National Geographic Water Footprint: Informative Essay

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Water Footprint has evolved as a new integrative field of research, which focuses on the examination of water use, scarcity, and pollution, in the context of production, consumption, and trade of water-intensive goods and services. It includes the examination of how different methods of conservation, proficiency and practices, policy schemes, and governance can contribute to increasing the overall sustainability, economy, and balance of water footprints, and the study of how different roles can contribute, from governments and companies to investors and the general public. The field thoroughly analyses water use in context to demand the products of our daily use and analyses how goals regarding methods of water conservation can be translated into ordered and systematic policies. The report includes the understanding of geographic and earthly variations, evaluating the uncertainties involved, and the feedback on water footprint-related problems and solutions.

Keywords- water footprint, water conservation, sustainability, analyses, Feedback

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Aim and objective

The water footprint is a concept that was introduced by UNESCO back in 2002 to find out the amount of freshwater needed by various groups, individuals, and companies to produce the goods and services used by society. It was designed in such a way that we can assess the water usage in the production of single jeans as well as the total production of an organization and also the conservation of freshwater so that it could be used wisely and is sufficient in amount for future generations. The main objective of water footprint is to promote the modulation toward sustainable, fair, and systematic use of freshwater resources worldwide and to create a world in which we can divide fresh water equally and fairly amongst all people to sustain flourishing communities and nature’s diversity and for this, we are needed to adopt various methods of water conservation and management.


Water Footprint- The water footprint quantifies the measure of water used or polluted to deliver each of the goods and services we use. It tends to be estimated for a single cycle, for example, developing cotton, for an item, for example, for the fuel that we put in our vehicle, some pants, or for a worldwide organization. The water footprint additionally can disclose to us the amount of water utilized by every region in a particular stream bowl. Like average per year water footprint consumed by a vegetarian lady in India is 521.2m3 as per the water footprint calculator and for a man is 574m3 whose per year income is 5lac.

The importance of water footprint is that it assists with demonstrating the connection that exists between our everyday utilization of products and the issues of water consumption and contamination that exist somewhere else, in the areas where our goods are produced.

There are three types of water footprint- Green water footprint, Blue water footprint, and grey water footprint. The blue water footprint is water that has been sourced from groundwater assets and is either dissipated, joined into an item or taken from one waterway and got back to another, or returned at an alternate time. Industry, irrigated agriculture, and homegrown water use can each have a blue water footprint. The Green water footprint speaks to the total amount of rainwater or any source that is anything but a surface body that is utilized to make a specific product. The grey water footprint speaks to the measure of new water abused to weaken and blend the poison enough to maintain the nature of the water.

The worldwide normal water footprint is 1240m3/cap/yr. In total terms, India has the biggest footprint in the entire world, with a total footprint of 987Gm3/yr.

Given the common water footprint of some of the items that an individual consumes in their daily life such as apples, milk, burger, etc. it might appear that they aren’t utilizing water while consuming these, yet they are unconsciously expanding the water footprint.

Direct and indirect footprint

Direct water footprint:- The direct water footprint refers to the water we use on our own legitimately and water we are in contact with and we can see easily. Example: Taking a bath, drinking, cooking, etc.

Indirect Water footprint:-The indirect water footprint of a consumer and a producer alludes to the freshwater utilization and contamination ‘behind’ items being devoured or created. It is equivalent to the entire water footprint of all items consumed by the buyer or all inputs utilized by the consumer. And we cannot see water in indirect water footprint. For example, water is used for the creation of products like food and clothes.


What is a water footprint network?

Water footprint network is a non-profit organization that was established in October 2008 by some major global leaders from business, civil society, multilateral organizations, and academics. This Organisation aims to establish and apply the water footprint to reinforce the transition of water use to sustainable and equitable use of water and its management all over the world. This organization is a platform for collusion between organizations, companies, and individuals to deal with the problem of water crises all over the world by propelling sincere, reasonable, and smart ways of water management. The organization is a dynamic and global network that is steered with the idea of innovation and motivates for the changes we all should have taken long ago to share fresh water equitably amongst everyone living on the Earth to sustain thriving communities and nature’s diversity.

Their vision is a world in which everyone can share neat and clean water fairly among all people and fulfillment of this vision is going to take much more than individual efforts. It will require a global community of dedicated individuals and organizations. Water footprint has something significant to bring everyone to work together to attain fair and smart water uses.

What is the purpose of WFN?

The organization is driven by the aim of coming to broadly shared global standards on water footprint accounting.

Their mission is to use the concept of water footprint to promote and encourage the transition towards sustainable, equitable, and efficient use of freshwater resources worldwide.

