500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Jefferson VS Jackson Democracy

The names of the ex-Presidents of USA, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are taken in the same breath, and there is even a Jefferson Jackson Day that is celebrated by the democrats for fundraising endeavor. The two democratic presidents had similar views, and there were great similarities in the policies of these two towering personalities of US polity. However, there were also differences that will be talked about in this article. Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was a towering personality who wrote...
1 Page 502 Words

What is Shark Finning? Essay

“Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of the shark fins and the discard at sea of the carcass. The shark is most often still alive when it is tossed back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark slowly sinks toward the bottom where it is eaten alive by other fish.” or starve to death. Many don’t bother taking the meat from a shark other than its fins due to its price it can be bought for. Fins...
1 Page 478 Words

Report on How Hurricanes Work

In this report I will be writing about hurricanes. I will be writing about how hurricanes work, how big some are, how much damage they caused, and high were the wind speeds. First I will be talking about how hurricanes form. These storms form over the ocean, often beginning as a tropical wave, a low pressure area that moves through the moisture rich tropics, possibly enhancing shower and thunderstorm activity, warm ocean air rises into the storm, forming an area...
1 Page 502 Words

Phaedo': Summary

In the remote Peloponnesian township of Phlius, Echecrates encounters Phaedo of Elis, one of the men present during Socrates' final hours. Eager to hear the story from a first-hand source, Echecrates presses Phaedo to tell what happened. A number of Socrates' friends were gathered in his cell, including his old friend Crito and two Pythagorean philosophers, Simmias and Cebes. The account begins with Socrates proposing that though suicide is wrong, a true philosopher should look forward to death. The soul,...
1 Page 515 Words

Trees Against World Pollution

In most cities across the world pollution is a serious problem. And with more and more people living in cities, more and more cars will be used, more factories, and more power plants. This all equals MORE pollution, but there is one tool that is often overlooked, and that is trees. Pollution is caused by burning too many fossil fuels, deforestation (from agriculture) and industrial activity. This fills the atmosphere and oceans with carbon, and too much CO2’s can deplete...
1 Page 509 Words

Gothic Literature: Basics of the Genre & Key Elements

Gothic literature is a popular genre that dominated Western literature throughout the 19th century and still endures today due to its grotesque yet gripping allure. From the looming image of Frankenstein’s monster to the macabre tales of Edgar Allan Poe, images of the gothic genre have permeated Western literature and popular culture. Explore the morbid, fantastical elements and characteristics of Gothic literature, as well as classic and contemporary examples of this influential genre. Gothic literature is a genre of literature...
1 Page 523 Words

Social Media's Impact on the Hong Kong Protest

The Hong Kong protest, being presented world wide threw various types of social media such as twitter, facebook, and several others. Social media impacted this severe violent act from the protestors side. The Hong Kong protest all began in June of 2019 when Taiwan went against plans to allow Hong Kong’s extradition from a runaway murderer. Although the protest went viral on every type of popular sources of media, it hit twitter a lot and caused a lot of hate...
1 Page 509 Words

Tigers Are The Most Endangered Animals in The World

At one time everyone has liked or maybe loved tigers. They are amazing creatures, they’ve been threw so much as a species they should be adored. We’ve all seen a tiger sometime in our lives so we aren’t blind to their existence. At this moment tigers are the most endangered animals in the world and this needs to be fixed The tiger is the largest cat species in the world; the largest tiger subspecies is the Siberian tiger. The weight...
1 Page 515 Words

The Pisonia Tree Lures and Murders Birds for No Good Reason

Let’s start with where the Pisonia tree is found. It is an indigenous tree species indigenous to the tropical waters of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. When talking about a cruel and a savage plant, the Pisonia just fits the bill. But, how does this thing happen and the tree claim the lives of many birds? Experts studying the behaviours of the tree have yet to explore how this unusual thing happens and why does the tree show itself...
1 Page 497 Words

We Were the Mulvaneys': Analysis of the Book

In We Were the Mulvaneys, Joyce Carol Oates writes with piercing clarity and deep sympathy of the dissolution of the American family — and an American way of life. The Mulvaneys — parents Mike and Corinne, children Mikey Jr., Patrick, Marianne, and Judd — seemed to lead an almost charmed life on their rambling farm outside a small town in upstate New York (familiar Oates territory). Mike owned a successful roofing company; Corinne kept the semi-chaotic household bustling through the...
1 Page 510 Words

