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The Issue of National Legalization of Marijuana

4 Pages 1619 Words
As of July 1st, this year, recreational marijuana was legal in nine states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington), as well as the District of Columbia. In this paper, I will be arguing why recreational marijuana should be legal nationwide, and I will be using John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism to frame my argument. Mill defines utilitarianism...

Marijuana Usage within Young Adolescent

4 Pages 1633 Words
Cannabis or marijuana is one of the most well-known, cheap and easy to get drug substance in the world. Even though this drug is very common, it is very difficult to classify in one category due to the plethora of effects it can have on the human body which can also differ from person to person. Marijuana, for example can...

The Dispute between Supporters and Opponents for Legalization of Marijuana

4 Pages 1729 Words
Marijuana is one of the most controversial discussions in recent trends of society. This is a global epidemic and doesn't only affect our country. Even In countries such as Colombia, The Netherlands, and various states in the United States (Colorado, Washington, and Oregon), marijuana is legalized for recreational and medical purposes for all legal participants. However, in countries such as...

Why Should Weed be Legal

2 Pages 997 Words
Introduction The legalization of cannabis, commonly referred to as weed, has become an increasingly debated topic in contemporary society. Advocates argue that the benefits of legalization far outweigh the potential risks, encompassing economic, social, and health-related dimensions. The shift in public perception towards cannabis, from a stigmatized illicit drug to a potentially beneficial substance, reflects a broader understanding of its...

Marijuana Legalization: To Smoke or Not to Smoke

2 Pages 720 Words
In a socialist society, we have state representatives who voice our opinions to the federal government. Citizens have been in an uproar on the issue of legalizing cannabis, with over half of the American people in support legalization. Where are the legislators that are supposed to serve our interests? America is country founded upon the freedom of choice and pursuit...

Legalizing Marijuana: More Harm than Good?

2 Pages 924 Words
“Leave the trees, and let them be (lord lord) can’t you see you’re destroying the environment, Leave the trees, and let them be (whoa whoa), can’t you see you boring a hole inna di O-Zone layer” are some words mentioned in a popular song titled ‘Leave the trees’ written and sang by Jamaican Reggae artist Chezidek. “Marijuana can be defined...

Legalization of Marijuana: Issue and Solution

2 Pages 868 Words
The great Robert Nesta Marley (n.d.) stated that “Herb is the healing of a nation; alcohol is the destruction of mankind”. In February 2015, the Jamaican government and lawmakers passed an act to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana. The terms decriminalization and legalization are often confused. The Oxford dictionary defines decriminalization as the removal of criminal penalties, whereas legalization is...

Legalization of Marijuana in Jamaica

2 Pages 716 Words
According to Dr. Andre Haughton (2019), the Cannabis Consumers Coalition report created in 2017 stated that more than 50% of consumers support policies of legalizing the use of marijuana (Jamaica Gleaner, 2019). With the legalization of marijuana in the works, many Jamaicans have argued about the potential negative health effects. The legalization will prevent law enforcement from penalizing the public...

Marijuana: Should it be Legalized?

2 Pages 852 Words
Many people say that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including damage to the reproductive system, brain damage, and weakening of the immune system. I believe that research to support anything can be found if one is looking hard enough, but that the fallacy is due to others research seeking facts to support an assumed conclusion. Based on my research...

A Logical Stance on the Legalization of Marijuana

3 Pages 1392 Words
The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the United States for many years, regardless of the other surrounding countries who have legalized it. As of today, all states, except 17 of them, have legalized marijuana in at least one way, medical or recreational. Marijuana should be legalized because it would benefit us and provide solutions to many...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Marijuana Legalization

4 Pages 1806 Words
Over the course of several years, there has been a debate about whether the United States should legalize the usage of marijuana. As of right now, thirty-three states have decriminalized or legalized marijuana use (Speights, 2018). The decriminalization of the substance indicates that criminal penalties administered are not necessarily harsh. For example, a fine may be imposed instead of an...

