals relying upon their...
1 Page 524 Words

Should Cities Offer Free Public Wi-Fi? Persuasive Essay

Free Wi-Fi is a wireless network in public areas like restaurants, store’s airport’s act. Did you know that more than 60% of businesses said that the customers spend more time at your business when free Wi-Fi is offered? Having free and fast Wi-Fi will help customers stay productive and connected while they are at your business place, or store, so they will want to stay longer. Some pros of having free Wi-Fi are that 3G and 4G data are becoming...
1 Page 485 Words

The Financial Crisis: An Essay on Its Causes and Consequences

A financial crisis is a situation when businesses and consumers are unable to pay their debts, asset prices depreciate, and financial institutions go through a shortage of liquidity. There are several types of crises, including stock market crash, financial bubble or a currency crisis (Dabla-Norris et al., 2015). All these crises have similar causes, and the consequences are much more alike. Among the most common causes of the financial crisis include a mismatch in liquidity. On rare occasions, financial institutions...
1 Page 517 Words
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