Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons

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For far too long, gun control and the banning of firearms have been the topic of intense debates and more and more citizens are on the side of banning firearms. Gun control restricts which types of firearms can be sold, bought, as well as who can sell them to passing them to family members or if said person can sell his or her gun. Gun control also requires any firearm purchase and sale to be reported to the government. It also specifies how much and which types of ammunition can be used as well as how many rounds a magazine can hold to making sure background checks are given. Mass shootings, terrorist attacks, criminals, kill people, not guns. I've held and shot many guns before and after setting them down, not one has gotten up, walked away, and pulled its own trigger. Tightening gun laws or banning firearms will not put an end to citizens, or anyone, from obtaining guns. With such strict gun laws and the talk of banning them outright, citizens will feel vulnerable if they cannot protect themselves, and lastly, banning guns is a violation of the people's second amendment. Emotions and feelings get in the way of logical thinking and although some laws are necessary, gun control laws have become too strict, especially in states like New Jersey.

To start, while banning guns might work in the short-term aspect, eventually a ban will prove to be ineffective seeing as how there will always be other avenues for people to obtain guns. There is the black market, 3-D printing, one can build his or her own gun as well buy guns from the internet. The guns that are being 3-D printed and/or built by someone, usually do not have serial numbers. So, not only would people still have firearms, but if they were to get lost, stolen, or even used in a crime, they would not be able to be tracked. So, instead of trying to tighten the gun laws or ban firearms, lawmakers should look into safer gun ownership. Offer more gun safety classes and inform gun owners of Smart Guns, which use fingerprint technology which only allows the owner to fire it. In a study conducted in 2014, out of 5.9 million violent crimes, approximately ten percent contained gun involvement and this is including robberies, assaults, and murder crimes. For ninety percent of violent crimes, people either used a different weapon or no weapon at all. But, hasn't there been a decrease in gun crimes since the laws have been tightening? Simply put, no. The crimes actually started to decrease in the 1990s when more people started to purchase guns and even with a decrease in gun deaths, and stricter gun laws, it has not done much to reduce gun violence in New Jersey. Also, research has found that New Jersey has more firearms deaths than those states who have weak gun laws.

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Moreover, if guns are banned, there will be a lost sense of safety. In an article I read by Pew Research Center, they stated, 'The vast majority o gun owners say that having a gun makes them feel safer and far more today than in 1999 cite protection [than other activities].' If gun laws are made stricter and/or firearms are banned, many feel as though it would be difficult to protect themselves and their families. The gun laws in New Jersey are extremely strict. For example, in-home and during one's travels, the gun and the ammo must be separated in different cases, the case must be locked and stored away in one's trunk. For law-abiding citizens, this already poses a threat. Intruders, robbers, criminals already have an advantage due to the fact that it'll take too long for one to load his or her gun but imagine not even being to protect yourself at all. Banning guns will cause victims to be harmed and/or possibly killed. Tightening gun laws and the talk of banning firearms itself creates fear. For example, when Obama called for the tightening of gun laws, guns sales spiked- they nearly doubled. President Obama has actually been the best salesman for firearms, Brian W. Butterbur. Even with something as minor as increasing background checks, fear was instilled, and guns sales rose.

Lastly, the second amendment is in place to protect citizens against these kinds of laws. Banning would be an infringement especially since it is the people's right to bear arms. The governor of New Jersey has already infringed upon the second amendment when he decided to lower the magazine capacity from fifteen to ten rounds. Increasing the prices and making it more difficult to obtain a firearm is also an infringement. Although this is a violation, the Circuit Courts are allowing him to create and pass these laws.

All in all, while I side with the importance of gun control, to a certain degree, I believe it is most unfair and does not do what lawmakers claim will be the end result. Citizens, people, will always find other means to obtaining guns, some of which are illegal. For a state and nation that wants such strict gun control, its government is only pushing people to purchase untraceable firearms.

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Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons. (2021, July 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from
“Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons.” Edubirdie, 29 Jul. 2021,
Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Jan. 2025].
Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Jul 29 [cited 2025 Jan 8]. Available from:

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