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Social Issues

2010 Haiti Earthquake Overview

On the 12th of January 2010 at precisely 4:53 pm, a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck LĂ©ogĂąne which led to colossal impacts that would forever scar Haiti. An earthquake so destructive and lethal that it is classified as 5th deadliest natural disaster in the world! If you can’t picture how dangerous this was, the Hiroshima Atomic bomb was equal to 13 kilotons of TNT which is the same as a 6-magnitude earthquake. It was LĂ©ogĂąne where the earthquake chose to...
2 Pages 910 Words

The Fifth Business': The Effects of Other Characters on The Protagonist

Experiences refer to the nature of the events someone or something undergoes, and can either change a person for better or for worse. Throughout the novel, Fifth Business the protagonist, Dunstan Ramsay goes through many experiences that help make him the person he becomes by the end of the story. According to Jungian analyst Anthony Stevens, individuation is the “process, simple or complex as the case may be, by which every living organism becomes what it was destined to become...
2 Pages 899 Words

Factors Affecting the Success of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an International Tourist Destination

To realize Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is entering a new era in tourism and entertainment. It is exploring its cities and tourist destinations, which include several gorgeous coastline sites and distinct heritage areas, positioning Saudi Arabia to become one of the Middle East's top attractions and entertainment destinations in a few years. Because it belongs to the third basic sector of the economy, namely the services sector, the leisure, and tourism sector is critical for the development of the local...
2 Pages 915 Words

Proper Selection of Computer Hardware and Software for an Organization

“Great computer hardware is only a doorstop without great software”. The systems Life Cycle is a six-phrase problem which solves procedure for examining and improving an information system. Thus, this essay will elaborate on why is selecting computer hardware and software for an organization an important management decision and what management, organization and technology issue should be considered when selecting computer hardware and software. To begin with, in the phrase 3 of the Systems Life Cycle, a new or alternative...
2 Pages 921 Words

Shina as a Superpower: An Essay

In 18th of December 1978, China launched its transformative reforms of opening its economy, moving away from a soviet model planned economy to a more western friendly one. This modernization brought significant results, growing at a faster rate than any other country in the world. Once poor and underdeveloped, the Asian giant has now grown into one of the most important export markets for manufacturers from all over the world. The person who laid the foundation for these reforms was...
2 Pages 902 Words

Essay on Computers and Their Importance in School Education

Computers have changed the way we work, be it any profession. Therefore, it is only herbal that the position of computers in education has been given a lot of significance in recent years. Computers play an imperative function in each field. They resource industrial processes, they discover application in medicine; they are the purpose, why software industries developed and flourished and they play an essential position in education. This is additionally why the training device has made laptop education a...
2 Pages 938 Words

Viewpoints Regarding the Annexation of Hawaii: An Essay

There were numerous points of view regarding the annexation of Hawaii by the United States in 1898, consisting of both supporters and opponents of the annexation, who in turn saw its pros and cons respectively. The main contribution towards the support towards the annexation of Hawaii involved the general association of Hawaii as an island in which were to accelerate the development of (inter)national agricultural commerce as well as the United States economy. The perspectives of the individuals in which...
2 Pages 929 Words

Dire Situation of Women in Argentina

“In 2016 alone, 254 Argentine women died from gender-based violence
 that amounts to one woman killed every 34 hours” (Andres). This is called a femicide; femicide is when you target females specifically and hurt them for their gender. People in Argentina do this because there is nothing to stop them, no consequences. They say that it is allowed because the law says they can as long as the women live. We need to solve this problem in Argentina by enforcing...
2 Pages 878 Words

Society Needs Empathy: An Argumentative Essay on the Boston Marathon Bombing

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know when it will be too late”, – Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote shows that the bombers that did this tragedy could have been stopped because they could have used empathy and kindness. Using that, they could’ve stopped and reflect on what decision they were going to commit to but they decided to use an act of terror. Killing 3 and injuring hundreds, they needed empathy. Due to this, my...
2 Pages 887 Words

Essay on Why I Want to Visit Japan

Japan is a fascinating and beautiful country in East Asia. Japan has lots of different traditions, festivals, landforms, and tourist attractions. Japan is a unique country with its beautiful landscape, people; it is lovely events and contrasting culture compared to Australia. I think we can all affirm with the suggested precondition that Japan is a remarkable and extraordinary country. In this essay I will explain why I want to visit Japan so much. Ancient Japanese culture, next to the wacky...
2 Pages 901 Words

