Introduction Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" remains a seminal work in the Gothic fiction genre, renowned for its exploration of psychological and supernatural themes. Central to the story's enduring impact are its characters, who serve as conduits for the narrative's eerie atmosphere and complex psychological undercurrents. The enigmatic figure of Roderick Usher, his twin sister...
On November 15, 1959, in the humble community of Holcomb, Kansas, four individuals from the Clutter family were viciously murdered. This famous novel was written by American Novelist Truman Capote. The main characters in the novel are Perry Smith, Dick Hickock and the Clutter family. The Clutters were pure, loving people, although there is some naivety in their purity. The...
John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath (1939) is a novel that explores and highlights modern gender roles of the decade and also portrays Steinbeck's modernized ideology towards the traditional patriarchal system during a time of great change. The proletarian novelist displayed his ability to perfectly portray the hardships faced during his experience of The Great Depression, allowing his readers to...
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Chapter One Chapter one is about breaking down and analyzing some of the main decision-making points in Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games Trilogy. Game theory is about studying the interactions between rational decision-makers who can be called players, and it considers these interactions as games. Whenever a player is making a choice, he is making a decision and choosing according to...
From the birth of Panem, the great capital is the one that governs over all the other districts. President Snow who lives in the capital calls it the brain, his dictatorship and theft of freedom from the other districts the examples of sovereignty that will be looked at. Following the main character Katniss, we see her grow out of the...
Title: Grapes of Wrath (1940) Director: John Ford Synopsis: After serving four years in prison for killing a man, Tom Joad returns to the family farm in Oklahoma. Along his way, he meets Casy, an elderly preacher who has lost his faith. The pair find the farm deserted; Tom's share's cropping family is gone. Tom is reunited with his grandparents...
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An expression that comes from the Bible reads, “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” This expression illustrates the idea that when people possess too much pride and stubbornness, they will eventually make mistakes that can lead to complications and disaster. Although excessive pride is a sin that will inevitably bring about your downfall, many proud...
Aristotle's thoughts rotate around three vital impacts: First, the group of spectators builds up an enthusiastic connection to the awful legend; second, the crowd fears what may occur for the saint; and lastly, the group of spectators feels sorry for the enduring legend. The deplorable saint must be a perplexing and well-developed character, as in Sophocles' Oedipus the King. As...
Madness. Although to most it seems like a simple mental betrayal, William Shakespeare's use of madness throughout Hamlet creates a sense of not just mind breakdown, but society breakdown. Two main characters give madness in the play, one is a fake, and one is all too real. In order to confuse Claudius, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, chose to act mad....
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If you were forced to participate in a battle to the death, would you use your physical strength or your mental and social strength? The Hunger Games is a novel by Suzanne Collins about twelve districts that are ruled by The Capitol of Panem. Each year they draw out two names from each district, one female and one male, who...
Beyoncé once stated “Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” As the protagonist of The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, Gogol Ganguli embarks on a journey of self-discovery from birth through a carefree and rambunctious childhood to evolving into a down-to-earth, kind-hearted, and selfless individual. As Gogol’s identity develops, he...
Forrest Gump. The true example of what it means for someone to prosper and grow with adversity constantly by his side. I guess what makes him so likeable to millions around the world including me, is his sense of acceptance to whatever comes his way. There is no doubt or worry in the back of his mind of what the...
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Between Agamemnon by Aeschylus, Hippolytus by Euripides, and Oedipus the King by Sophocles, the latter is one of the best plays that I enjoy the most. The author of this story pars the excellence of Greek tragedy the most and this piece is the summit of playwrights. The play narrates about King Oedipus of Thebes who notices that he killed...
Hamlet has many common themes but one theme that is highlighted throughout this play and most Shakespearean tragedies is death. From the opening scene, we are guided into a world obsessed with death and its influence. From King Hamlet to Ophelia, all the way to a fencing match gone wrong, the appearance of death is always evident in the minds...
This story, described by their mom, relates an ungainly get-together of two sisters, Maggie and Dee. Maggie has consistently been a less difficult young lady who wanted to remain at home with their mom, Mama, in Augusta, Georgia. Dee, be that as it may, was sent to class, ventured to the far corners of the planet, and picked up progress....
