Personal Narrative Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on How Does an Optimistic Mindset Change My Tomorrow

Optimism is the hope and desire for the future and the belief the outcome is going to be successful. Optimism is key to success and the accomplishment of dreams. Think of someone you look up to that is successful. Think about everything that it took for them to be able to achieve their goals and dreams. Imagine if they would have been pessimistic. If they would have doubted themselves. If they had not been positive and believed in their own...
2 Pages 760 Words

Who I Am: Essay

I am an ordinary Filipino girl. I grew up without a father, because my parents divorced when I was a child. I spent my entire childhood with my mother. She raised me well having discipline and respect to others well. I’m the luckiest daughter to have a mom like her, a brave person and hard-working one. She’s been my inspiration on everything. Who am I? I'm just a typical kid who loved being in church growing up. I was a...
2 Pages 823 Words

Who I Am and What Has Shaped My Personality: Reflection Paper

‘Who am I?’ is a question that runs through my mind as I reflect on the person I am - my strengths and vulnerabilities, my natural inclinations and aversions, and what gives me fulfilment. As I step into social work, a helping profession, clarity regarding how my character has been shaped by my past and the system of beliefs that have emerged through the years is necessary. In particular, self-awareness is critical for workers in helping professions, in order to...
3 Pages 1461 Words

When I Discovered My Bravery

Most people don’t know what it means to have real courage until they are faced with a situation that requires them to be courageous. For me, it wasn’t until eighth grade that I found out how courageous I could be. My family had just moved from a small town in Arizona to its biggest city, Phoenix, and it was my first time attending a new school. Before moving, I had lived in the same house my whole life, and many...
2 Pages 833 Words

Searching for My Purpose

What is the purpose of my life? What am I interested in and what do I want from life? What are the things I truly value and not just do to please or impress others? Purpose is a word with many different meanings and definitions. Each person understands something different under what is meant by finding one’s true purpose in life. For some finding a purpose seems to be an easy task and for others as they take longer or...
8 Pages 3487 Words

My Trip to New York

Last year before my Grade 6 school year started, my family and I took a trip to the U.S.A. It was a trip my parents planned to give me before I entered middle school. Being from Dubai, I have exposed to aspects of a large city all my life, but Manhattan was a whole new story. It was like discovering an entirely new way of life that I had previously only watched in my favorite TV shows and movies. It...
1 Page 531 Words

My Story as an Early Year’s Practitioner

When you imagine storytelling, it is most likely that you will reminisce in your story from your childhood, as do I. This essay will explore my role as an early year’s practitioner and reflect on my practice, values and beliefs. It is my story. I am a 19-year-old British Kosovan female student living in London. I have grown up with my parents and one sibling, a younger sister. She has been my motivation as to why I wish to pursue...
2 Pages 1123 Words

My Story about Myself

My story talks about life in my home country, consisting of what I do when I visit and what it’s like there. I talk about my favorite hobbies, food and what I do on vacation. Lastly, I was able to talk about my studies at Lindenwood and why I chose to go there. As I grew up, I realized that I am a force to be reckoned with. Everything that surrounds me from family, friends, and activities has shaped me...
2 Pages 694 Words

My Career Story: What Attracted Me to Financial Services

Like many women in this industry, my path to finding this profession was long and rather indirect. My background and degree were in social work and my initial career was that of a counselor to young people in the Chicago suburbs. I honed my listening and organizational skills in my college courses and early career. As most things do early in life, career paths change, and I found myself working as a typist and receptionist in a life insurance brokerage...
1 Page 585 Words

Essay on My Best Trip

In 2015, I had the best trip of my life. It was a trip, I can never forget. It was in the summer. This trip made me so happy because I went to states I have not been in before. In the trip, I met new people and went to new places and saw new things. I never expected the trip to be so nice, but it ended up being my best trip ever in my life so far. Why...
1 Page 540 Words

