500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Kent State: My Internship and Studying Abroad

My study of fashion merchandising will contribute to my long range career plans by giving me an in depth look into the business side of the fashion industry. The fashion merchandising program at Kent State has a graduation requirement of studying abroad/away. They have studying abroad programs all over the world. Kent State also requires an internship to graduate. This would give me first hand knowledge and experience and help to further my career. By interning while I’m still in...
1 Page 524 Words

Conservation of Water Resources in the Local Municipality Essay

Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require water in some form or the other. However, this precious resource is depleting day by day. The majority of the reasons behind it are man-made only. Thus, the need for water conservation is more than ever now. Through this water conservation essay,...
1 Page 523 Words

Corporate Engagement in Sports Leagues in India

Ownership of franchises in sports leagues in India has proven to be quite popular, at least optically, with the private sector. Most leagues have a standard format of a central league structure owned by promoters, who then seek corporate owners and partner them with celebrities as co-owners, with varying financial terms and equity allocations. Central sponsorship and team sponsorship are the key revenue models for such leagues, since broadcasting and gate revenues for a majority of the leagues do not...
1 Page 511 Words

How People Interpreted Einstein's Quote About God

One of Albert Einstein’s most famous quotes is, “God does not play dice with the universe.”But there are two huge errors in the way many people have interpreted this quote over the years. People have wrongly assumed Einstein was religious, believed in destiny, or that he completely rejected a core theory in physics. First, Einstein wasn’t referring to a personal god in the quote. He was using “God” as a metaphor.”Einstein, of course, believed in mathematical laws of nature, so...
1 Page 493 Words

A One Day in Space

My hero of all times and one who inspire me to set my aim to become an astronaut was “Neil Armstrong”. First man to the Moon. He said that “Pilots do not take any special joy in walking but Pilots like flying”. I love to go to Space and live in ISS for six months. Astronauts live a difficult life in space. They have to carry their Oxygen cylinder with them on their back. They have to sleep in sleep...
1 Page 487 Words

The United State's Debt Problem and The American Politician

Our National Debt problem is the result of irresponsible governing and four types of deficits. The first deficit is a leadership deficit. Presidents in current times have been incapable of dealing with the deficit. A big drawback to dealing with it is the politician’s fear of not getting reelection. Another deficit visible in our country’s governing is a savings deficit. As a country we seem to be incapable of saving money. We spend even that which we don’t have.This isn’t...
1 Page 498 Words

Britain's Domination of The Industrial Revolution

Britain’s Domination of the Industrial RevolutionBritain was the leader of the industrial revolution in the 17th century while the rest of the modern world was struggling to catch up. The industrial revolution was made possible due to the many changes and innovations in the agricultural industry. The Agricultural Revolution did away with the old medieval communal method of farming, privatized the land, and introduced scientific breeding and farming techniques which increased the agricultural production significantly. These new processes created a...
1 Page 487 Words

Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation

There were many debates and publications over the lack of efficient quantitative macroeconomic modeling in a period from 1970 to 1990. Famous economists Jordi Gali and Mark Gehtler in their papers try to analyze the reasons relating to the failure of current macroeconomic models of monetary policy and progress the framework for new models. The main indicator of unsuccessful modeling during those years was hesitant projections of the future economy made by lots of central banks. These forecasts were mainly...
1 Page 510 Words

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Dangerous caesium-137, which has a long half-life, is still a problem. There are measurable levels in soils and some foods in a lot of Europe. Five million people still live in places with elevated radiation levels. It was caused by mankind because the people that built it did not build it will enough they did not look at the directions right. They had to do multiple indemediant changes the safety of humankind and still messed it up I chose this...
1 Page 478 Words

Nuclear Energy and The Danger of Environment Essay

Introduction Nuclear energy is magnetizing renewed interest of society and politics due to its impending role in long-term agendas claiming to decrease the danger of global warming and, in a more universal, to achieve sustainable policies. Nevertheless, any project of nuclear origin gets the concerns up about the dangers connected with the discharge of radioactivity for the duration of accident circumstances, radioactive squander discarding, and nuclear bludgeons production. Then in the context of the probability for an innovative nuclear plan...
1 Page 519 Words