Corruption in India: An Essay

As we live in this present scenario which is infused with various social evils which has become the maxim of the day and deters various socio-economic development. Among these social evils the most dreaded evil which is visible throughout the globe is corruption. The corruption which is not conducive to social stability and social equilibrium. Bhargava says that, “act of commission or omission by a public servant for securing pecuniary or other material advantage or indirectly for himself, his family...
2 Pages 896 Words

Essay on Addiction as One of the Main Dangers of the Internet

Nowadays with the development of technology people use the Internet for having access to plenty of information which can keep them entertained, up to date and being in contact with others in the social networks (Flora, 2015). Most people believe that they cannot continue their life without this technology. This statement has people lives addicted spending their time to use this technology. Addiction is one of the most significant dangers of the Internet, because it has an extremely negative impact...
2 Pages 944 Words

Is Internet Dating Harmful? Essay

When someone hears the word love, images flood the mind of Shakespearian tragic tales, star crossed lovers; from moments of happy little accidents and fate, to first kisses and fairy-tale princess endings. Never until now, have we thought to add swiping left or right, ticking ‘yes’ or ‘no’, entering one’s requirements as a means to finding your true love. It sounds as much of a paradox as arranged marriages. Internet dating to me to seems to be unsafe, unproductive and...
2 Pages 913 Words

3D Printing in Healthcare

Healthcare is always looking for innovative technology that will make the industry more successful. One form of emerging technology is 3D printing. 3D printing can revolutionize the medical field in more ways than one. Five departments that can be affected by 3D printing are prosthetics, dental applications, organ production, medication, and lastly medical tools and devices. 3D printing may seem like it's all positive but there are some concerns that people have such as garage printing and sustainability. Prosthetics 3D...
2 Pages 935 Words

Essay on the Importance of Creating a Sports Ecosystem in India to Transform It into a Healthy and Successful Nation

My 7-years-old niece and nephew like to devote their free time immersing into the world of gadgets and gaming. It's hard to draw their attention because at that moment they are unequivocally blanked out from the real world. Well, this problem is not only persistent in my family, but widespread with the kids growing up in this generation. The repercussions of this repetitive behavior are alarming which includes loss of cognitive reasoning, diminution of healthy diet, reduced sleeping hours, restrains...
2 Pages 948 Words

Did Shi Huangdi Improve China?

As the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi was determined that his absolute rule would create lasting changes in China. He has been praised for several accomplishments, such as unifying China for the first time, developing a network of roads and canals to improve trade, and standardizing measurement, language, and writing so that China’s different languages could be understood everywhere. However, despite these accomplishments, Qin Shi Huangdi was also known for being a brutal and controlling ruler that people...
2 Pages 906 Words

Are Law Enforcement Cameras an Invasion of Privacy?

Sorry, but police body-worn cameras (BWCs) are not the panacea to police performance. Rather, what was thought to prevent the police’s abusive use of power is turning into the means of reinforcing their authority and eroding the citizen’s privacy as it pairs up with facial-recognition technology. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly half of the law enforcement agencies had acquired body-worn cameras by 2016. Compared to the 25 percent of BWC utilization in 2013, the statistics from 2016...
2 Pages 945 Words

Kenneth Goldsmith's Viewpoint on Whether the Internet Is a Waste of Time: An Essay

According to Kenneth Goldsmith’s essay, ‘Go Ahead: Waste Time on the Internet’, people have not figured out how the usage of the Internet can have multiple ways to be used. According to the author, “We’re not all using our devices the same way. Looking over the shoulders of people absorbed in their devices on the subway, I see many people reading newspapers and books and many others playing Candy Crush”. There are many ways to use the Internet, but there...
2 Pages 943 Words

Impact of NAFTA on Canada's Economy

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a treaty among Canada, the United States and Mexico that eliminated most of the barriers to free trade among the 3 countries. The agreement means purchasing certain items from NAFTA countries is often cheaper than buying similar goods from non-NAFTA countries. Thanks to NAFTA, enjoying Mexican avocados year-round is easy. Similarly, Canadians can save big by buying an American-manufactured car versus a model from Europe. Goods from NAFTA nations are imported tariff-free,...
2 Pages 883 Words

Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room

Common room is like a type of shared lounge for people. In university, common room is as shared lounge for student to rest or study. Regular features for this kind of room include couches, table, chair and sometimes has television. Common room may be known as other name depends on the location and the purpose of the room but the characteristic is the same. As example, there is some mental hospital that had this type of room such as the...
2 Pages 881 Words