It's My Life and My Mental Illness

Imagine if our society blamed people for being raped and claimed that it was their own life choices that had led them to such a horrific experience. Now, envision putting that shame, on someone who is fighting for their life, someone who is experiencing depression or anxiety. This happens every day, not just to rape victims, but also to the victims of mental illness. I think about this constantly as it's everywhere I look. People keep getting blamed for having...
1 Page 656 Words

How Did I Come to Help Others? Essay

I still remember the day of this incident. I was thirteen years’ old then. It was pouring heavily, and I had to go to a nearby store to purchase medicines for my grandmother. As it was raining, I pulled on an overcoat and went out. When I reached the main road, the traffic was heavy, and almost every vehicle is moving bumper-to-bumper. At the zebra crossing, I stood for the lights to go, so that I can cross the road....
1 Page 522 Words

Grand Rapids, Michigan: Urban Escape with Small-Town Charm

I recently spent a few days in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a unique destination with a wonderful combination of urban sophistication and small-town charm. And in this essay, I want to share my experience. With great art, shopping, restaurants, lively nightlife and cultural attractions, Grand Rapids is the perfect holiday destination. It is not surprising that people travel hundreds of kilometers to enjoy this energetic and lively town, as it offers many attractions for visitors. Lonely Planet agrees named Grand Rapids...
1 Page 542 Words

Essay on My Trip to Dubai

In this work, I would like to tell you about my trip to Dubai, where I spent a very short but very relaxing vacation. I had a 24-hour layover in Dubai on the way home. I was very irritated about it considering I was traveling in June. The peak of summer in Dubai. Let’s face it, summer is Dubai is definitely the best Dubai weather to visit the city. I could stay put and find something to do in the...
1 Page 620 Words

Dreams Do Come True

They say that nothing worth having comes easy. We all have our own dreams which we want to fulfil in our lifetime. Everybody dreams big and why not? The bigger, the better! Chasing your dreams is a journey in itself. Dreams are the substructure that acts as conduit for a meaningful life. A roller coaster ride which has its ups and down, however, as much as we have our heart in our mouth through and through, it's all worth it...
1 Page 505 Words

Cultural Influences on Who I Am

Our idea of self is powerfully influenced by the environment in which we grow up. We are born with good abilities to arrange information, feelings, thoughts including knowledge about our age, gender, race or ethnicity, occupation, social roles, talents, etc. Who am I? I grew up in China and Canada. My experiences in both countries ultimately shaped who I am and how I perceive the world. I am still constantly struggling in Canadian and Chinese different conflicting perspectives on social...
2 Pages 918 Words

Essay on My Dream Destination - Disneyland

I could name a million presents that have been unfathomably significant to me: an electronic gadget given by my parents, a book given by my best friends, or even a couple of Nike sneakers from my great cousin. However, the present that has had the most significant meaning to me and in my cherished memory was my trip to Disneyland in Hong Kong, China when I was seven years of age. Have you at any point been to Disneyland? Truly,...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Essay About My School Trip to Portland

For my third block English class, we voted to go to Portland Oregon merely a two-hour flight away. Arriving at the airport I knew this would be a trip I would remember for a good while and I was thrilled to be there. Although I did not go to these places myself a lot of my other classmates went to extravagant restaurants, coffee shops, sandwich shops, donut shops, and outside food carts despite the bitter cold. I had heard from...
1 Page 448 Words

My Trip to Mexico: An Essay

It was the winter of 2013 and it was the last day of school before Christmas break, the weather was cold and grey as usual this time of year. I was excited for Christmas break but mostly nervous because my dad and I planned a trip to Mexico for the next two weeks. I had never been to Mexico or even thought of going because it was unfamiliar to me even though my whole family was from there. As a...
3 Pages 1575 Words

My Trip to the China’s Border: An Essay

In this essay I’m going to talk about my trip to the China’s border about five years ago with my friends. So, we departed from Lahore at midnight and reached Islamabad next morning. In Islamabad we enjoyed a delighted breakfast then we departed towards Abbotabad via Muree and Nathia Gali, we enjoyed the most famous dish of NathiaGali that is fried Chilli Chicken and the unforgetable and most adventurous moment was Patriata Chair Lift then we headed towards Abotabad which...
5 Pages 2089 Words

