Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue

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Who is involved on this issue is mainly the American people where there are 2 sides to arguments where some people want to completely ban guns and there's the other side who won't give up their guns. This issue is possibly one of the most controversial problems that's going on in the US, where no real agreement is coming up. New gun laws are generally the result of a killing or mass shooting by the state government enforcing the gun laws in the area. There're people who want to get rid of guns entirely, there’re some who want stricter laws enacted and, there're some who say leave the issue alone. Whichever way the US and some states go, there is backlash from all sides.

Some of the main players in this debate is that some democrats want to ban semi-automatic guns, and to the point that nearly half of the democrats want to ban all guns completely. The other side of this controversial issue is the gun rights people and current owners of guns who want to preserve America's values of being founded by guns and how it's our 2nd Amendment where you have the right to bear arms, and this should not be infringed on. The interests of the gun control people are to simply regulate the use of guns or the extremists who want to entirely ban them. As those who want to regulate them, what they have done, for example, is reduce magazine size to only a few shots versus, for example, thirty shots, to make automatic weapons less dangerous. The age has been raised from 18 to 21 for buying shotguns. and rifles and ammo sales are reduced to a certain amount of boxes sold and have background checks to go along with them. The gun rights people want to hold onto the traditional values and don't want their guns to be taken away, even if they are registered. Gun rights people believe the idea of that one person who is involved with a shooting shouldn't ruin everyone else's experience who owns a gun and uses them responsibly.

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The reason there are multiple sides to this issue is that not everyone will agree. It's not possible to make everyone agree. For example, take a large group of people and try to decide a topping selection for a pizza; there's going to be argument over which toppings get put onto the pizza. With gun control it's pretty much the same deal. People are quite possibly most divided on this issue. Some arguments from both sides are that taking away guns from owners is a violation of individual liberty, but with the mass shootings, guns are 9/10 times are involved with the murders, so in theory taking away all guns would mean that nearly all killings will be dealt with in the future, if there's no guns to be bought since most of the guns bought are legally purchased in the first place. The other side to this is that putting more regulations on guns isn't going to do anything as there's many guns in the world and that any person with the determination to get an illegal firearm will likely succeed with the many black markets around, and putting regulations on them will just punish responsible users, while the lunatics are still shooting others up causing more pointless killings.

With many breaks in all around the world, one of the best home defense tools you can have is a gun. The idea is would you mess with someone who has a gun? No. When people feel the government has too much control, people will rebel, that is the common result of many cases where government sticks its hand where it shouldn't. There is no real perfect decision to this controversial issue, as soon as something is done to the issue, another issue pops up, it's a problem that will always be around.

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Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue. (2023, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2023,
Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 08 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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