Was Thomas Jefferson a Hypocrite? Essay

I believe that Thomas Jefferson is a hypocrite in the sense of creating the constitution and going against his own rules and here is why. First of all, Jefferson could not stress enough that all men are created equal when in reality he owns over 200 slaves for himself. He does not have respect for all men, only white men; he has openly made rude remarks to African Americans and has not mentioned any reasonable rights that apply to them...
1 Page 497 Words

Getting Benefits from Social Security Services

Disability is a condition that causes malfunctions of the body system. Most victims are isolated in society due to wrong myths and beliefs surrounding us. It does not only affect the victim but also other family members either directly or indirectly the best part is that insurance companies and governments take responsibility of these issues. However, much more is needed to ascertain whether the person is granted the benefit; most crucial factors will be put into consideration. These benefits are...
1 Page 515 Words

Reflecting on Whether Florence Nightingale's Work Was the Most Important Achievement in Hospital Care and Treatment in the Years 1700-1900

I agree with this statement due to Nightingale setting up the Nightingale School for Nurses at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. Nurses were trained mainly in sanitary matters (cleaning a wound). This meant that nurses throughout the United Kingdom could come to the Hospital and learn proper sanitary care, therefore resulting in better treatment in hospitals. Due to this training nursing became a recognized profession not just an unqualified job, this caused more women to sign up to be a...
1 Page 511 Words

The Positive and Negative Effects of the Internet: An Essay

People have found ways to communicate from the beginning of life, using smoke from fires, birds, and later on letters. It’s the human nature that gives us the need to communicate and connect to the world around us. I have to admit that things are so much easier for us now a days, the world is getting smaller by the minute, people are developing new technologies every day, and that is all because of the Internet. There is no doubt...
1 Page 496 Words

Motivation to Apply for the 2018 Plum + Grander Scholarship

Before I tell you about my gymnastics career, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I started gymnastics at eight years old after watching Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin at the Olympics. They were the two gymnasts that inspired me to start artistic gymnastics. Three years after I enrolled in gymnastics, I started competing. Starting competitive gymnastics made me love the sport even more. Though I rarely made it to the podium, I...
1 Page 492 Words

Nothing Could Be as Hard as Middle School

According to the famous actress Zooey Deschanel, “Nothing could be as hard as middle school'. My three years at Leslie H. Walton Middle School were full of excitement and learning, but what Mrs. Deschanel stated is completely accurate. Walton, without a doubt, had been part of the hardest years of my life. Finding out my identity and where I belonged was the epitome of middle school. The values I took back from Walton Middle School were to be myself and...
1 Page 522 Words

Reflections on Personal and Academic Achievements after High School

Throughout my high school career I have made a lot of achievements, and faced challenges I thought I couldn’t overcome. I have made great progress in school and in my personal life. I have also overcome challenges. I know these things that I have accomplished and overcome will help me move forward in my future. The achievements I have made are both personal and academic achievements. In band my clarinet choir made it to state, and I recieved a 2...
1 Page 509 Words

Freedom of Speech as One of the Most Essentials Americans Rights

In a time of marches, Twitter debates, and mainstream politics this country is as divided as it has ever been with very few issues being bipartisan. The issue that must have agreement from both sides of the political spectrum that must stay a universal truth is free speech. Freedom of speech is one of the most essentials rights we have as Americans, it drives public discourse and helps others strengthen or change their opinion. But over recent years we have...
1 Page 498 Words

Infamous Corruptions in the Philippines

Corruption is everywhere and will always be a part of our daily life. Whether it is minor, such as bribery, or a major one, like money laundering, we can’t deny its existence. According to Bardhan (1997), “Corruption is defined as the misuse of public power for private benefit” (p. 27). In the Philippines, the infamous and most extensive type of corruption is political corruption, which we hear and see almost every day on the news. Not only major politicians are...
1 Page 504 Words

