Conversation essays

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Everything in the universe is connected for good or bad. The human race has had a huge impact on the world for the better but more likely for the worse. The biodiversity decline we see today is a worrying sign of the adverse effects humans have had on the planet. The 2020 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity report states we are at a crossroads and we have to take action now to make space for nature to recover and...
3 Pages 1406 Words
Introduction Water pollution is a sustainability issue that has been present for decades (Schwarzenbach, R. P. et al. 2010). It is important to understand more about this issue as it has both direct and indirect impacts on human health (Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C. and Dixon, J. E. 2011). For example, people drink freshwater, feed on seafood that is caught in the ocean, and industries use large amounts of water for their products which are later consumed by humans (Schwarzenbach,...
5 Pages 2430 Words
1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas (2007), the main natural sources of air pollution are volcanoes and fire in general and the unnatural source is Industrial...
5 Pages 2229 Words
The Last Generation able to Fight Global Crisis Intro We need to change. Today alone [enter statistic here] has happened as a result of the ecological crisis we have caused, do you want these numbers to increase? Do you want to die from old age or global warming? All life known to man exists on this planet, we have overexploited the planet’s resources for decades, and despite the negative effects, we fail to act. This chaos will result in the...
2 Pages 782 Words
Abstract Endangered means to be under threat or near extinction. When a species or an animal is endangered, it means that they are disappearing fast or a very small population, is not large enough to survive. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) has compiled a Red List. This red list is a guide to how the endangered species are measured on a scale ranging from “Least Concern” to the worst “Extinct”. The scale includes...
4 Pages 1625 Words
A 75-year-old recycling business and its current standing. Environmental Impact of Automobile/Car Recycling. Focusing on two geographic areas: Flushing and Jamaica. Also, looking at the broader aspect of recycling and what happens to the materials as soon as it leaves the auto recycling facility. What happens to vehicles when they are at their full potential? How and where are they dismantled? What is the crisis it poses? What does the vicinity look like? What sort of laws govern such businesses?...
4 Pages 1723 Words
Ecotourism improves human activities. It makes money, works as entertainment, educates people for natural preservation. However, poorly built ecotourism and human behaviors jeopardize wild animals, collapse biodiversity, leads to environmental destruction. In this essay, I will discuss ecotourism aids national parks or damage. Ecotourism has many benefits and those benefits have drawbacks as well. By Sencer (2016), ‘Is Ecotourism Helping or Hurting Our National Parks?’, ecotourism expenditure is as much as $30 billion and creates over 200,000 employment opportunities. Although...
1 Page 482 Words
Wheat is one of the most important commodities that Russia and the United States export in the global trade market considering the fact that the world-wide production of wheat in growing. This is due to the fact that the world population is growing and the living standards in many developing countries are improving over time. Over the past two decades, Russia has been defined as one of the larger exporters of wheat because of the large areas used for planting,...
4 Pages 1992 Words
The current assignment report is to highlight wildlife and cultural heritage visits in Ranthambore National Park and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Some time ago known as Bharatpur Fledgling Haven, Keoladeo Ghana National Park is situated in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. It is a man-made wetland made in the mid-eighteenth century. During the 1850s, the territory remained as a waterfowl chasing ground for the Royals of Bharatpur. It was built up as a national park on 10 Walk 1982 and appointed as a feathered...
5 Pages 2237 Words
What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Moreover, sustainable development is a program for changing the process of economic development so that it ensures a basic quality of life for all people and at the same time protects the ecosystems and community systems that make life possible and worthwhile. Sustainability and sustainable tourism are becoming more and more common. But...
5 Pages 2164 Words
Chapter 1. Introduction The suspended pollen grains in the air reach the human respiratory track through inhalation, triggering a type of seasonal allergy called pollen allergy. Pollen is one of the most widespread allergies of all the things that can cause an allergy (PMD, 2017). Airborne pollen grains are important aeroallergens that may cause allergic rhinitis and asthma in human beings (D'Amato et al., 2007). Pollen grains that cause allergy are usually very small in size and can easily reach...
8 Pages 3487 Words
Abstract The role of calcium is important during gestation phase. Vitamin D status during pregnancy is essential for the skeletal composition and development of fetus. Low maternal vitamin D is associated with shorter duration of gestation and subsequently reduced growth of long bones in newborns. The requirement of vitamin D can be fulfilled either by eating as vitamin D2 or by blending in the skin as vitamin D3 by the activity of sunlight. The purpose of this study will be...
6 Pages 2621 Words
Are zoos really created for what people think they do; conserve, research and education? Zoos have been around for a very long time since the 18th century, and I assume that you have either visited the zoo, heard of one, or seen one, at least once in your life. Personally, I strongly believe that the principal goal of conservating animals has changed into entertainment for humans, giving absolutely no respect for animals, therefore, we should not have zoos anymore. First...
2 Pages 830 Words
The Houston Zoo is both a conservation and rehabilitation place for animals and education source for kids and adults alike. They provide easy to understand information about the animals that reside at the zoo. This is mainly done through the means of plaques, boards, and electronics devices that are stationed near the animal exhibits. Along with signs, the Houston Zoo has an educational center and programs. These help promote and educate the guests who visit or want to learn more...
1 Page 568 Words
There is a lot of natural resources that are needed to survive, but none can be obtain without water. Water is the main source of life. However, most of the U.S. rivers and streams are polluted largely due to agriculture. Even though there is laws to protect the rivers they are often contaminated by runoff, or illegal disposal of chemicals. The massive amount of runoff caused by agriculture is affecting bacterial growth in rivers as well as algae, which is...
