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Mozart Concert Review Essay

2 Pages 1006 Words
I have chosen Mozart's Violin Concerto in D major KV 218 for violin and orchestra which I have been working on for the past few months. Mozart composed this piece when he was 19 years old on October 1775 in Salzburg. He was granted the post of concertmaster to the Prince-Archbishop from 1773-1777. During these few years in Salzburg, he...

The Greatest Composers of All Time, Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel

2 Pages 875 Words
There have been many great composers over the last few centuries who have written amazing works. However, when I think of the all-time great composers widely known today, I think of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel. Both born in the Baroque period, Bach and Handel discover many new elements of music and contributing to what is known as...

Ludwig Van Beethoven's Genius

6 Pages 2579 Words
In her book ‘Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical politics in Vienna, 1792-1803’, Tia DeNora attempts to interpret Beethoven’s primary success and ‘the construction of genius’. The main concern she brings up is that “the crux of the problem with most Beethoven literature as it addresses the composer’s reputation is that, to varying degrees, that literature consists of retrospective...

Ludwig Van Beethoven and the French Revolution

1 Page 420 Words
Music was used to invoke nationalistic pride within the people of France and proved to be an essential tool when rising against the aristocracy during the French Revolution. For example, ‘Le Marseillaise’, which is the French national anthem. It was written during this period of time. It is clearly known that the French Revolution presented some composers even now we...

Johann Sebastian Bach and His Legacy

2 Pages 954 Words
Johann Sebastian Bach was conceived March 31, 1685, and passed on July 28, 1750, he is a German arranger and organist. A few people observe Bach's birthday on March 21. Other individuals light the candles on March 31. The right date relies upon whom you inquire. Bach was conceived in Thuringia in 1685 when the German state was all the...

Beethoven's Political Views Reflected in His Cantata 'The Glorious Moment'

2 Pages 753 Words
Beethoven’s political ethos was liberal; however, he did at times seem to express views that were quite conservative and could also be interpreted as ambiguous. He was not afraid to express his political views through music. Examples of which could be heard in the opera ‘Fidelio’, about the unjust imprisonment overcome by a heroic individual. Also, in his cantata on...

Analysis of Ludwig Van Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 3

1 Page 553 Words
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a composer and pianist, baptized in Bonn, Germany, on the 17th of December 1770. He was an important figure on the bridge between classical and romantic eras. He was educated by his father in a vigorous way and later studied with musician Christian Gottlob Neefe. Joseph Haydn also taught Beethoven composition when Beethoven was at the...

Biography Essay on Mozart's Life: Penniless Composer

5 Pages 2263 Words
Certainly, one of history's most tragic figures, wolfgang amadeus mozart began his acting career as a child prodigy. He performed the piano, harpsichord, organ, and violin beautifully and become taken through his father on some live performance tours through several EU international locations. The young performer delighted his noble audiences, who rewarded him, however, with flattery and pretty women in...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and His Famous Opera 'The Marriage of Figaro'

3 Pages 1309 Words
The author of this book wants students who are studying orchestration to have clear and detailed analysis of Mozart’s famous opera compositions, one of them is ‘The Marriage of Figaro’. This book contains all the four acts of the opera. Figaro and Susanna, two servants of Count Almaviva, get married despite Almiviva’s attempt to seduce Susanna. Figaro and Susanna find...

Susan McClary's Perspectives on Mozart's Music

4 Pages 1957 Words
In ‘A Musical Dialectic from the Enlightenment: Mozart’s Piano Concerto in G Major’, Susan McClary attempts to identify the social factors of the eighteenth century and today contained in Mozart’s music that go beyond its sheer beauty. She claims that scholars treat the music of eighteenth century as too perfect and void of humanistic emotions. Further, she claims a line...

Essay on My Philosopher, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

2 Pages 721 Words
My philosopher is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was an Austrian composer. He excelled in every genre of music unlike most of the composers before him. His father, Leopold, wrote a famous book on violin-playing, which was published the same year of Wolfgang’s birth. Leopold and his wife, Anna Maria Pertl, had seven children and Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna,...

Mozart's Overture to 'The Abduction from the Seraglio'

1 Page 583 Words
Mozart’s overture to ‘The Abduction from the Seraglio’ was initially designed as an opera. His opera was first performed in Vienna in July 1782. Mozart wanted the public to appreciate his work. This specific piece showed lots of emotions and depth with the way the instruments were played. There were three acts in this one movement. The abduction from the...

Essay on Mozart: The Face of a New Era of Music

2 Pages 1025 Words
Mozart was an extremely influential composer whose breadth of musical compositions spanned various genres and took the listener on an emotional journey. He was a genius in his own right, unrecognized in his own time, and revered long after his death. Mozart had many influences which affected his musical style. Mozart's father was a huge influence on this budding musician....

Essay on Jewish Friends of Mozart

1 Page 558 Words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is widely known as one of the best classical musicians of all time. Not much is known about his life top given his early passing at age 35. Symbolic of the saying stars that shine bright burn out too soon. While we can draw modern parallels of musicians in the modern era who passed as it seemed...

Did Mozart Have Jewish Friends: Essay

1 Page 555 Words
Jewish musicians have influenced all other genres of music for centuries now. Whether it is in American Dixieland jazz, Israeli rock, or classical music, the unique Jewish sound has spread far and wide. One of the most famous composers that was influenced by the Jews was Mozart. In fact, the one Jew that had the biggest impact on his life...

Analysis of Mozart's Opera ‘Don Giovanni’

3 Pages 1413 Words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed the two-act opera ‘Don Giovanni’ in 1787. The opera has since been praised by different scholars and critiques as one of the classic works that belong to the very best category of plays to ever be composed. However, the opera is open to various interpretations, while some argue it serves as an excellent example of aesthetic...

Society Essay: Concept of Dialogue in Mozart's Music

4 Pages 1794 Words
Mozart's Piano Concertos represent the dynamic relationship 'between the individual expressive voice of the soloist and the wider 'community' of the orchestra…both ultimately uniting in joyous unanimity' (Till). The extent to which Mozart succeeded in achieving this 'dialogue', is easily determined by the way piano concertos were valued and understood by audiences of the time. Mozart's greatest concertos, written in...

Essay about Mozart

2 Pages 804 Words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a celebrated 18th-century Austrian composer who is now widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential musicians in the history of Western music. Mozart’s musical legacy is known throughout the world, and his compositions have influenced the evolution of all the musical genres of his age. Mozart was a prodigy from a young...
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