Conversation essays

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5 Pages 2089 Words
There are many monstrosities committed against animals globally on a daily basis. One of the notable crimes against animals is the illegal poaching of rhinoceros and elephants for ivory. Ivory is one of the most precious materials and it is used for an abundance of reasons. The main reason poaching has become a problem is because western culture believes ivory...
5 Pages 2024 Words
While most endangered species are under threat from habitat loss due to encroaching human development, African rhinos face only one major threat: poaching, specifically for their horn. The IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature), TRAFFIC, and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups have recognized Vietnam as “the principal end-use market” for rhino horn. Surprisingly, a study conducted by the World...
4 Pages 1976 Words
Introduction Wildlife poaching of iconic African wildlife such as elephants and rhinos has become a huge issue for the tourism industry in Africa. A booming black market trade worth hundreds of millions of dollars is fuelling corruption in Africa’s ports, customs offices, and security forces as well as providing new revenues for insurgent groups and criminal networks across the continent....
3 Pages 1413 Words
What is poaching and how does it affect the economy of Africa? ​ (​ ​Rachel Nuwer,5 October 2017​) The Northern rangelands trust (NRT) was established in 2004 and supports 35 community conservancies spending 17,300 square miles in the northern and coastal Kenya Conservation is not something the local people do purely out of altruism NRT member conservancies now benefit from...
5 Pages 2357 Words
Executive summary: This report will focus on the operations of the transnational corporation of Adidas AG. The purpose of this report is to consider the following aspects of this business: features, operational processes, human resource issues, management issues, ethical issues and competitive advantage. 1. Features of Adidas AG Adidas is a global transnational corporation, founded and based in Germany, by...
7 Pages 3169 Words
Ryanair was founded in 1984 and is a low-cost airline which headquarters are in Swords, Dublin, Ireland. Dublin and London Stansted airports are their primary operational bases. Carrying over 130 million customers each year, they’ve been voted Europe’s Number 1 airline. Ryanair connects 216 destinations in 37 countries, with more than 2,000 daily flights from 85 bases, on a fleet...
3 Pages 1405 Words
Australia is among the world's largest coal exporters (Engelfried, 2018), and Adani is one of the biggest coal mining companies. Coal mining is an activity that brings a significant source of income into the Australian economy; however, there are many environmental impacts associated with it. The operations of Adani mine in Townsville is of significant concern to residents because it...
5 Pages 2525 Words
The Dust Bowl Question One - What is a drought? A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that commonly have a negative effect on flora and fauna or the environment. These consist of earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes and more. Natural hazards occur in all biomes in different ways, and at different times. We must always be prepared for these...
6 Pages 2555 Words
Abstract Crucibles, Bunsen burners, a hot plate, and an evaporating dish were used to examine the reactions of magnesium and oxygen, zinc and hydrochloric acid, and the dehydration of Copper (II) sulfate. The results were MgO, ZnCl2, and CuSo4 + 5H2O. Introduction Individual elements are chemically combined to form new, complex compounds through synthesis reactions. Synthesis reactions follow the pattern...

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