Kobe Bryant Essays

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2 Pages 721 Words
Arguably the best two basketball players of all time. Some argue that one had a better career than the other. Others say that one was a more complete than the other. In this essay I will be arguing that Kobe Bryant was a better basketball player than Lebron James. By best player I mean the most complete in every aspect...
2 Pages 886 Words
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Though retired after an illustrious 20-year career, the five-time NBA champion's stats off the court just keep on growing. Kobe Bryant's kids and wife make the nuclear Bryant family a tribe of six. With such a household, the Los Angeles Lakers legend is almost qualified to have his very own basketball team! Since his retirement, Kobe Bryant's kids and wife...
2 Pages 821 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Kobe Bryant was and still is a worldwide known NBA Player to several people all over the world. In fact, Kobe Bryant wasn’t just an NBA Player, he was much more. A father, a husband, a loved one, a mentor, an idol and a hero. Kobe Bryant was an American professional basketball player who helped lead the NBA team, Los...
3 Pages 1472 Words
In “Dear Basketball”, NBA basketball star Kobe Bryant announced his retirement from the sport through an emotional and poetic farewell masterpiece. The Los Angeles Lakers Legend released his Poem on November 29th, 2015, which was later converted into an oscar-winning short film, directed by Disney animator Glen Keane. Kobe Bryant was truly a titan of the game, playing for two...
2 Pages 805 Words
The sudden death of Kobe Bryant, a basketball player along with his 13 year old daughter, Gianna Bryant and seven others has shocked the world. However it will take months before finishing the investigation of what caused the crash of the helicopter they were riding. An article written by two authors, Ian Duncan and Luz Lazo, just recently (January 29,...
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