History of Pirates: Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

The contention at the focal point of the book, the Barbary Wars, occurred somewhere in the range of 1801 and 1815. Under President Thomas Jefferson, America aligned itself with war-focused mindset against a group of North African states along the Barbary Coast. These included Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, and the autonomous Sultanate of Morocco. These nations were basically privateer countries, making their cash by assaulting ships from different nations and utilizing coercion to gather what was, basically, assurance cash as tributes...
1 Page 524 Words

Puritanism Values in Today's Society

Puritans were some of the first colonists to settle on the soil of North America. They came seeking an escape from the persecution from England. They were chased out and they were refused the right to practice their religion. And in America, they found that privilege. They may have faced a lot of hardships and death, but they were able to practice their beliefs freely and without discrimination. The Puritans were a very sturdy group of people. They had strong...
1 Page 491 Words

Studying Mass Communication Today and in the Past

A Brief History of the Study of Mass Communication Today’s Mass Communication scholars can, to some degree, trace their academic lineage to Walter Lippman and John Dewey, particularly through the famed “Lippman-Dewey” debate(s) of the 1920s and 30s that considered the role of journalism as a form of mass communication and its impact on their preferred version of democracy. At least initially, Lippman favored a journalistic approach that placed intellectual elites as the true – and better equipped – stewards...
1 Page 514 Words

Accepts of Life for Puritans

The Puritans were individuals from a strict development known as Puritanism.This emerged inside the Church of England in the late sixteenth century. They were not the same as others and moved to America for a better life. The puritans were strong, free, and persevering individuals .They had their own design, way of life, diet, and disciplines. The puritan style was intriguing .Women wore a white long-sleeved, linen shirt that had lace at the neckline. Ankle length, abdomen fassend petticoats were...
1 Page 503 Words

Guilt and Innocence as Illustrated by Sophocles in His Oedipus at Colonus

A common theme throughout the Oedipus Cycle is that of guilt coinciding with innocence. In Oedipus at Colonus however in separate instances Oedipus claims to be innocent of his wrong doings as in his fight against Laius he acted in self-defense, and he also insists he was ignorant of his sins so he cannot be punished for committing them,” I bore most evil things, strangers! I bore them involuntarily, let the god know! None of these things was chosen by...
1 Page 489 Words

Parrot in The Oven': Social Issues

Mi Vida is a coming of age novel written in 1996, by Victor Martinez. The story is set in California and is told from the point-of-view of a fourteen year old, Mexican American boy. Manuel Hernandez, like many young men, struggles with identity. Manny’s life is hard. He has two older siblings and a baby sister. His mother does not work. His father is unemployed and an alcoholic. The main provider and only person in his house that can keep...
1 Page 514 Words

Procrastination of Studying as a Reason of Student's Cheating

An immediate effect would be failing the class. Cheating on a college exam is considered a serious offense by any serious educational institution. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, each instructor takes any necessary measures they deem appropriate. The instructor has to follow the College's policy. Frequently, what usually happens is that the student receives an 'F' as the final grade for the class. The 'F' representing failing the class. Students who get used to cheating do not develop...
1 Page 511 Words

Have a Splendid Dubai Desert Safari Sharing Fun With Your Loved Ones

Are you really in search of some good adventures found nowhere but the ideal place of your dreams? Well, let us tell you that your pursuit for that good grand adventure has come to an end, we are going to tell you about the spot of a lifetime. If you have not been there before, we would dimply recommend Dubai Desert Safari, Sharing unlimited fun with all the people you love to be with. Unlimited Adventure It is already a...
1 Page 478 Words

Fiscal Policy vs Monetary Policy Essay

The economic decisions of households can have a significant impact on an economy. For example, a decision on the part of households to consume more and to save less can lead to an increase in employment, investment, and ultimately profits. Equally, the investment decisions made by corporations can have an important impact on the real economy and on corporate profits. But individual corporations can rarely affect large economies on their own; the decisions of a single household concerning consumption will...
1 Page 495 Words

The Great Explorer Marco Polo

Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and explorer, famous for introducing Europeans to China and Central Asia. He inspired future travelers, including Christopher Columbus. Born presumably in the Republic of Venice around 1254, Marco Polo played an important role in cartography. His pioneering explorations of East Asia, as depicted in his iconic book, led to the 1450 Fra Mauro map which has been considered the “greatest memorial of medieval cartography”. His father, Niccolo Polo was a wealthy merchant who traded...
1 Page 504 Words