3 Pages 1443 Words
Acid rain – words which we often read in books and hear in news, is a phenomena towards which we contribute directly or indirectly. As the name suggests, is precipitation made extremely acidic by atmospheric pollutants which causes harm to the flora, fauna and infrastructure. Acid rain contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions produces as a result of interaction between sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides with water. In order to find remedies to this problem, we must delve deep and...
1 Page 676 Words
For the question that “Are our zoos cruel to wild animals” I am agree with this statement up to some extent. Zoo is the place where animals are kept within enclosures be displayed to the visitors for the awareness about wild animals. Zoo is like the second home of the animals. Zoos are considered a great teaching center about the animals and their behavior. We cannot imagine our society and environment if we destroy the animals that are our ecosystem....
2 Pages 999 Words
Do you want animals to die out quicker? If not, I positively believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because animals suffer in captivity and many zoos fail to provide even a minimum standard care lastly healthy animals are killed. Firstly, Animals suffer in captivity because Captivity is living hell for animals, who are meant to be free. Enclosures in many zoos and safari parks are on average 100 times smaller than the minimum home range for animals...
1 Page 421 Words
The construction industry in Tanzania includes transportation infrastructures, real estates, and civil works, including water supply. According to the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Construction industry contributed 13.6% to Tanzania’s GDP during 2015, reaching almost USD6b. From 2016 to 2017 the government of Tanzania had budgeted TZS5.47t, which is to 25.4% of the total budget, excluding public debt service, for infrastructure development projects. As seen it is a big industry not only in Tanzania but also all over...
5 Pages 2430 Words
“There is not enough sufficient water to irrigate all the land which could be irrigated”. These are the words from John Wesley Powell when he argued that civilization would difficult to cultivate in the West due to the lack of water in the area. However, Americans went ahead and created civilization. In fact, early Americans established the biggest cities in the United States and the world such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. Nonetheless, Powell was not entirely incorrect about...
3 Pages 1326 Words
A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos. The first zoos were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power. These private collections were called...
4 Pages 1690 Words
Ecosystem services are ecological characteristics, functions, or processes that indirectly or directly contribute to human wellbeing and benefits such as food and materials that people derive from ecosystems (Constanza,1997). They are characterised by their amenities, goods, physicalities, or services (Everard, 2017). Created by living organisms interacting within their environment, ecosystems provide both conditions and processes that sustain life. Thus, they are essential to our existence despite being taken for granted. Natural capital, stock that yields service flow over time, interacts...
4 Pages 1769 Words
Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health; thus, the recent decades have outstandingly worsened the water across communities worldwide by pollution. A variety of areas around the world face different challenges regarding water conditions; hence, today’s report will focus on identifying issues in Longmont, Colorado, and investigate the reasons for particular water pollutions. Moreover, to demonstrate the solutions to these problems, multiple management practices to increase water quality will be provided. Overview of a Water Quality Report Longmont...
2 Pages 897 Words
Introduction Most of you here have been to zoos before, whether as a fun family trip or with your school as an educational experience, but have you ever considered how the animals you stare at for a minute or so before moving on are treated? Have you ever thought about how constrained they are, stuck in an enclosure with space a hundred times smaller than they would have in the wild? In fact, how would you feel if you were...
2 Pages 863 Words
Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. In recent decades, about 10-40% of the global species are facing critical threat of extinction. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. 20183 described anthropogenic-related habitat loss as the biggest cause of biodiversity loss on a global scale. According to Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC),...
3 Pages 1246 Words
In the U.S., fossil fuels produce up to 80% of all energy that we consume. Our current level of dependence on fossil fuels puts us on track for a rapid depletion of these finite materials. Meaning, if we’re not careful, we will run out of our precious, non-renewable resources. That means no more oil, natural gas, and even coal. Burning fossil fuels in power plants is hard also on the environment. We’re talking about everything from ocean and air pollution...
2 Pages 916 Words
Zoos are a popular attraction amongst children and adults. It has been suggested that animals have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, with the first zoo being established in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However there is split opinion on having zoos within local communities. Some of the positives are it's a place of education, conservation, rescue and breeding programmes. The negatives are animals may suffer physically and mentally, the environment doesn't meet their natural habitat....
1 Page 549 Words
Abstract When a body is in a state of motion, the total momentum is maintained, such that the product of mass and the velocity vector, until that moment when an external force is applied to it. This law is called the conservation of linear momentum, this principle somewhat corroborates the conservation of energy principle which states that energy is neither created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to the other, like mechanical energy transformed to electrical energy...
6 Pages 2745 Words
Wildlife conservation is a tale as old as time. Who knows, maybe if there had been conservationists 65 million years ago, we would still have dinosaurs roaming the earth today. While the fact that animals go extinct is not old news, do people really understand why wildlife is so important? What steps need to be taken to preserve wildlife? How can one become involved in wildlife conservation? These are all important questions that need to be explored in order to...
2 Pages 1090 Words
1. Araby. By:- James Joyce (1883-1941) Summary:- The boy lives with his auntie and uncle on a rather quiet or road in Dublin, in a house in which resided a priest (who has died) . The kid is inspired and to some degree perplexed by the mildew-covered books, an authentic sentiment, a devout tract, and a criminologist life account, and different notices of the past occupant. The activity of the story starts with the kids' amusements, played in the paths...
5 Pages 2344 Words

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