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Social Issues

Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe Painting as a Great Example of Pop Art

Andy Warhol was an influential artist, designer, and printmaker, known for being a leader in the pop art movement of the 1950s and 1960s, which stressed a major shift away from traditional themes in art and toward modernism. With the art of Warhol and his contemporaries, the subject matter became far from traditional ‘high art’ themes of morality, mythology, and classic history; rather, pop artists celebrated commonplace objects and people of everyday life, in this way seeking to elevate popular...
2 Pages 917 Words

Critical Analysis of Ikujiro Nonaka’s Knowledge Management Model

Knowledge is variable; the data can be identical, but the knowledge is always different. The past 25 years have seen knowledge management evolving, underpinning that knowledge is our most strategic asset and should be managed as it is “the most important guarantor of sustainable competitive advantage” (Easterby-Smith & Prieto, 2008). Knowledge and its management must evolve over time as one could have a vast knowledge base but in a volatile environment with increasing complexity, businesses are subject to the Innovator’s...
2 Pages 897 Words

Socio-Economic Systems of the Ottoman Empire

State and non-state are distinguishable, generally based on the construction, organization, and military. Nonetheless, the methods of payment and taxation in state societies vary. When trying to make a historical understanding the structure and institutions are critical to consider. This paper focuses on the socio-economic typology in regards to Ottoman empire, particularly examining the socio-economic history of the empire, and most importantly the multiplicity of socio-economic systems commonly classified into two significant systems: cash-based and fief-based systems, which lead to...
2 Pages 888 Words

Key Categories of Remedies Available

There are two different categories of remedies available: self-help and judicial. Self-help remedies are without the involvement of the court and only available in material breach cases. Among the kinds of self-help remedies are rescission and retention. Rescission occurs when the innocent party decides not to continue with the contract and cancels it as if it never happened. If a borrower decides to cancel a loan within the rescission period, any fees paid in relation to the loan will be...
2 Pages 899 Words

Google as the Best Company to Work for

I chose to document because I find Google’s work environment very fascinating and it has one of the highest employee retention rate. It has won the award ‘Best Company to Work for’ by both Fortune magazine and the Great Place to Work Institute a total of 7 times. It also received this accolade in 2017. This is no accident; Google is deliberate in its actions and does not do things by chance. As a data driven company, Google makes calculated...
2 Pages 886 Words

Social Activism from the Gilded Age to the Present Day

The Gilded Age or the idea of a better opportunity or quality of life, ‘covered in gold’, brought with it many different representations of people seeking this form of life. Between 1860 and 1900 alone the northern states grew almost fivefold. The bustling cities attracted native countryside migrants, European and Italian immigrants, and even African Americans. Cities like Chicago were heavily overpopulated, creating a cultural melting pot fueled by economic growth and attractive cultural amenities. The quality of life also...
2 Pages 894 Words

The Great Heroes before the Trojan War

Myths were not derived from a single book, rather from many stories. Greek mythology begins with Homer. The Greeks made the gods in the image of themselves. Acrisius is told by an oracle that his daughter Danae’s son will kill him. He locks up his daughter but she gets pregnant by Zeus himself and has a son named Perseus. Acrisius locks them up in a chest and floats them out to sea. They eventually wash up at Dictys’ house, brother...
2 Pages 927 Words

Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras? Essay

Should every cop have tiny video cameras? I think, they should, because you will be able to go back to the footage in case you need something to be proven. Also, to see how the problem started at first. Officers wearing tiny video cameras benefits the citizen and officers because everything is being recorded the moment you interact with them. So, when people see that your being recorded by a police officer you will know to not act crazy with...
2 Pages 880 Words

Product Placement in Cinema

Most of the cinema production cost are covered by product placement. In cinema, product placement has grown significantly over recent years. However, with so much money spent, there is very little known facts about the effectiveness of the practice in the cinema. Various research have been conducted in this topic. In one study, the communication effects of the product placement among the audience viewing the entire movie was studied. Over 25% of the 39 brands in the movie are not...
2 Pages 895 Words

Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out

As we all know, the United States occupies an important position in the world. When I studying in junior middle school, I have a great interest in the country. In this summer, I enroll the U.S. history course in order to learn about the birth and development of U.S. I found that the history made a deep effect on U.S. development. It is the basic of U.S. culture which has both positive and negative effects on its development. In this...
2 Pages 888 Words