Legalization of Opioids and Marijuana

4 Pages 1631 Words
There is a significant public health problem in America that is causing mass devastation. Ironically, it is administered by your healthcare providers. The culprit is opioid addiction. There have been some efforts to curb this epidemic. Andrew Yang has offered many solutions in his presidential campaign. But despite the attempts to stop this epidemic, Andrew Rogers, who is a doctoral...

Will the Legalization of Marijuana Result in More Harm than Good?

2 Pages 1035 Words
Introduction Would you want the government limiting how much coffee you can drink or how many cigars you’re allowed to have a day? According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), cigarettes are found out to be more harmful than marijuana. The Chinese Legend who discovered marijuana healing properties around 500 years ago BC, the world's oldest pharmacopeia recommends marijuana...

The Impacts of Marijuana Legalization on Economic and Medical Field

4 Pages 2004 Words
“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational...

Legalization of Marijuana in the Terms of Criminal Justice

6 Pages 2681 Words
Abstract The debate over the legalization of marijuana rages on. The facts are clear. Marijuana is now known to be effective in the treatment of several diseases and medical marijuana is legal and available from dispensaries in over twenty-five states. These states have seen increased tax revenue through the sale of legal marijuana and there have been no reported serious...

Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Canadian Economy

4 Pages 1808 Words
Abstract Before 2018, cannabis is illegal in Canada and was used for medical purpose only. On 17th October Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. It is the naturally grown plant which contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). It is the hot topic to debate in Canada whether it is good for economy and people or...

Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalization in the United States

4 Pages 1817 Words
In April of this year, a poll was conducted by CBS News concerning cannabis legalization at the federal level; results stated that sixty-five percent of Americans favor nationwide legalization of cannabis (De Pinto). For the last century, the United States Federal Government has prohibited the use and possession of cannabis for any purpose, as stated by the Controlled Substances Act...

Refuting Marijuana Legalization

6 Pages 2770 Words
Introduction The legal recognition of marijuana denotes one of the most controversial themes across the globe. Contrary to the contentions presented by the activists of legalizing the drug, the present bipartisan and restrictive laws of the US, as well as other nations around the globe, are doing a commendable job in alleviating the consumption of marijuana. In line with this...

How Marijuana Culture Leads to its Legalization

2 Pages 1085 Words
Marijuana, also named weed, pot, herb, grass, and Mary Jane is a commonly used mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis Sativa, the plant, it is a globally used psychoactive drug used for recreational and medical purposes worldwide. A psychoactive drug in pharmaceutical terms is a chemical substance that alters brain functionality and results in mental alterations in behavior, mood,...

The Advantages of Cannabis Legalization

2 Pages 901 Words
The likely odds are that from a young age, parents and teachers gave horror stories about the nature and effects of marijuana. The Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) is a Florida based medical organization that has, for years, been fighting the biased mindset surrounding the drug. The average American voter is not concerned with the scientific rationale behind the...

Legalize Marijuana Use for Medical and Recreational Purposes in the US

2 Pages 979 Words
With voting season right around the corner, many states are considering the future of marijuana on their upcoming ballots. According to According to Governing.com “The District of Columbia and 11 states -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington -- have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use… Most other states allow...

The Challenges of Marijuana Legalization

2 Pages 1012 Words
Eagerly anticipated, the concern for the legalization of marijuana still exists and should be addressed. There are many states that have mandated Medical marijuana laws. Two states specifically, Colorado and Washington have sanctioned cannabis to be used recreationally. Society winds up in a head scratcher on what truly is the better class for the eventual fate of cannabis; an improving...

The Laws for Marijuana Legalization

2 Pages 972 Words
Much Debate has been conducted on Marjuana legalization, with an unusual amount of contradicting research. There is constant dispute on whether it should be legalized or not, and if legalized, how would the government make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account everyday. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter from...

The Legalization of Marijuana as the Painkiller

2 Pages 1126 Words
The author Perry Daniel Strausbaugh (March 21, 1886 - May 3, 1965) was an American botanist and expert in the flora of West Virginia. The standard author abbreviation Strausb is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name. After his graduation, Strausbaugh returned to Wooster College as an assistant professor of botany, becoming a full...
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