Ethanol essays

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3 Pages 1401 Words
Research Ethanol is a compound with the formula, C2H5OH. Ethanol is a clear, colourless liquid, that boils at 78.8° Celsius and freezes at -114.1° Celsius. It is often just called ‘alcohol’. It is also a good solvent – it is able to dissolve many substances that are not soluble in water. It also evaporates quickly, much faster than water. Ethanol...
2 Pages 807 Words
Introduction Infrared Spectroscopy is the study of matter and its interaction with electromagnetic radiation and it can be used in order to determine the functional group within a sample (2). When infrared light hits a certain molecule it can cause pulling and bending between the bonds present, which also determined the amount of absorbance there is. The intensity of an...
4 Pages 1645 Words
Introduction Ethanol produced from biomass has a significance role in the industry. It was not used in a large quantity until mid of 1970. The sudden increase in the prices of oil made the scientist to switch towards biomass ethanol production and as a result of that ethanol engines are 15% more efficient then other engines. Characteristics of ethanol as...
5 Pages 2086 Words
Bio-ethanol as alternatives source of energy Bioethanol is obtained from plant biomass based waste materials or renewable sources. It can be used as a fuel, chemical feedstock, and solvent in various industries. It has certain advantages as petroleum substitutes, alcohol can be produced from a number of renewable resources, alcohol as fuel burns cleaner than petroleum this aspect is environmentally...
3 Pages 1291 Words
Research Question Reducing carbon output from cars and producing more sustainable fuel at first seems straightforward but there are a number of things that need to be considered. Investigate the advantages or disadvantages of smaller versus larger engines, fuel types and electric vehicles. Report on a type of engine and fuel and its potential advantages and disadvantages in reducing carbon...
4 Pages 1947 Words
Introduction The membranes of cells are made up of a fluid imitating, semi-permeable plasma membrane. This is made up of a phospholipid bilayer. A phospholipid bilayer is comprised of phospholipids (see figure 1) and various membrane proteins. The lipid tails of the phospholipids are hydrophobic (repel water) and the phosphate heads are hydrophilic (attract water). In order to ensure the...
3 Pages 1476 Words
Background research Ethanol Ethanol is a chemical compound and a simple alcohol with a chemical formula . It is volatile, flammable, colorless and transparent liquid. It is main type of alcohol in alcoholic drinks. It is produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or petrochemical processes. Ethanol is also used a clean burning fuel (Wikipedia, 2019). It can be...
2 Pages 1120 Words
Abstract In day to day life, management of biomedical waste is quite difficult. Biomedical waste is segregated into four categories like yellow, red, white, and blue. Yellow category contains infectious waste, bandages, gauze, cotton or any other objects in contact with body fluids, human body parts, and placenta etc. In this process surgical waste cotton is converted in to valuable...
2 Pages 1049 Words
Developing Countries And Their Dilemma In today’s time, with ‘development’ comes ‘growth’ and with growth comes an increase in the numbers of motor vehicles leading to urban congestion and unhealthy air quality, in the United States, the motor vehicle emissions account for all the criteria pollutants except sulfur oxides. Talking about China, vehicle growth is projected to rise from about...
2 Pages 673 Words
The unsustainable energy resources like fossil fuel are going to be depleted in the next few decades and the trends in bio-fuel production from biomass are gaining popularity to encounter the expected energy crisis in the world. Ethanol is the most widely used liquid bio-fuel and is produced as a result of fermentation process from sugars, starches or cellulosic biomass...
2 Pages 989 Words
Chromatography is the best technique for identifying different chemicals within a mixture. Rationale Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry, forensic toxicology, in a legal setting. A forensic chemist can assist in the identification of unknown materials found at a crime scene. Forensic Chemists have a wide array of methods used to identify unknown substances including HPCL chromatography, gas chromatography-mass...
2 Pages 744 Words
Since the industrial revolution, we have been using fossil fuels in the form of coal, crude oil, and natural gases to create energy through the process of combustion to be able to generate electricity, run vehicles, cook food, heat our homes and power industry and manufacturing. Fossil fuels are a product of decayed plant and animal matter, which take millions...
2 Pages 944 Words
Microbes are the organisms not able to be seen from naked eye. They play various roles in our daily life used as in biofuel production, biofertilization etc. Biofuel Energy products such as alchohols, diesel, hydrogen, biogas produced by the help of microorganisms are called biofuels. Microorganisms help in fermentation process or provide essential enzymes and help in the production of...
5 Pages 2250 Words
Introduction In today’s time where the world is facing a financial global crisis the oil prices being dropped down to an extent where water is more expensive. We all could conclude one thing that we need a better ecofriendly and sustainable source of energy. Petroleum has been the back bone of all most all major industries post the industrialization era...
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