Life Cycle Of Polaris

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What is the big bang?

The Big Bang Theory was introduced in 1927 by George Lemaitre. The theory explains that over 13.8 billion years ago the world started at one small point, then it started to expand and stretch. The size of the small point continued to enlarge until it became known as earth.

What evidence is there to support this theory on the origins of the universe?

In 1929, after The Big Bang Theory was introduced a scientist named Edwin Hubble supported George Lemaitre’s theory with new evidence. Hubble made a discovery that the other planets were moving away from the earth. The planets that would move/orbiting away from the earth would travel faster than the planets closer to earth. He noticed that the planets had a red tint whilst they were moving away from earth. The red tint appeared when planets are moving away from each other. The reason the colour would turn red when moving away was because it stretched the wave length of the object giving it a longer wave length. Due to Edwin measuring the red shift it proved that the big bang happened around 13.8 billion years ago.

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Later on there was another reason that scientist believed that the big bang theory occurred, it was because it was because of cosmic microwave backgrounds. The cosmic microwave noise evidence was introduced by Ralph Apher, he discovered that there was left over radiation from the big bang that occurred over 300, 000 years ago. The evidence was not proven until 1965 at a telephone Labourites by two different researchers. They realised that the phone they were working on received a different noise. At the same time they had a team researching it to see if it was possible. Later on the researching team ended up that the noise was coming from CMD due to it coming all over the sky.

Are there other theories regarding the origin of the universe?

Another theory on how the world started was called the steady-state theory. Up until the 1950s, the steady-state theory was believed by many scientists that the universe was just always there and the stars were spared out evenly throughout the sky. This was the opposite of the big bang as the big bang had more evidence rather than the steady-state theory. Due to the steady state theory not having any evidence this made the steady state theory incorrect.

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Life Cycle Of Polaris. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Life Cycle Of Polaris.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
Life Cycle Of Polaris. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Life Cycle Of Polaris [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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