Narrative Essay Examples

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My View of the Law of Attraction: Narrative Essay

Want something? Just ask the universe. I strongly believe that you can have control of your reality and the outcome of your life situations just with your conscious and unconscious thoughts. My belief stems from several reasons, which are because psychologists and scientists support the use of affirmations, manifestation believers were found in historical roots, and there are many testimonies related to just positive thinking. The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life whatever you give...
2 Pages 754 Words

My Philosophy of Early Childhood Education: Narrative Essay

I strongly believe that early childhood education is more than preparing young children for primary school. Early childhood education targets the holistic child’s development of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs for building a reliable and comprehensive foundation for lifetime learning and well-being. It has the potential to raise caring, proficient, and liable future citizens. The majority of children start receiving formal education at the kindergarten through the latest scientific research that proves that learning and psychological development begin after...
2 Pages 841 Words

My Scuba Diving Experience: Narrative Essay

Picture this, all around you are fish, water, and sand. You try to look up, but all you see is water. Terrifying, right? Well, that’s how I felt my first time going scuba diving. This all took place about a year ago, in Aqaba, Jordan, when I decided to go scuba diving, and it was one of the scariest and most fun things I’ve ever done. After deciding I wanted to go scuba diving, I had to go to a...
3 Pages 1350 Words

Pleasant Impressions from My Family Vacation: Narrative Essay

Living in this modern life, we barely have free time for ourselves, our family, and our friends. It causes problems in relationships. As we prioritize our work and responsibility more, we couldn’t get enough time for recreation. It also takes us far away from the attachment to nature. Life becomes more complex and robotics. We have confined ourselves within the working boundaries. That’s the reason why we are not able to feel the taste of life. Stress and anxiety are...
1 Page 495 Words

Narrative Essay about Holidays in My Home-town

Happiness is a luxury only the powerful can afford but a natural man buys what he can afford. Over time, taking a moment to lose track of time got so easy with my style of vacation. Nowadays, most people love holidays because it is an opportunity to have a break from routine life, as well as they help to refresh one’s mind. After a holiday, we can go back to business or educational activities with full force to buy into...
2 Pages 814 Words

Narrative Essay about the Most Embarrassing Moment in My Life

“Ladies, your first competition is in one week, so you must try your hardest during these last few practices that we have!”. My coach explained, her voice echoing through the gym. And so, we put up our hair and got into position. The music started and we were bouncing and running and flipping around the gym, performing well for a cheer team of our age. The soft hues of blue and silver on our uniforms stood out against the deep...
2 Pages 979 Words

My Experience at the Science Fair: Narrative Essay

The strength of our science project was the procedure. This process is the easiest part to complete because it involves conducting our very simple experiments. One good thing about the procedure was that it was short and easy to follow. Other projects at this science fair were aesthetically pleasing to look at. One of the most interesting was the project on making bread. The most intriguing part was how much bread they were able to make and how it rose...
2 Pages 744 Words

Literacy Narrative Essay

Growing up, education and literacy were always encouraged in my household. My studies came first and everything else followed behind. I was taught very early that my education was my sole responsibility. My parents enforced that I would always have help and support, but I needed to help myself first and put forth the effort. I have had many experiences throughout my educational path, and the earliest I can remember was kindergarten. In kindergarten, we learned the basics of language...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Narrative Essay on Indian Culture and My Interaction with It

As a young individual, I had the opportunity to visit India. Indian culture is one that is quite different from American one. I was able to see the different building blocks of the culture as I interacted with Indians. The building blocks of a culture are the norms, values, language, and beliefs. The essay will focus on the different building blocks of Indian culture, how it compares to American culture, and finally, reflect on my reaction towards the culture as...
1 Page 562 Words

Narrative Essay on My Senior Project Experience

Life is full of lesson-learned experiences. Life is always going to be a never-ending learning experience. During your lifetime, you are going to experience an event that will teach you something important and ultimately shape or greatly affect your relationship to learning, reading, and writing. Throughout my lifetime, I have had too many trials and tribulations that caused me to be mentally challenged. In my opinion, everyone can relate to a life-changing experience that affected them in a righteous way....
4 Pages 1754 Words

