Civil War Essays

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2 Pages 1022 Words
The state which I call my home, Mississippi, known for its magnolia trees and mass cotton production, plays a big part in the history of America. Mississippi has influenced everything from pop culture to home cooking. Not all of Mississippi’s history would necessarily be considered great, but it is still part of our heritage without a doubt. Mississippi also played...
3 Pages 1467 Words
For many years Hollywood has depicted major events in history on the big screen. However, “major” history is constituted by what the populous and those in power want to be remembered as major history. In recent years, movies have been released that uncover the parts of history that are swept under the rug for whatever reason. The Free State of...
4 Pages 1810 Words
The Civil War is considered the bloodiest war in American history, Most people ignored the importance nurses and doctor's roles played during this time they helped heal injured soldiers, and the sick in the Battlefields, Hospitals, and Clinics. People referred to this period as 'The National Struggle' and Nurses made a huge impact/difference during this time of desperation. The female...
5 Pages 2404 Words
Nigeria is a diverse country with three large ethnic groups and a myriad of languages ranging from Igbo to Yoruba. The main three ethnic groups which make up the Nigerian population are the Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa. While the socio-economic status of Nigeria has improved slightly over the years, Nigeria’s natural resources were not enough to aid the country’s poverty....
6 Pages 2591 Words
The Spanish Civil War took place in 1939 in Spain, part of Morocco, the Sahara, and Guinea. The war ended with the nationalists as the winners. How were the nationalists prepared for the Spanish Civil War compared to the Republicans? What factors facilitated their success? Nationalists advocated for a new revolutionary; therefore, after their success, the Second Spanish Republic ended,...
5 Pages 2363 Words
The civil war in the Kayin State between the KNU and the Burmese government has not concluded and does not look as if it will end anytime soon. However, there have been many attempts at peace in recent years. In April of 2005, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights took a stance that the Burmese government should put an end...
3 Pages 1348 Words
The Civil War was a unique war for the relatively young United States of America because it was a war in which brother fought brother and the very definition of liberty was questioned. The Union’s strategy for defeating the South was known as the Anaconda Plan. The theory behind the Anaconda Plan was to block supplies from being shipped to...
4 Pages 1891 Words
Abstract During the American Civil War on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek, General Robert E. Lee and General George B. McClellan’s armies faced off in what many call a top 10 influencing battles of all times and the most bloody day of the Civil War. General McClellan, despite flaws, was victorious, which is exactly what President...
7 Pages 3280 Words
There have been many civil wars throughout the world illustrated under different names, such as revolutions, uprisings, rebellions, revolts, and mutinies. These have all had similar causes, whether it be political, social, or economic which have all resulted in the country or nation going to war within itself in order to get the result that at least one side was...
4 Pages 1723 Words
As Thomas Hobbes once said, “Hell is the truth seen too late”. In truth, many learn this lesson the hard way. Throughout our lifetimes, many see fantasy before reality, which is why philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, along with authors such as William Golding, try to enlighten people with a new way of thought. Lord of the Flies, is a...
1 Page 659 Words
The argument of Clampitt, which is repeated in subsequent chapters, is that the Civil War and Reconstruction period in the history of the Indian Territory were complicated and always evolving. This series of eight essays and the editor's 'Introduction' focuses on the Civil War west of the Mississippi. As well, it focuses on an even more complicated topic: Native Americans'...
1 Page 644 Words
Many historic figures prolong their legacy or importance through books, memorials, or museums. Abraham Lincoln is one of the most prestigious and important people in U.S history and for someone with a great amount of recognition, a biography is usually written about them.There are multiple different biographies out there highlighting Lincoln’s life, accomplishments etc. However, I believe that it is...
3 Pages 1478 Words
The definition of culture is as follows. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Every place has its own culture. For instance, some of the customs, and values that we hold true in America today, are vastly different than they were in 1865. However we do see examples of cultures that...
5 Pages 2438 Words
Throughout history, there have been many wars and battles that were fought. These battles were fought by an army and were led by people who became significant today. One of many that served in the military was Joshua Chamberlain, who may not be well known but is one of America’s important roles. Chamberlain became a significant figure in American history...
2 Pages 990 Words
The Market Revolution was a period of monumental economic transformation and considerable technological advances. Innovations had now opened land West for settlement that made it far easier for large factories to sell their products in small cities. Westward expansion and the Market Revolution deeply affected the lives of all Americans. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an...
3 Pages 1344 Words
What would America be like today if the civil war never happened? Would there still be slaves? Would there be two separate nations? Thankfully, Americans do not have to worry about those problems. The American Civil War did happen and it impacted a whole nation because of it. The Civil War brought about immense change, which was mainly good. Slavery...
9 Pages 4294 Words
The Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment brought about by the Civil War were important milestones in the long process of ending legal slavery in the United States. This essay describes the development of those documents through various drafts by Lincoln and others and shows both the evolution of Abraham Lincoln’s thinking and his efforts to operate within the constitutional boundaries...
3 Pages 1351 Words
Evangelicalism, an umbrella group of the Protestant movement, is a part of various Christian denominations and became a dominant religious practice for many Americans and British in the early to late 19th century. Solely focusing around the concept of being ‘born again’, Evangelicals had the opportunity to repent for sins, do good and focus on individual needs, essentially having a...
1 Page 532 Words
Egotistical ideas that these individuals were not brave or intelligent enough to be an impactful soldier. However, ultimately they were allowed to fight, which was the force needed that allowed the Union to win against the Confederates. Tubman was exceptional. Not only was she an African American slave that escaped her bondage, but she was also a female. Her gender...
7 Pages 3033 Words
To what extent was Rwanda an example of the importance of modernity in explaining genocide? Introduction In Rwanda 1994, 800,000 to 1 million people were slaughter mercilessly in 100 days. The genocide was meticulously planned, and the larger purpose was to eradicate the Tutsi race, this was identified before the genocide had occurred. It is worth noting that Romeo Dallaire,...
4 Pages 1950 Words
No logic, no reason, no explanation. Just a prolonged nightmare in which fear, loneliness and the unexplainable walk hand in hand through the shadows. In a moment we will start to gather clues as to the whys the whats the whens and the wheres. We will not end the nightmare we’ll only explain it because this is the Rwandan Genocide....
2 Pages 1069 Words
ABSTRACT This paper talks about the Rwandan Genocide. In April 1994 an event would take place scarring thousands of people around the world. I used this genocide to gain insight into what genocide is and why people choose to participate in them. Also, to talk about the severity of this event. The first have of this paper will provide information...
1 Page 622 Words
The word ‘genocide’ is used for describing violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group or those with contrasting political opinions with the intention of destroying the entire group. In the Rwandan genocide, members of an ethnic group known as the Tutsi were killed because of their ethnicity. Their killers were extreme members of a similar ethnic...
4 Pages 1845 Words
Reviewed double_ok
War has been a constant presence throughout human history, leaving permanent impacts on communities, civilizations, and individuals alike. It has stirred a plethora of emotions, stimulated philosophical discussions, and offered fertile ground for contemplation as one of the most profound and momentous human experiences. Essays on war, as windows into the human condition, provide a chance to investigate the many...
3 Pages 1139 Words
I grew up in Ohio, my family was anti-slavery and my father was a soldier, who never saw much combat. My family always wanted me to enlist as a soldier in his footsteps and so after getting my education and growing to the ripe old age of 17, I decided that I would indeed enlist as a soldier. The training...

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