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In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, in part three of the book, the attention turns back to Mariam’s point of view which she and Rasheed take care of Laila. Laila was rescued by Rasheed who found her in the rubble and saved her life. Later on, Rasheed decides to marry Laila because he says if...
“You wanted a women’s culture. Well, now there is one. It isn’t what you meant, but it exists.” (Attwood 127). The regime of Gilead claims that it supports the culture of female solidarity and unity, but only creates a culture of tyranny and oppression. In The Handmaid’s Tale by Marget Attwood, the author not only focused on the hierarchy between...
“Everyday Use” tells the story of a rural, African American family from the perspective of a mother who has overcome racism, and obstacles, and endured labor-intensive hard work to provide better opportunities for her daughters. Despite Mama’s efforts to protect her children from the side of the world that has contributed to her rugged exterior, her youngest daughter, Maggie, suffered...
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Miriam is a fifteen-year-old Afghani girl who has had a troubled upbringing. Mariam’s mother, Nana, was a housekeeper for a very wealthy man named Jalil. Nana became pregnant with Jalil’s baby, Miriam, and has suffered great shame. She and Mariam had to move out of town into a very small cottage, away from Jalil and his wives and children. Ever...
The first sign of alienation that happens to him is his reaction to his physical change. Gregor Samsa feels that he has been treated as a lowly insect and comes to feel that he is one: the story leaps from “I feel like an insect” to “I am an insect.” [1] Whatever the causes, Gregor’s feeling is rooted in the...
Following Hosseini’s original best-selling novel The Kite Runner, a novel exploring the journey of self-discovery of a young boy named Amir, A Thousand Splendid Suns pictures the stories of Mariam and Laila, two young women who live in the country of women and face heavy discrimination for being women throughout the novel. The country of Afghanistan is portrayed as a...
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Animal Farm by George Orwell, was first published in England on 17 August 1945. It is primarily known for having a satirical allegory tone and so later used to make live-action animatronics in 1999, a movie in the 'Kids & Family, Drama' genre, directed by John Stephenson and produced by Greg Smith. The story illustrates a group of farm animals...
Identity is a mysterious entity. One may believe that identity is a solid and unchanging entity, but Doctor Strange shows that one’s identity is much more complex than one may believe. The film uncovers the profound transformation of the identity of the main character, who turns from a gifted doctor to a handicapped and ultimately to a superhero. Profound changes...
Introduction The concept of the Hero's Journey, a narrative framework popularized by Joseph Campbell, is a pervasive storytelling structure found across cultures and time. In George Lucas's 1977 film, "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope," this archetype is vividly illustrated through the character of Luke Skywalker. The Hero's Journey, or the monomyth, outlines a hero's adventure from the...
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In Palahniuk’s debut novel, Fight Club, characterization plays a crucial role in conveying a message about the emasculation of men by consumer culture. This is perceived as the upper class using superficial products to achieve satisfaction that lacks spiritual meaning. With this, the novel also reflects how certain experiences and values allow one to self-assess life and use their hardships...
Introduction The narrative structure of "The Lion King" is rich with elements that mirror Joseph Campbell's monomyth, commonly known as the hero's journey. This classical structure, which Campbell elucidates in his seminal work "The Hero with a Thousand Faces," describes a universal pattern found in myths and tales across cultures. In the context of "The Lion King," this journey is...
In many cultures heroism is defined very differently, for example in Christianity a hero is considered helping those in need and putting others before yourself. Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon culture relate in a lot of aspects, such as loyalty and bravery. They both show this type of similarity at many points throughout the story. Beowulf shows his bravery when he is...
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Created by Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko and aired from the year 2005 until 2008, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated American television series. This series is imbued with a fantastic storyline, filled with compelling characters, and is beloved by viewers of all age groups. It may seem like just an animated story, existing to entertain its audience but...
For years, sociologists have been developing various theories as to when and how an individual becomes an adult. In sociology, the topic of adulthood is very contradictory, as it can be perceived in different ways. Many sociologists believe that an individual must face psychological, biological, cultural-sociological, and environmental factors that will influence a person's development. The author Khaled Hosseini, uses...
There is regret born from a life destined to be a hostage of ideals that deter free will. In “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khalid Hosseini, taking on a feminist perspective, the way women suffer under an oppressive culture asks the reader, just how does patriarchy affect the lives of women? The answer is fault and blame. The women introduced...