Child Nursing Personal Statement

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I want to study 'Child Nursing' because I have a very adaptable approach in speaking to children and adults. I am a caring, committed and motivated individual who has also a good understanding of equality and diversity. I am able to solve and respond to stressful and hectic situations confidently and calmly. Although the role of work can be difficult and demanding at times, I am ready to challenge my abilities and meet the requirements of the course. Therefore, I see myself studying 'Children's Nursing' in the future, which will be an ideal career path for me to take as it interests me.

I am aware of my duties, which will include: supporting and counselling children, ethical decision making, expressing sympathy and empathy towards children and their families etc. The reward for providing each child with love, attention, and support would be greater than the risk since I would oversee saving many lives.

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I have studied Human Science in Belgium which is equivalent to A levels and this will give me a clear understanding of the human body and the parts of the body, for example; how to dress a wound, etc. I studied Science in school, which covered many different subjects, such as: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geography, ICT, Music, and Maths, which I all enjoyed very much. My entire syllabus was in Dutch, along with that I had English and French as my subjects. Therefore, I consider myself multilingual and the course that I studied was equivalent to GCSEs. I successfully acquired a work shadowing placement at ZNA Antwerp hospital, I experienced and witnessed the remarkable work of surgeons alongside nurses to operate on patients. My placement helped me realize the importance of nurses and how clinical procedures owe their success to their diligent work. I extremely consider myself privileged to gain the opportunity to spend the time with many qualified professionals. I have currently studied BTEC International ICT Level 3 and I gained my qualification in 2019. Studying Information Technology gave me a very broad knowledge about the IT world and how it can be utilized in many factors which also includes children's nursing.

I am working with an NGO based in London called Al-Khair Foundation. My role as a call centre operative is to take donations and attend the consultations/reports of the donors and I have also worked in the fast, which made me impressively energetic and do multi-tasks. I have been working in retail for nearly 4 years as an assistant/client advisor, this encouraged me to be independent and exercise my endurance leadership and teamwork. Hence, I can practise these skills in child nursing as I will be prepared to expect long shifts including weekends and holidays. Daily communication over the phone with the donors and working in the shop floor as assistant/cashier enhanced my speaking skills and improved my level of confidence which is very essential as I will be communicating with children and parents different age and background. In my spare time, I have contributed my time volunteering with UNICEF UK 'the steering group' in Croydon College. Working with UNICEF UK and very supportive and amazing team leaders inspired me to study child nursing as it involved various activities with children in need. It also provided me with excellent leadership and teamwork skills which I will be using in child nursing. I have acquired many skills when working with people of different ethnicities and cultures and, therefore, I have managed to obtain a certificate of equality and diversity in the community.

I believe that I am a suitable student to study children's nursing and I am very much looking forward to the new academic year to start as I also believe that I will be a pleasant face to your university and by working hard I will successfully achieve my goals.

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Child Nursing Personal Statement. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“Child Nursing Personal Statement.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Child Nursing Personal Statement. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Child Nursing Personal Statement [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from:

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