This non-profit, multi-stakeholder network targets to aid partners in initiating activities, sharing best practices, and developing tools and materials that help reach their shared mission which is ultimately everyone’s mission. Their main focus is mainly centered at overreaching five main activities: -

  1. Network and exchange
  2. Awareness raising
  3. Capacity building
  4. Knowledge and data dissemination
  5. Influencing policy and practices

The unique set of global standards on the water footprint will make the efforts of businesses and communities that strive for a reduction of their water footprint more vivid.

Water Footprint of production of rice.


Rice is one of the significant yields taking care of the total populace and is generally significant in South Asia and Africa. Enormous water system ventures are frequently built to satisfy the water need in rice creation. Thus, rice is one of the biggest water buyers on the planet. This report measures how much new water is being utilized to create rice worldwide, recognizing two distinct sources: water system water pulled back from ground-or-surface water (blue water) and water (green water). It likewise measures the volume of contaminated water identified with the utilization of nitrogen composts in rice creation (grey water).

Calculation of the water footprint related to rice consumption in a country

The water impression of public utilization can be grouped into an inside and an outer segment. The interior water impression of rice utilization alludes to the utilization and contamination of public water assets to locally create rice for own utilization. The outer water impression of rice utilization alludes to water utilized in the nations from where rice is imported for public utilization.

The water footprint of rice production

The determined normal water profundity utilized in rice creation in every one of the thirteen significant rice-delivering nations is introduced in Table 3. In the USA, the dissipation is moderately high, and simultaneously the powerful precipitation is a lot lower, making the water system volume one of the most noteworthy. Rice fields in both the USA and Pakistan are 100% inundated, making the blue water impression high in these nations.

Utilizing the worldwide normal water impression of paddy determined and the creation information for the remainder of the nations, the worldwide water impression of rice creation is assessed to be 784 billion m3/yr (48% green, 44% blue, and 8% dim) (Figure 6). The volume of water permeated in the rice fields in addition to any remaining soil dampness left in the field after rice collection is equivalent to 607 billion m3/yr, about a portion of which (52%) is supported by precipitation in the rice field. Counting permeation, the all-out blue water use in the rice field becomes 636 billion m3/yr, which is the number regularly cited in the writing while at the same time alluding to the complete water utilized in rice creation. On the off chance that we include the absolute water impression and the permeation water volume, it is equivalent to 1,391 billion m3/yr, which is almost equivalent to the worldwide water use in rice fields (1,359 billion m3/yr) as revealed in Chapagain and Hoekstra (2004). Water impressions of rice creation for all nations are introduced in Addendum B.

Discussion and conclusion

Rice is a staple nourishment for three billion individuals (Maclean et al., 2002), particularly in Southeast Asia, the Center East, Latin America, and the West Non-mainstream players. As far as human sustenance and caloric admission, it gives almost one-fifth of the immediate human calorie consumption around the world, making it the most significant food crop (Smith, 1998; Zeigler and Barclay, 2008). Rice utilization surpasses 100 kg per each capita every year in numerous Asian nations (in contrast for instance and the USA's normal of 10 kg) and is the chief nourishment for a large portion of the world's most unfortunate individuals, especially in Asia, which is home to 70% of the individuals who acquire under $1 per day (Zeigler and Barclay, 2008). Rice creation is profoundly established in the socio-political culture in Asia which almost delivers almost 90% of the worldwide rice.

Rice creation is a purported diffuse wellspring of contamination and henceforth hard to relieve. The choice to have ideal utilization of compost with the end goal that the application precisely coordinates the plant take-up, on account of dry harvests, isn't reasonable in rice creation. There is unavoidably permeation filtering an aspect of the compost alongside it. The dim part of the water impression must be decreased with a decrease in the filtering of manures and pesticides from the field, for example by expanding water use proficiency, utilizing moderate delivery composts and nitrification inhibitors, puddling the rice fields, planting catch and spread harvests and utilizing crop buildups in situ (Choudhury and Kennedy, 2005). The loss of nitrogen may cause natural and medical issues. In spite of the fact that these issues can't be mitigated totally, there are sufficient examination discoveries that show that these issues can be limited by various administration rehearses (Choudhury and Kennedy, 2005). The destiny of nitrogen in the soil is essentially administered by various cycles: plant takes up, smelling salts volatilization, de-nitrification, and misfortunes to surface (overflow) or groundwater bodies (draining). All these three cycles are interwoven and it is difficult to contemplate them in confinement. A deliberate investigation of the destiny of nitrogen ought to be completed at the field level to uncover particular effects on the framework.

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National Geographic Water Footprint: Informative Essay. (2023, August 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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