National Junior Honor Society Essay

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National Honor Junior Society would be a great opportunity for me, as I have exemplified each of the four characteristics listed as qualities of a NJHS member. Leadership is an important quality and I believe that I've contemplated that trait. I’m part of an orchestra, where leadership comes as an important trait. Based on my experience in orchestra, I can say that it's very important to be able to use your leadership aspect. Although I'm not always leading my entire section, smaller things also count. Leadership is based entirely on what the individual musicians do on their own. We must interpret music and signals from the conductor. I’ve led my section in preparing for the upcoming concert.

When evaluating my character, I think that I uphold principles of morality and ethics by demonstrating cooperation, honesty, reliability, courtesy, integrity, concern, and respect for not just myself, but others as well, always. I show these traits to others in my classroom when working on projects with others and in class discussions/activities. When talking or interacting with peers, I'm sincere and respectful.

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Service is another significant trait of a NJHS member. I've made many contributions to my school and other communities as well. We have an orchestra fundraiser which I'll participate in to support others in raising money for a school trip to Colorado. Supporting your peers is important and should be done without compensating, and with a positive and enthusiastic spirit.

Citizenship is another good quality that I've shown on numerous occasions. I'm aware of the many worldwide problems that we have in the United States, including poverty. I try to do whatever I can to support the homeless and people who don’t have what they need. There are food drives that happened annually at a local organization to support others in need. My mom and I always take the time to drop by. We give canned goods and other essentials to those who don’t have them. Being sensible, I know that not everybody has the same privileges as us.

I want to be a member of NJHS because it could be beneficial to me, build better leadership skills and teamwork capabilities for the future, and hone project management aptitude. I would always apply these traits as much as I could to be a better person for myself, others, and my community, which explains my exemplification of the four characteristics of a NJHS member.

I personally think that United Against Poverty (UP), which serves those in poverty by providing crisis care, transformative education, food, and household subsidy, would be a good local charitable organization to support. We need to raise awareness of the many people in poverty on the streets with barely enough food to survive each day. It’s always important to help solve worldwide problems especially when we have the resources to do it. In NJHS, we could organize food drives and donate what we get to UP.

That is why I’m a qualified and contributive candidate for NJHS.

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National Junior Honor Society Essay. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“National Junior Honor Society Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
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National Junior Honor Society Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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