Narrative Essay on the Meaning of Prayer for Me

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, prayer is an address, such as a petition, to God or a god in word or thought, but I believe prayer has a deeper meaning. Prayer is us lifting our minds and heart to God spiritually. Every day I was so used to the normalcy of getting up every day and going to school, with the occasional activity or two. I went to church most Sundays with my family as everyone else did. I prayed the...
1 Page 413 Words

Love in a Relationship: Narrative Essay

Do you know what love is? Have you experienced the great thing called love? When we hear the word ‘relationship’, the ideas that come to our mind are friendship, sexual attraction, intellectual compatibility, and of course, love. I believed that love could be the glue that keeps a relationship strong and solid. It could bind the emotions that start and maintain the relationships that have made a society out of individuals. When I was a child, I thought that love...
1 Page 502 Words

Narrative Essay on Free Enterprise and Its Importance for Me

I thoroughly believe I encompass a strong, representative example of the free enterprise spirit. The free enterprise economy adequately provides me with opportunities for involvement in work and the community. Free enterprise is private resources owned, and competitiveness will thrive economically with minimal government intervention. In many respects, I value my personal freedom from the choices I make in the economy to the choices I make in the election. The possible rewards of a free enterprise in many respects provide...
1 Page 483 Words

My Acquaintance with Islamic Culture: Narrative Essay

Culture is a social conduct and way of life found in human social orders/society. Culture cannot be accurately explained, it has various definitions based on different perceptions. It is an experience that an individual learns in his or her life through various modes, such as family, community, and surrounding. Numerous cultures are practiced by human beings in different parts of the world. A particular culture, globally recognized as a religion as well, but in my opinion, could be considered a...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Struggle of Immigrant Parents for Their Children to See the Beauty of Life: Narrative Essay

Life, as we know it, should be seen as a gift given to us as the beauty of life makes living our lives worth living. The beauty of life comes in many varying degrees, from person to person. Still, from the vast varying degrees of life, there also comes inequality in how the beautiful essence of life becomes distributed from one person to another. The varying degrees of life range from poor rural people to high-class urban people. Life is...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Narrative Essay on What I Learned Being a Child of Immigrant Parents

Being Turkish has always been a huge part of my character. As a child, I felt so self-conscious about who I am. I wasn't taught to feel this way, I just didn't like how different my life seemed to be compared to the other kids from my school. I had to take ESL classes while everyone else was taking regular English because I was raised learning a mix of Turkish and English. I was so embarrassed by all these things...
1 Page 620 Words

When I Became Distant from My Father: Narrative Essay

Growing up, I thought I already have the perfect family I dreamed of. We're not rich, but we're that poor either. We lived in Masbate, moved here to Catbalogan, and moved again to Calbayog. I didn't mind before why we were always moving places because what matters to me is we're happy. We may not be complete, but at least we are happy. That's what I thought, not until I found out that my father has another girl, and to...
1 Page 499 Words

Interview with an Elderly Person: Narrative Essay

“Don’t ever get old”, my client said to me as I reached for her cane. As nurses, we should understand that aging comes with a lot of changes psychologically, cognitively, physically, and emotionally. Individuals become more vulnerable as they age, and their risks for injury and diseases increase. Older adults have different healthcare needs than infants and young adults because diseases and treatments affect them differently, thus they should receive care from health providers who are specially trained in geriatrics....
5 Pages 2088 Words

Reflections about My Neighbourhood: Narrative Essay

Long Beach, California, is seen as one of the most diverse cities in the United States, it’s been my home since the age of 5 and I really can’t imagine myself anywhere else. Living in Bixby Knolls/ California Heights for most of my years, I’ve noticed the lack of diversity that surrounds me, and because of this I believe as a community we lack cooperation and empathy between people of different colors and backgrounds. Learning about Long Beach and its...
2 Pages 988 Words

Narrative Essay on How Sports Have Shaped My Personality

My own life has been one of unique experiences, challenges, and development. Throughout my childhood, I have learned the importance of strong relationships and gained knowledge, and wisdom from my elders, parents, and peers. I have done this through my experiences playing high school sports and the challenges that I have faced doing these activities. My high school football, basketball, and tennis teams were the most crucial in my development as an individual. Sports have been the largest influence on...
4 Pages 1696 Words