The Trip That Made New York My Favorite City: An Essay

My mom and I have always been super close. We do almost everything together, from going to the movies, out to eat, and to the gym. One of my favorite memories of us, however, was on her 50th birthday, when we spent an entire day exploring one of her favorite places together: New York City. Most people would consider us lucky, being that we’re from Long Island and that we live only two hours away from one of the most...
4 Pages 1765 Words

Essay on My Trip with Friends and the Darkest Experience of My Life

This essay is about how I took a trip to India after graduation with my friends. It was me and a couple of my friends, we've always dreamt about going to India to visit the Taj Mahal and explore the city around. My friend and I have been planning to go to India after graduation since we were in freshman high school, the day of the trip came, and we have never been more excited. We booked this cheap flight...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Essay on My Unforgettable Road Trip with My Family

We can all agree that it’s nice to have a little break from our daily routines. I still remember the road trip my family and I took to Lake of the Ozarks and Rogers, Arkansas. It was a two-day vacation we took in 2017. Some days earlier, my dad got back from work with some exciting news! “Pack your bags for tomorrow. We’re going on a road trip”. I was thrilled, but I thought my dad was just joking around....
2 Pages 767 Words

Los Angeles and Shanghai: Different Feelings of Living in These Cities

Since two international metropolises - Los Angeles and Shanghai - are my favorite cities, I want to talk about the different feelings of living in these two cities. Los Angeles is the city where I live and study now. If I have to describe Los Angeles in one word, it is ‘dry’, it is rarely raining here but the weather is very fresh and the sky is very beautiful. When I walked by the sea in Santa Monica, I liked...
1 Page 582 Words

My Field Trip Experience: An Essay

As part of my summer unit, I had the opportunity to visit places that are very rich in biodiversity and history and the first location I visited was Bibra Lake in the northern part of Cockburn on Progress Drive and later in the afternoon, the group visited the Pinakarri Cohousing Community at 4 Bottrill Street, Hamilton Hill in Western Australia. The group was guided by our tutor Mrs. Annette Watkins and with her guidance I had a golden opportunity to...
1 Page 509 Words

Essay About My First Camping Trip

I was not originally attracted to nature. For me, nature was associated with the few minutes playing in the sandbox during recess or playing soccer in the nicely cut grass. Although I was aware that nature was good for you, I mostly thought it was solely good for offering fresh air when your head feels full. Living in Michigan, nature presents itself in many forms such as sledding as fast as you can down the hill or swimming in one...
1 Page 509 Words

New York City Trip Experience

New York City is the spot that I have visited, returned to, and visited once more. Out there in the city, I feel free. We started our trip by traveling from Houston to New Jersey by airplane, then I traveled from New Jersey to New York by train. I could not tell too much difference when I travel to New Jersey but I can tell it was a huge difference in the train way to New York, it felt like...
2 Pages 1138 Words

What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay

There is no limit to learning, there are many things to be learnt during travels. And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons of life. Patience is one of the important lessons I learnt during my last trip. Life will not always go the way I planned and...
1 Page 524 Words

High School Personal Narrative Essay

When I started swimming for my local summer swim team ten years ago, I had no idea how engulfed my life would be by it. From my summer swim team to my high school career, my swim community has become a significant part of my life and I have become a significant part of it. My swim community has become my second family over the years, and it consists of my summer team, high school team, and friends across the...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Yourself

Personal Narrative: The Weekend Campout One weekend during the summer a couple of years back I had decided to host a campout and have a few people over to stay the night in tents in my woods and my backyard (which consists of a 5-acre open field with a big fire pit for parties). There is also a fire pit down by the tents but we decided to keep it in the field instead. Well Friday night rolls around and...
1 Page 499 Words
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