Essay on Extreme and Restricted Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism, a consequentialist ethical theory, asserts that the moral worth of an action is determined by its ability to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. However, within the framework of Utilitarianism, there exist variations known as extreme and restricted Utilitarianism. These variations differ in their approach to maximizing utility and addressing moral dilemmas. In this essay, we will delve into the characteristics of extreme and restricted Utilitarianism, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and evaluate their implications in ethical decision-making.

Definition and Characteristics of Extreme Utilitarianism

Extreme Utilitarianism, also known as Act Utilitarianism, posits that individuals should always perform the action that maximizes overall utility in any given situation. This approach emphasizes the immediate consequences of individual actions and requires calculating the expected pleasure and pain resulting from each action. Extreme Utilitarianism rejects the notion of moral rules or principles and instead prioritizes the pursuit of the greatest happiness without exception. Adherents of extreme Utilitarianism argue that moral decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, considering the specific circumstances and consequences of each action.

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Strengths of Extreme Utilitarianism

One strength of extreme Utilitarianism lies in its flexibility and adaptability to diverse situations. By focusing on the consequences of individual actions, extreme Utilitarianism allows for a nuanced analysis of ethical dilemmas, taking into account factors such as intentions, context, and outcomes. Moreover, extreme Utilitarianism promotes impartiality and universalizability, as it seeks to maximize overall utility for all individuals affected by a decision. This approach prioritizes the welfare of the greatest number of people and aims to minimize suffering and maximize happiness on a global scale.

Weaknesses of Extreme Utilitarianism

Despite its strengths, extreme Utilitarianism faces several criticisms, particularly regarding its treatment of individual rights and moral integrity. Critics argue that extreme Utilitarianism may justify morally reprehensible actions if they lead to greater overall happiness. This consequentialist approach neglects the intrinsic value of certain rights and virtues, such as justice, autonomy, and honesty. Furthermore, extreme Utilitarianism may overlook long-term consequences and unforeseen outcomes, leading to potential injustices or unintended harms.

Definition and Characteristics of Restricted Utilitarianism

Restricted Utilitarianism, also known as Rule Utilitarianism, differs from extreme Utilitarianism in its emphasis on moral rules or principles derived from utility. Unlike extreme Utilitarianism, which evaluates each action individually, restricted Utilitarianism advocates for following general rules or guidelines that maximize overall utility when consistently applied. These rules are based on empirical observations and societal norms and aim to promote the greatest happiness over time. Restricted Utilitarianism acknowledges the importance of moral rules in guiding ethical behavior while still prioritizing utility as the ultimate criterion of morality.

Strengths of Restricted Utilitarianism

One strength of restricted Utilitarianism lies in its recognition of the importance of moral rules and principles in guiding ethical decision-making. By advocating for adherence to general rules that promote overall utility, restricted Utilitarianism provides a more stable and predictable framework for moral reasoning. This approach helps individuals navigate complex ethical dilemmas by providing clear guidelines for action. Additionally, restricted Utilitarianism addresses concerns about individual rights and integrity by incorporating moral rules that respect fundamental values and virtues.

Weaknesses of Restricted Utilitarianism

Despite its strengths, restricted Utilitarianism faces criticism for its potential inflexibility and susceptibility to rule conflicts. Critics argue that adherence to strict moral rules may lead to situations where following a rule conflicts with maximizing overall utility in a particular circumstance. In such cases, adherents of restricted Utilitarianism may face moral dilemmas in deciding whether to prioritize rule-following or utility maximization. Moreover, restricted Utilitarianism may overlook the importance of context and individual differences in ethical decision-making, leading to rigid or dogmatic adherence to moral rules.


In conclusion, extreme and restricted Utilitarianism offer distinct approaches to ethical decision-making based on the maximization of utility. Extreme Utilitarianism prioritizes immediate consequences and individual actions, while restricted Utilitarianism emphasizes adherence to moral rules or principles derived from utility. Both variations of Utilitarianism have their strengths and weaknesses, with extreme Utilitarianism offering flexibility and adaptability, and restricted Utilitarianism providing stability and predictability. Ultimately, the choice between extreme and restricted Utilitarianism depends on the specific context and values of individuals, highlighting the complexity of ethical reasoning within the Utilitarian framework.

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Essay on Extreme and Restricted Utilitarianism. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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