One Moment with My Father That Shows My Love For Him: Narrative Essay

Father means my creator. I am solely dependent on my father financially. But, as soon as I want to become his supporter. Generally, one thing happens to me nowadays, whenever my father has late to return home in the evening. Then, my heartbeat is extremely quick for my father. Like, I reckon to call him, then he stood his bike within seconds inside the house. I think 'What’s coincidence! Think about him and he is present inside the home within...
1 Page 639 Words

Narrative Essay on My Family Heritage

Researching my family's history has helped me gain newfound knowledge and a sense of unityб which has had a strong impact on my identity. For my family heritage project, I will be focusing on the Mexican side of my family. My ethnic background on my mother's side of my family is Latino, which are people of Mexican descent. In this paper, I will be tracing back my family tree by identifying the population, migration, language, religion, and ethnicity of my...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Narrative Essay about Sea-biscuit and His Success Story

The Great Depression lasted a decade and affected people’s attitudes toward life and the future. Because of this period, Seabiscuit became a famous icon of hope, being an underdog in the sport, which aroused the people in feeling joy as they watch Seabiscuit win races against his toughest opponents. If Seabiscuit were to race today, he wouldn’t be as popular as he was before then, because horseracing is not a popular sport that would captivate a modern person. Currently, the...
1 Page 646 Words

Note-Taking as a Useful Learning Tool: Narrative Essay

Note-taking is the act of writing down or generally recording key points of information. It is a significant piece of the research process. Notes taken during class lectures or discussions may fill in as a study tool, but taking notes does not mean jotting and scribbling down words leisurely. Note-taking abilities are an important device to have and utilize with regard to considering when studying. By using notes, studying for a test or quiz can be made a lot easier....
3 Pages 1280 Words

My Life-Defining College Education: Narrative Essay

My first college course was philosophy, and it changed my life forever. Our first task was to write a short essay in response to Albert Camus’ article 'The Myth of Sisyphus'. I am very nervous about homework and university. However, despite the confusion in the philosophy class, many of my questions about life have been answered. My purpose in entering the university is to obtain an engineering degree. I have always liked the way mathematics has right and wrong answers....
1 Page 675 Words

Narrative Essay on My Sister and Her Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder are terms that we hear in the media or possibly even from an acquaintance who is talking about knowing someone who has it. This disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings and changes in energy levels. This is a form of mental illness that affects not only the person who has it but also the people that live with the individual. I know this firsthand because my sister has bipolar disorder. My sister has been...
2 Pages 860 Words

Interview with an Immigrant about the American Dream: Narrative Essay

For years, the United States has been dubbed the land of the free and the home of the brave. The belief that the U.S. can give a person the chance to have a better life is recognized around the world. This belief, however, can be changed depending on the region and the person, eliciting their own version of the American Dream, where many believe you can come to be nothing but the best. In order to prove that the vision...
1 Page 617 Words

Narrative Story about Sexual Harassment

Rationale For my written task, I decided to focus on part 2 – Mass media and Communication- in the subtopic of Gender, sexism, and discrimination. The learning outcome addressed is to Show an awareness of the potential for an educational, political, or ideological influence of the media. I wrote a letter to the editor about a government-led campaign created in 2013 in London. It was published in The Guardian- a left-party British newspaper- addressed to The British Transport Police. It...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Why Do You Want to Study Public Health: Narrative Essay

I was born in a country in East Africa known worldwide as the “land of a thousand hills.” Despite its limited geographical expanse and dark and complex history, the Rwandan people and its government remain incredibly ambitious, undaunted by setting goals many may consider impossible. However, the resilience of the government and its commitment to health is demonstrated in its myriad substantive outcomes over the past ten years. Such achievements have occurred in the wake of the 1994 genocide and...
4 Pages 1821 Words

True Colours Racial Discrimination in Everyday Life: Narrative Essay

The United States has only been a country for two hundred and forty-five years. However, there has been a large amount of mistreatment of many different groups of people in the country over time. African Americans are just one group in particular. Sadly, ill-treatment is not just a part of the country’s history but also continues to be a part of everyday life for many African Americans. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, racial crimes, racist housing laws, racial profiling, and affirmative...
1 Page 551 Words
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