Singapore Zoo - One of The First Zoological Institutions in Asia Achieving Safety Certifications

Out of more than 1000 zoological institutions in the world, Singapore Zoo is one of the first few zoological institutions in Southeast Asia to be received the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications. ISO 14001 is the highest international accreditation for commitment to and adoption of a system of best practices in environmental management; it sets out how you can go about putting in place an effective Environmental Management System. While as, the OHSAS 18001 is the highest international certification...
1 Page 487 Words

Fracking Must End in USA

The natural gas extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, has simultaneously become a cash cow for unimaginably wealthy energy companies, a ruthlessly efficient destroyer of limited natural resources the United States depends on, and a disturbing new trend that will lead to massive social instability. Several reasons counsel convincingly against fracking such that it should no longer be seen as just a niche cause for environmentalists. Fracking involves injecting millions of gallons of chemically treated water...
1 Page 486 Words

Winesburg Ohio': Book Review

Sherwood Anderson’s book of short stories begins with an old writer thinking of the people he has known throughout his life. Particularly ingrained in his mind are the ‘grotesques’ of Winesburg, the small fictional town in Ohio that serves as the setting for each story. The writer is George Willard, who as a young man worked as a reporter for the Winesburg Eagle. Winesburg, Ohio contains an array of interesting and unusual characters who all suffer from loneliness. Each person...
1 Page 494 Words

The Problem of Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Inverse reinforcement learning is the problem of making an agent learn reward function by observing an expert agent with a given policy or behavior. RL problems give a powerful solution for sequential problems by making use of agents with a given reward function to find a policy by interacting with the environment. However, one major drawback of RL problems is the assumption that a good reward function – which is a succinct representation of designer’s intention- is given. But, identifying...
1 Page 524 Words

Why Was George Washington a Good Leader? Essay

Leadership is something that many aspire to, but few achieve in full measure. It has been defined as being a combination of charisma, integrity, determination, flexibility, resourcefulness, creativity, self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, the ability to communicate, and consistency. George Washington had all these qualities, and it is therefore somewhat ironic that although he was truly a great leader, he never aspired to be one. Washington’s greatness can be judged by the way in which he fulfilled three important roles...
1 Page 481 Words

Commence of E-Learning’s Revolution

When is the time we ever stop learning? We adapt to the digital era by learning, and it also adapts the way we learn. We used to rely on traditional learning because it was the most efficient way of learning. E-learning, a new form of learning we implement starting this digital era. E-learning manifest some new possibilities, it is more cost-friendly, it lessens limitation, better accessibility to learning materials. The cost of learning varies dramatically, depending on the learning method....
1 Page 487 Words

The Meaning of the Systems Management Theory

There are number of theories which have evolved over a period of life with their unique explanation. Systems theory is one of them. Systems management theory is sometimes known as secret sauce of lucrative organization and is known as contemporary theory. Systems theory is compared to human being as it includes various key concepts such as synergy, interdependence and interrelation between different subsystems. Closed system do not interact with the environment whereas open system does. There is no such company...
1 Page 517 Words

The Portrayal of Gender Roles in The Media

Often when we see in advertisements, movies, or the media in general we see gender stereotypes. Where men are shown as tough, show no emotions, messy and unclean, lazy, like to take risk, and are predominantly dominate. Women are shown as more domestic and don’t play sports, love to sing and dance, are nurses instead of doctors, suppose to look pretty, and are quieter. The media plays a huge role in this because we are around media all the time,...
1 Page 508 Words

Birches': The Central Idea

In this write-up, we are attempting to discuss the central idea of Birches, a poem written by Robert Frost. The poem is reminiscent of the poems of The Romantics. Nostalgic, dreamy, escapist- it has all the qualities of any other romantic poems. The poem opens by giving the possible explanations of the bending of the birch trees. Then the poet goes on to explain the beauty of the crystallised snows and ice-capped trees. The poet imagines a boy bending the...
1 Page 487 Words

Biotech Benefits Drought and Salinity Resistant Crops

A study released March 14 concluded that more than 500,000 people could die due to the effects of climate change on food production. And it isn’t the first warning. This headline comes after a 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture saying that climate change could devastate agriculture. The warming climate, the report explained, could lead to dramatic increases in weeds, pests, and diseases. Other scientists have said the change in frequency and severity of extreme weather events (like...
1 Page 505 Words
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