Dependence on Technology essays

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2 Pages 923 Words
There are several types of addictions, but what’s more terrifying than an addiction that’s right in front of your face 24/7? Technology is comparable to a drug because most people depend on technology as if life is unbearable without it. In the 21st century, technology has become one of the necessities, but spending an unreasonable amount of time causes negative...
4 Pages 1882 Words
The proliferation of Internet-based technology has changed the state of Americans. Smartphones, tablets, and computers gain billions of dollars each year and are owned by most Americans. The smartphone was once a luxury item which costed thousands of dollars for a limited use. Today's smartphone is now in the pockets of most Americans young and old. A nationwide survey revealed...
1 Page 584 Words
What would everyday life be like without the Internet? We’ve gotten used to living online for such a long time that staying offline permanently is such an alien concept. Let’s face it, the Internet has become one of, if not the most important invention in the modern world. It is difficult to imagine how life would be in the absence...
1 Page 473 Words
When was the last time you did not have to search for the answer to an innominate question? Probably today because technology has made us so dependent on what we know, but are unable to do out of laziness. Some examples of this technology are GPS, educational advancements, and social media. Therefore, GPS is used by many to help them...
1 Page 429 Words
In the era of globalization, where there are no more limits to accessing anything, it provides an opportunity for the Internet to become a 'primary need' for humans. The Internet has become the most crucial thing in this era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, because technology is used as a reference in various aspects of life. Technological developments occur so rapidly,...
2 Pages 944 Words
Nowadays with the development of technology people use the Internet for having access to plenty of information which can keep them entertained, up to date and being in contact with others in the social networks (Flora, 2015). Most people believe that they cannot continue their life without this technology. This statement has people lives addicted spending their time to use...
2 Pages 1013 Words
As technology develops, each individual in this world has been depending with the use of it. Since we are in the 21st century, modern life has been a replete of technological tools. Technology has been rising day by day and plays a vital role in everyone’s lives. We could easily find children and students use gadgets for their studies, recreation...
1 Page 589 Words
In today’s context, people are becoming increasingly accustomed to modern methods of living, which has in return taken a toll on their health. Countries such as United States and Singapore are advancing and their lifestyle is also changing accordingly. Detrimental effects are inevitable as a country progresses. Health problems such as chronic heart diseases, stress, anxiety, memory loss and obesity...

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