Dependence on Cell Phones as a Pressing Problem of Modern Society

The feeling of leaving your cell phone behind at home is one of the most terrorizing experiences because without our cell phones we feel lost and hopeless. Cell phones are one of the most popular devices that has shown evolutionary remarks throughout the world. Cell phones started out being huge then turned into minimal sizes, but now they are even bigger and better than before. Cell phones, otherwise known as smartphones now are owned by many in the world. Smartphones...
2 Pages 930 Words

Health Care System in Sudan

The Republic of Sudan is situated in the northeast of Africa and is considered to be a low-middle-income country. It is the third largest African country in terms of geographical coverage after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nation has a well-established healthcare system with many drawbacks, mostly due to economic and administrative factors followed by prolonged political turmoil and sanctions. Public health expenditure (percent of GDP) stayed at about 1% and, at best, was closer to...
2 Pages 902 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tokyo's Urbanization

Tokyo is Japan’s capital city and the world’s most popular city. In 2019, the population of Tokyo and its metropolitan area is 13,932 million and going up each day. Urbanization is the process of making an area more urban or more populated. Tokyo has become more urbanized over the last 50 years dramatically. The population in 1950 was 13,051,000 and now it’s in the 13 million. 50 years ago, Tokyo didn’t have any high skyscrapers or as many shops then...
2 Pages 905 Words

Positive and Negative Effects of 3D Printing on the Society

3D printing technology, has no doubt become part of the core technology revolution. This new rapid prototyping technology, has its applications widespread in many industries in the modern world. 3D printing is normally done using a digital printer using high technology material such as ink. Its applications spread into the fields of medical technology, household appliances, automobile accessories, communication technology, aerospace, military industry and so on. One of the benefits of 3D printing is that 3D printing is much more...
2 Pages 926 Words

Cybersecurity and Countermeasures Awareness

Cybersecurity is the system used to protect software, hardware and data from many cyberattacks, application security is the system that protects the application and PC from external threats. When considering software design, security has become an increasingly important concern during development as the apps have become more accessible to the network and as a result, it has become vulnerable to various threats. Built-in security measures and a good application security routine reduce the likelihood that unauthorized codes will be able...
2 Pages 900 Words

Combating High-Level Corruption in Georgia

In this essay I will present a policy directed at supporting the efforts of the Georgian government to curb high-level corruption in its government and to establish an independent investigative anti-corruption organ. This issue is one of the main hinderances for Georgian democracy and the long-term goal of accession to the European Union (EU). Since the end of the Cold War, the since 1994 established EU, has sought closer relations with its former opponents to the Eastern borders of the...
2 Pages 922 Words

Teen Dependence on Technology and How to Prevent It

There are several types of addictions, but what’s more terrifying than an addiction that’s right in front of your face 24/7? Technology is comparable to a drug because most people depend on technology as if life is unbearable without it. In the 21st century, technology has become one of the necessities, but spending an unreasonable amount of time causes negative outcomes. Adolescents encounter technology addiction because apps are designed to make us addicted. Every time a teen sends a message,...
2 Pages 923 Words

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Cybersecurity

With the never stopping growth of the Internet, it is almost essential to have an agency to watch over it since nowadays, most of our important information is kept on the Internet. As technology advances the cybersecurity agency must evolve with it to make new blocks to protect information. However, there is not a fool proof plan to keep everything secure from breaches because everything has its own strengths and weaknesses. There have been some previous cyberattacks that were successful...
2 Pages 917 Words

Foundation Of Army Leadership

The foundations of the Army leadership are rooted in history, loyalty to the nation and the Constitution, accountability to authority, and the Army doctrine; according with ADRP 6-22. This paper will examine the three cores of a leader’s competencies (leads, develops, and achieves), how the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution establishes common values, goals and beliefs, and how the Army doctrine affects the foundations of Army leadership. Influence, accomplishment, and improvement represent the roles and functions of a leader....
2 Pages 911 Words

Essay on Yellowstone National Park and Its Time Bomb

Yellowstone National Park, which we proudly call ‘a unique magical paradise on earth’, has always attracted people all over the world with its spectacular and magical natural resources. Whenever my foreign friend asked me for tour advice, I would not hesitate to recommend that he go to Yellowstone Park because this national park is the pride of Americans. The nature owns the superlative craftsmanship which has left us this extraordinary and magnificent place. It is the first national park in...
2 Pages 941 Words
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