Modernism essays

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1 Page 678 Words
Modernity comes in as many variations as there are thinkers or journalists, yet all its definitions point, in one way or another, to the passage of time. (Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern, 1994). For this project, I will be examining how modernism responds to modernity - specifically concerning visual material such as Picasso's Avant-garde art. In this essay...
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2 Pages 1054 Words
This essay intends to discuss my understanding of modernism in theatre in relation to Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. The modernism movement began in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Developments in society particularly western, and the growth of industrial societies along with city growth sparked the onset of modernism. The events...
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3 Pages 1373 Words
With the growing interest in Urbanism and Industrialization as well as a pursuit of an ever-changing world bred the urge for Modernism (Kuiper, 2019). To put it another way, modernism in literature stemmed from flourishing globalization and industrialization. Literary modernism had been prevalent and well-known in writing, fiction, especially from the 1910s to 1960s. Authors such as Joseph Conrad and...
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5 Pages 2330 Words
The relationship between art and politics has been re-discussed in recent years in connection with the change in perception brought about by the debate of modernism/postmodernism. The discourse that pure modernism is an autonomous nature of art and therefore should not mediate politics (as well as morality, religion, and tradition) in ‘non-art’ spheres has lost its old power; modern methods...
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2 Pages 1064 Words
In this post-colonial world, we live in, an old philosophy such as Individualism can still be used by scholars of philosophy and social sciences to interpret the world. The ideology of individualism denotes that the individual life has a place with him and that he has a basic idea to live it as he sees fit, to follow up on...
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3 Pages 1204 Words
Introduction ‘The primary purpose of a narrative is to search for meaning,’ notes literary scholar Katherine Hayles. The need for meaning and interpretation is at the foundation of narrative in modern literature. She calls narratives a technology, which we employ in our search for meaning. Narratives allow us to make sense of the complexities of life, and as human beings,...
4 Pages 2032 Words
“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” This is the final quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The quote fits perfectly with the book as Gatsby tried to recreate his past by getting with his past lover Daisy. Nothing could stop this man from letting his past go. It is the...
ModernismScott Fitzgerald
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2 Pages 1171 Words
Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was an American writer who burst onto the modernist literary scene in Paris during the 1920s and subsequently became one of the most famous authors of the twentieth century. Ernest Hemingway coined this theory when he determined that by omitting parts of a story, details that the writer and reader both inherently know, the story's prose will...
Ernest HemingwayModernism
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5 Pages 2165 Words
Modernist literature employed a number of different experimental writing elements that broke the conventional rules of storytelling. Some of those elements include blended imagery and themes, absurdism, nonlinear narratives, and stream of consciousness — which is a free-flowing inner monologue. How does having events played chronologically out of order affect the narrative of a story in film and television? “A...
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2 Pages 705 Words
Modernism is an interesting genre of literature as it is presented not only through the themes and subjects of a text but also in the actual way in which it was written. Indeed, the focal point of any modernist work of fiction is a clash of the traditions and innovations, the subjectivity vs objectivity of reality, and the biases which...
A Rose For EmilyModernism
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3 Pages 1254 Words
Modern is the historical period starting from the Renaissance period and ending with the birth of Postmodernism in the second half of the 20th century. Modernity is an adjective derived from the Modern period. Modernity actually started during the Renaissance and ended in 1950 with the birth of Postmodernism. Modernity is associated with the word “modern”, that also has been...
2 Pages 769 Words
Modernism is a way to understand everything around us now. It is a focus on processing things back to their essence and creating a new vision for dance in order to search for the “psychological truths” (Source of Postmodern dance, p.16). Postmodernism means after modern. It is the development and the rise of society and culture. In this paper, I...
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4 Pages 1900 Words
Introduction to Jacques Derrida In recent French intellectual history, Jacques Derrida was among the most popular, controversial but also knowledgeable figures. He pioneered a way of philosophy to which he called Deconstruction, that radically changed our comprehension of several academic disciplines, particularly literary studies. Derrida was born in El Biar, an Algiers suburb, what used to be French colonial Algeria,...
3 Pages 1520 Words
The Power and Progression of Thought We as human beings are innately curious. We strive to define things that are more complex so that we can better understand them. Whenever we read a piece of literature, we often look to find a more profound purpose than just the surface value of a given text. When we allow ourselves to look...
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3 Pages 1325 Words
Introduction The Modernism movement started within the Twentieth Century. It is seen as being a more logical approach to the purpose of the building as well as utilizing new materials (, 2019). Architect Louis Sullivan view was that “form follows function”, which means designing a building that has the essentials needs (Wiki, 2019) This essay aims to investigate what Skyscrapers...
Great DepressionModernism
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2 Pages 864 Words
What is it then that we really need?An art with revolution as its subject: because the principal interest in the worker's life has to be touched first (Rivera D., 1929) This quote describes Mexican Modernism and its aim to honour the working and agricultural class, as well as indigenous people. The movement blossomed in the 1920s after the Mexican Revolution...
Diego RiveraModernism
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5 Pages 2317 Words
Through the course of ‘What is Modernity?’ we have studied several themes that will help us formulate a thought provoking answer to the question, ‘What does Modernity mean to you?’ When we look at the dictionary meaning of the word ‘Modernity’ it can be described as a historical period as well as the ensemble of particular socio-cultural norms, attitudes and...
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2 Pages 777 Words
The global modern art introduces to the readers about the artists, art movements, debates, and theoretic positions that have shaped contemporary art and the modern era worldwide. It does bring together critical art history and modern art literature. The history of modern art has been repositioned and connected with global art history. Elaine O'Brien is the writer of the Modern...
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