The Call for Constitutional Rewrites Echoes

As a future political science major, one of the most talked about documents in my field of study is the Constitution. The, arguably, most prevalent debates over the Constitution is how flexible it should be. Constitutional traditionalists often call for a strict reading of the Constitution in its original form, whereas Constitutional progressives often are in favor of a looser reading of the famous document. This is not a new debate, in fact this debate has been going on since...
2 Pages 883 Words

Essay on the Stock Market Crash of 1929: Causes and Effects

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was very important and crucial to everything as during the times of the 1920s the U.S market itself actually was benefiting and profiting by immense numbers and statistics, making this inevitable crash worse than what it would’ve been, if things weren’t skyrocketing up the board. Now stocks and their prices rose to levels that weren’t reached before, and because of this the general idea and practice of investing in stocks rose to an intense...
2 Pages 906 Words

The Key Facts About the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

It is just a regular day and you are going to work at the World Trade Center. You greet your co-workers and get your morning coffee. All of a sudden, you hear a loud crash and you wake up from unconsciousness. You hear screaming and can barely see through all the smoke. This was what people were going through on 9/11. In this essay, I will be writing about 9/11. I have always been intrigued and wanted to research more...
2 Pages 890 Words

An Essay on the Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is making rapid strides. It is said that AI could fundamentally change life on our planet. AI has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of daily life including work, mobility, medicine, economy and communication. Companies like Google, Microsoft and IBM have been researching for years in the field of AI. But the main question is whether AI really make medicine better and make doctors unnecessary? will intelligent robots take over our jobs? And are we heading for a...
2 Pages 923 Words

The US Economy’s Resilience Following the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Following the September 11th, 2001, terror attacks in Manhattan, New York, much shock and uncertainty was felt around the world regarding the effects that such attacks would have on the United States and its global trading partners. This essay will highlight the US economy’s resilience following the unexpected and catastrophic events that occurred in the Autumn of 2001. After the 2001 attacks, feelings of confusion ensued regarding the current state of national security and defence as many feared the potential...
2 Pages 903 Words

Key Factors Affecting Booker T. Washington Middle's Academic Performance

The first factor that affects Booker T. Washington Middle’s academic performance is the incredibly high rate of student poverty. In this school, low-income students represent more than 95% of all the students enrolled. Title 1 program provides additional funding for schools with large concentrations of low-income students to support communities with the highest concentrations of homelessness for students and achieve their educational goals. The number of students of low income depends on the number of students enrolled in the free...
2 Pages 939 Words

Reflections on Whether America Needs a Minimum Wage Increase

“No man can be a good citizen unless he has a wage more than sufficient to cover his basic cost of living” (Roosevelt, 1910). This quote as used in a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt, when giving a speech about what he called ‘new nationalism’. In this speech he spoke about setting a minimum wage for employers that they must pay to their workers Since 2009 the minimum wage has been $7.25 an hour or about $823 after taxes. In...
2 Pages 938 Words

Slavery and Its Impact on American Economic Growth

Slavery in America started in 1619 when pioneers brought over African Americans to Jamestown, Virginia. The slaves came to Jamestown to destroy the tobacco houses. The slaves sent to various settlements, for instance, South Carolina, to destroy the cotton houses. Slaves were people who worked for no remuneration. This made the landowners make more profit from their territories since they didn't have to pay their workers. Southern slave owners, unequivocally in South Carolina, relied on enslavement as an essential bit...
2 Pages 930 Words

My Personal Ethical Approach

Since the beginning of this class, I have changed so much. Before enrolling into PADM 411, I did not know how much ethics meant in the public and private sector. Throughout this course, my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and have gained insight as to where I stand in my approach to ethics. One aspect that has changed in my approach to...
2 Pages 945 Words

Negative Effects of Standardized Tests on Teachers

As early as 2001, with the implementation of accountability policies such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and Race to the Top (RttT), there has been an increased emphasis on students standardized test scores. These policies use student’s performance on such tests as a means of funding schools, such that higher scoring schools receive more funds, and lower scoring schools receive less funds. Teachers are now being held accountable for students test scores (Valli and Buese), with negative consequences affecting...
2 Pages 929 Words