The Dust Bowl and Its Impact on Farmers

The Dirty Thirties, or the 1930s. What is so special about this time period? During the 1930s, it was a challenge for people around the world. Everyone worked more than they had ever did before. Many people lost everything they owned and suffered from lack of money. One of the most affected people by this worldwide economic depression were farmers who owned ranches and farms. They had hard time growing their crops and ended up with no money left to...
1 Page 517 Words

The Importance of Physical Education in Schools

“Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong”, written by John F. Kennedy. In case the school administration wants to eliminate the physical education session in order to save some for other subjects such as science, math, and English this will be unfair because the physical education session is very necessary and must be compulsory in school. School should provide this session, because this is the period where the...
1 Page 489 Words

Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional setting. However, many employers fail to follow this rule and occasionally, unintentionally incline towards selecting someone who is more physically...
1 Page 516 Words

John Dickinson's 'Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania' as a Protest against the Stamp Act

What is a primary source? Primary sources can be defined as sources that solely come from an individual who has had personal contact with someone or something. When are primary sources vital? Some people would answer always, but I believe primary sources are most vital when collecting factual information pertaining to history. What is the Stamp Act? The Stamp Act is an act created in 1765 by the British Parliament in which took income from the American colonies by placing...
1 Page 508 Words

The Path to the Movement Toward Independence

In North American colonies throughout the eighteenth century The Americans start noticing differences between the American and British politics. They start feeling threatened and taken advantage of by the British Government. We start seeing words like tyranny, liberty, equality, and slavery used a lot which gave way to the American Revolution. One of the persons that set path to the movement toward independence was Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine was an english government official who argued for two things. One of...
1 Page 501 Words

The Broken Windows Theory in the Context of Social Problems in Bangladesh

A temporary market for short time in a day or in a week is known as street market. Selling a variety of goods, including flowers, fruit and vegetables and ice cream, even cloths, mobile accessories and other handicrafts at street or beside traffic road is the marketplace of this street market. There is no requirement for a street trader to show the license or membership in public, only authorized officers of the council and the police may request to see...
1 Page 485 Words

Symbolism in Islamic Architecture

Symbolism is one of the most important aspects of religious architecture, early in Islam human representation was banned to distinguish between the pagan practices and the new conceptual religion. Making Muslims resort to symbols to represent certain stories or characters. The very first of symbols is the placing of the Jami’ itself, which typically is at the centre of the city preferably at a high point with a high minaret for travelers to be able to see it from afar,...
1 Page 504 Words

Ryanair's Unethical Conduct in Advertising Practices

Ryanair’s has brought many great success throughout the past years by growing their profitability, returns for shareholders increased and increased strong financial performance due to their low cost strategy. However, with this low cost strategy they has been accused of concealing ancillary revenues and offering customer service only for fees. Based on the questionable practices that are discussed in the case, there are stated some of unethical behaviour of Ryanair in advertising practices. Ryanair has been faced a controversial or...
1 Page 502 Words

The Day You Find Out You Have Lupus

The day you find out that you have lupus is a day you’ll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the “normal” days before and your “new normal” afterward. Everyone has different symptoms that lead them to make that first appointment. Mine came when I bought a treadmill and could only walk for 3 minutes before I was gasping for breath. I used to walk...
1 Page 514 Words

Review of Phillis Wheatley's Poem 'To the University of Cambridge, in New-England'

'To the University of Cambridge, in New-England' is an early poem by Phyllis Whitley, the first black woman to publish poetry in English. In this poem, Whitley pleads with a group of new Harvard students to be good Christians and never forget the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice for humanity. The poem is a kind of imaginary sermon or opening speech in which Wheatley demonstrates his authority and precocious understanding of poetry. In this Phillis Wheatley essay, I will delve into...
1 Page 504 Words

Weapons of The American Revolutionary Soldiers

One of the most important parts of the American Revolution were the weapons. All wars back then were fought with weapons. Weapons were used for other things to, like hunting for food, but weapons were mostly important in wars. The soldiers felt like they could not win without weapons and when they had some decent weapons back then, like the moatar and the cannon, it gave both sides the confidence they needed to win the war. A frequently asked questions...
1 Page 477 Words
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