Essay on Who I Am as a Writer

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How to become a thriving freelance writer? I get a whole lot of emails from personalities asking me how to develop freelance writing quality as a profession as they doubt that they are not from a major city. I always tell them that, at least today, your location in the world doesn't matter much, because the actions to be taken to become a freelance writer are the same around the globe.

It’s a super cool way to earn extra income and make a better living from it compared to a 9 to 5 job. So, I thought of writing an article that can help beginner and new freelance writers to jumpstart and get their businesses going.

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As I have started my journey as a freelance writer, the most irritating thing I've noticed is that many people are trying to give wrong advice - like you need very formal and professional training to become an online writer. You don't need any degree or a certificate to become an online freelance writer.

Bloggers are tons in the world. The stay-at-home, doing their perfect business of just writing good and informative articles, creating a good network with other bloggers, businesses, and writers, and earning a decent or very high income, which might not be possible through their day-to-day 9-to-5 job.

There are many examples of people quitting their 'so-called' safe and secure job just to follow their passion for freelance writing without having any professional experience in writing. Their incomes are now almost 5X or at least twice what they were earning from the 'so-called' safe and secure but boring day job. Even I do the same.

It’s been almost 4 years since I started my freelance writing business. My career as a freelance writer started with lots of mistakes. I ended up making contacts to find content writing jobs. Back then, I thought that content writing is just another name for casual writing like stories, personal blogs, general topics, etc.

But as I started going deep and kept learning things without getting discouraged, I found so much interesting going on within the layers of business and professional promotions. It was a whole new world in itself.

My first income was through a post written for a classified website. It was near $3.47, as per today’s calculations. That moment was very confusing. It was a joyful moment because I earned my first dollar online which opened the doors of many possibilities in the coming future, but the feeling of lac was clear in that income. I found that I was not a perfect writer because, on the referral of that one article, no one was ready to give me the work I was seeking for.

I decided to learn the skills needed and upgrade myself because the potential was high but if I was not enough capable, the freelancing writer's future (for me) was dark.

I found the influencers (influencers in the real sense of their work, not just on social media) and grouped with them. Somehow, I wrote many articles and was lucky enough to get high-paying customers and the future is not dark anymore.

OK, I hopped over the important stage of struggle, but I’ll bust it for you in a bit.

With a determined resolution, a firm motive, and a lot of hard work I am now qualified to have freelance writing jobs from home! If you also want the same for yourself, here are the important steps on how to become a Successful Freelance Writer.

When I began freelance writing, I did a lot of studies on how other freelance writers write. I found some great freelance writers, read their blogs, looked at their websites, and learned as much as I could about this business.

At that time, I was not having any idea about how the freelancing business worked or what kind of jobs are available to freelance writers. I sometimes emailed or even called freelance writers and asked silly questions like how to apply proper headings.

Become Natural with the Writing Crafts and Tools Required. Now, you can start freelance writing from scratch. This is certainly true, but if you aspire for a more solid possibility of succeeding, it’s reasonably good to acquire a few art and crafts and how to use the required tools properly and efficiently. Some very necessary skills for a freelance writer are:

Required Crafts/Skills

Organization Craft – Management

You need to keep track of all your schemes, billing data, customer data, offerings posted, and content calendar for your blog, and seldom for your client’s blog. You’ll also need to improve your writing routine to organize your articles or blog posts.

What are the measures to accumulate analysis for your articles? How do you draft your blog post? Having conformity in point for your plans is key to improving your business. You don’t want to make a blunder or omit doing something important. For me, I have a few journals to note down content concepts for my blogs and a task list of what needs to be done immediately.

Blogging Craft

I essentially write blog posts or digital marketing kinds of stuff – like a hook post or for a lead magnet. Firstly, when I started, I had no hint of how to blog. I read various blog posts but never looked at the structure the writers were following. It wasn’t until I started my blog that I considered subheadings and utilizing the white space as the plus point.

Writing for online readers is different than writing a session paper for your college professor. You need to know how to fascinate a reader with just your title and the coping introduction. You also need to back up your assertions and facts with legitimate references. And you need to incorporate subheadings and lists, and above all, you should provide actionable advice which is immediately applicable.

Content Marketing Craft

Content marketing is one of the most important aspects when we talk about the online content creation business. A beginner freelance writer requires to understand clearly what content marketing is. This expects learning how a business uses the content to sell its products or services.

They may use a lead magnet, case studies, income proofs, customer reviews, literal white papers, and an email list to aid them to obtain leads that can essentially convert into a long-term customer. Knowing this marketing policy, you mature a freelance writer, it can help you settle on writing schemes like white paper writing for corporations, which are scored more valuable than general or personal blogs.

Confidence Craft

Being confident is unmistakably a craft successful people know very well. Putting yourself beyond the unknown and seeking to settle directly on the writing jobs is hard. You’ll get discarded, or disappointed, or you may have a client who will blow you out of the water. To be a successful freelance writer you truly need good confidence and don't be afraid of pitching sales. That's ok if you do not possess that confidence right away at the start but it is required that you exert important actions.

This surely means that you have to apply to jobs even if you are not that qualified for it or you shall send a sales pitch that is not at all perfect. You need to do this as an exercise and practice from which you will gradually learn how to manage important aspects. Simply watching YouTube videos, enrolling in various courses, or reading a ton of blog articles won't help you a lot in the long term until you don't take action and practice alone. So, taking appropriate actions is very much important.

Do not fall into the trap of overthinking as it slowly leads you to sink into the 'Analysis-Paralysis' state which is, most of the time, very hard to suppress or overcome. Now that you have gone through the basic crafts and skills necessitated, you also need to know the importance and the use of the basic business tools.

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Essay on Who I Am as a Writer. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
“Essay on Who I Am as a Writer.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
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Essay on Who I Am as a Writer [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from:

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