Analysis of the Netflix Business Model

Operational Excellence 2017 - Netflix wins its 1st honour, with ‘The White Helmets’ for Best Documentary movie. Netflix hits a hundred million members globally. Netflix signs producer overall deals with Shonda Rhimes and Jenji Kohan. Netflix premieres ‘BRIGHT’, its 1st tent pole action film, major can Smith. 2018 - Netflix wins honors for Best Documentary Feature for ‘Icarus’. Netflix announces overall deals with Ryan potato, African country Barris, Jason Bateman. Netflix’s ‘Summer of Love’ brings back classic rom-coms together with...
2 Pages 893 Words

Impacts that Shaped the United States

United States is a country where there are people with different social levels, nationality, race, skin color, and religion. The history of the United States is one of the most interesting of all time, because of the different obstacles, difficulties, and setbacks that its inhabitants had to cross with to consolidate what is today of our nation. It is necessary to remember that the United States has had extremely important events and individuals that impacted the shaping of the United...
2 Pages 886 Words

The End of Public Spaces: Coursework

Are we seeing the end of public spaces Public spaces take different visible forms, with different degrees of public access such parks, playgrounds,highstreet and open spaces. They have physical and conceptual importance in our society for they are an essential part in the social life of communities (Worpole & Knox, 2007 ). However, public spaces are being encroached as not everyone in this society has access through exclusion of certain groups and not feeling welcomed there. Also new and more...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Attack on Pearl Harbor and the Emergency Relief Program: Events That Helped Shape America

Two events that helped sculpt America into what it is today would be - the attack on Pearl Harbor and the New Deal Emergency Relief Program. These two events changed the landscape of America for decades to come, and will carry an impact far into the future. First, a brief reminder of what happened in Pearl Harbor. On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japanese planes assaulted the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. The shelling murdered over...
2 Pages 944 Words

Western Influence in Japanese Art

While it is well known that Japanese art has been an influential factor in European artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Frank Floyd Wright, it is also true that this influence worked in reverse. European influence plays a role in Japanese art in a variety of ways. In 1868 Meiji Resoration many Japanese artists began to study techniques and themes of European art. A coined term to European influence on Japanese art is ‘wakon yosai’, this phrase is meant to...
2 Pages 883 Words

The Contemporary Silk Road

The Silk Roads were one of the most successful models for development of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Lately, China has been working on a new (and ancient) development. A new Silk Road. The Belt and Road initiative is a global development strategy by the Chinese government advancing infrastructure development and investments globally. However, China needs assistance from serious global actors, such as the economic powerhouse that is the European Union. If the EU were to join the One Belt One...
2 Pages 928 Words

The Main Thing You Need to Know About STDs to Reduce the Likelihood of Contracting Them

According to recent studies, around 20 million people are getting diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases per year within United States. Around 50% of them are aged in between 15 to 24 years. Things are getting worse and World Health Organization predicts that the numbers will increase in the future. Therefore, you are at a risk of getting STD as well. That’s why you should have a solid overall understanding about them and learn how to overcome STDs. Women Are More...
2 Pages 905 Words

Globalization as a Historical Process

“Globalization is an intensification of global relations that connects distant localities in such ways that local events are formed by events that happen many kilometers away and vice versa” (Giddens, 1990, p. 64). Globalization is one of the most powerful forces that has been shaping the world for an indefinite time now. Because of its complexity, it became a constant subject of controversial discussions (Prakash & Hart, 1999). Up to this point, there is no widely accepted definition or exact...
2 Pages 937 Words

Influence of Gilded Age Reform Movements on the Current Functioning of the Criminal Justice System

Within US borders a whole other world is hidden behind concrete and barbed wire. A place of violence and coercion. Drugs and crude weapons pervade its economy. This is an entire world behind bars. The criminal justice system has a way of trapping people in cages that result in a lifetime of obstacles that sabotage efforts at redemption. Society punishes those with criminal records long after they have finished their sentence. How have reform movements of the criminal justice system...
2 Pages 937 Words

Main Challenges of Exchange Students

Completing education abroad gives a huge amount of opportunities for the student as well as for the university and a hosting community itself. Even though, it may be the most valuable experience to be a full time student in another country, benefiting in many areas of life: personal and professional - it comes with many problems, challenges and issues which the exchange student is forced to face during his time abroad. Students who decide to spend a part of their...
2 Pages 943 Words
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