Essay about Life Changing Decisions

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To go to another country and vacation for a few days creates unforgettable memories. However, to study abroad in another country different from your own is a life changing experience. Not many people are ambition enough or willing to take that chance to leave the comfort of their own home, and some hesitate because of the different barriers. Studying abroad is beneficial, it provides exposure and cultivates one's personality and interest in adventuring new things. My firsthand experience living in Guadalajara, Jalisco changed me profoundly, it opened my curiosity about their history, taste in music, cuisine, nightlife, festivals, and sports which are all too different from the United States.

History plays an instrumental role in the state of Jalisco, and most notably are the architectural buildings in Guadalajara. This is a state that is rapidly growing and pushing into a more modern commonwealth. However, many landmarks and monuments cannot be demolished as the people in Jalisco value history and attempt to preserve their churches, villages, and historic museums and have a clear cultural trajectory that is reflected in the relics. One of the most popular destinations, is Guadalajara Metropolitan Cathedral. Since the Spanish colony, the neo-gothic and Spanish Renaissance towers have undergone numerous reconstructions throughout their time but haven’t lost their touch to having very fine architectural detail and art inside. Thus, the area is very emblematic of the state and is surrounded by other significant sights such as Plaza De Armas, La Sala De Los Magos, and Guadalajara Coat Of Arms all at an enjoyable walking distance.

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In addition, Mexico is the birthplace that holds itself to its vibrant traditional style music and each state has its taste but Guadalajara is the motherland of mariachi and ranchera music. Mariachi is well known as a fundamental part of Mexico's identity and national pride. You can say both genres are closely tied together and their music is composed of different instruments lyrically story tells the struggles and triumphs of its people and revolutionary heroes. The music is associated with a dance style El Jarabe Tapatio in which follows the rhythm of the beat between two people and has inspired performers. According to Jose Luis Ovalle, The Mexican Folk Dance Company, “Anna Pavlova, the great Russian Ballerina, who visited Mexico in 1919, fell in love with the culture and the spectacular attire and decided to include the (heretofore) 'Mexican Hat Dance' in her permanent repertoire.” Nevertheless, it marvels me how both genres have inspired artists and the evolution of Mariachi and Rancheras has persisted nonetheless, it has transcended across different continents, and its artists such as Silvestre Vargas, Vicente Fernandez, and Pedro Infante to name a few have put Jalisco on the map for their contribution in music.

Moving forward, not all Mexican dishes are spicy and what makes Jalisco stand out is their cuisine. Depending on the location each has its specialty, one of my go-to places is Guadalajara’s San Juan de Dios Market. The area has three levels and the market is displayed for each floor to have its theme. Therefore, on the second level, you can try a selection of some of the most popular dishes, my favorite Sweet Enchiladas. It is a perfect mixture of sweet and spicy mole, dipped in chocolate sauce, rolled with the perfect seasonings of ground beef, and sprinkled with cheese leaving your mouth watery and asking for seconds. During my stay, Guadalajara introduced me to some culinary delights and never left me missing home-cooked meals.

Equally as important, as the history, music, and cuisine is the nightlife Guadalajara brings. Early hours of the morning people do their routine but by late evening the city comes to life specifically, Avenue Chapultepec. This location offers upscale restaurants and dive bars, and in between the streets, they are divided into different sections. As you explore your way through, the first section you will come across three types of vendors, these are painters, artisans, and enthusiastic bookworms. The next section is the entertainers these are people playing an instrument, singing their best rendition of The Beatles, or artists performing a dance. Once you stroll through the end, and look for a quiet down area, you can find yourself sitting on very detailed ironwork benches or sculptures of heroes and appreciating the beauty the city has to offer.

Furthermore, Guadalajara is one of the most festive cities all year round attracting many locals and visitors. It is impossible not to attend some of the most interesting public exhibitions the city has to offer includes art, music, and theatrical performances. One of the biggest festivals in the city is the international book fair held in late November, it is the second largest book fair and is an important publishing gathering in Latin America. The event is held for nine days and showcases a selection of books such as; philosophy, novels, fiction, and religion to name a few. According to Combined Book Exhibit, “The Guadalajara International Book Fair is the go-to event for Spanish language content. More than 1900 publishers attend with over 20,000 professionals from 44 counties and 700,000 attending from the public.” This is a great opportunity not only for businesses, and authors but for those who love literature, the only drawback is they cannot last forever.

Moreover, there is a hunger for sports and the people in Guadalajara over the years have continued to demonstrate how vital sports are, almost as important as religion. There are various types of activities in Guadalajara and often when the word “sports” comes to mind we think of soccer. Yes, that is true Guadalajara is the home to the professional soccer club Chivas and fans are very passionate about their team. However, the city is also well known for its Charreada a competitive sport that is similar to rodeo and is deeply rooted in our native land dating back to revolutionary times. Charreada is a national sport that begins with women referred to as “escaramuzas” mounted on horsebacks choreographing a dance to a Mexican song. Next, the men dressed in charro perform numerous tricks, this can be using ropes, horse riding, or cattle riding. Thus, Charreada is much more than entertainment but an authentic culture that distinguishes Guadalajara.

In conclusion, in the effort to reconnect with my roots studying abroad in Guadalajara has opened my mind to not only respecting the culture but also viewing the world differently. It allowed me to appreciate the inescapable arts in the streets and infrastructures, it introduced me to music, cuisines, festivals, and sports that have now been transcended into our very own country. Nevertheless, Guadalajara is only a small portion of the whole state, and there are more areas to explore. You have to be able to experience and immerse yourself in to fully understand the beauty of this city. Each one of these characteristics is emblematic of the city and to experience it firsthand, I believe is what makes Guadalajara a great place to visit.

Work Cited

    1. Ovalle , Jose Luis. “The Mexican Folk Dance Company of Chicago - Dance from the State of Jalisco.” The Mexican Folk Dance Company of Chicago - Dance from the State Of,
    2. “2019 Guadalajara International Book Fair - CBE.” Book Marketing | Book Promotion - Combined Book Exhibit,


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