Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

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Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional setting. However, many employers fail to follow this rule and occasionally, unintentionally incline towards selecting someone who is more physically attractive versus someone who is not. Eventually, the question of hiring or rejecting someone based on their physical appearance comes down to being a moral and ethical issue.

Morality comes from within and is can be due to several reasons such as, conscience, personal happiness or just because of threat of punishment. The case of hiring someone based on their physical appearance is morally wrong, which means one should just not do it. One can also claim that this action further shows that the employer lacks virtue, which is a good character, because they are not internally honest about their actions and do not have good reasoning behind their actions. Furthermore, the view of act utilitarianism states that an action is only right if it takes into account the happiness of everyone, otherwise it is wrong. Therefore, the act of hiring is wrong because it discriminates against those who employers deem as unattractive and clearly do not take into account their happiness.

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There are several ways to ensure that employers are not hiring solely based on an interviewee’s physical appearance. One such way would be to make over the phone interviews mandatory and the primary way to gauge whether an interviewee is fit for the job or not. Currently, phone interviews are just a formality and not as serious as the in-person interviews, but changing this could change the criteria of hiring interviewees. Secondly, having more employers interview the applicants can also reduce chances of discrimination because there will be more opinions and mostly like not all will be based merely on physical appearance. Additionally, having minorities or physically unattractive people as interviewers can decrease discrimination even more, as they are less likely to judge prospective employees based on looks. Lastly, employers need to be trained to not ask questions that lead to discriminating thoughts and add very little to actually meaningful information regarding the job position, this can be done by following a script for interview questions so employers do not feel tempted to ask their personal questions.

Overall, if everyone tries to be morally and ethically correct in all their decisions and actions then situations such as hiring based on physical attractiveness can be avoided. This effort needs to come from the society as a whole because one person is not enough to change the perspectives of everyone. The society needs to determine if those currently in power are there because they are qualified or because they are physically attractive. Questioning superiors is necessary in order to undo the biases that are rooted so deeply within the society that they go unnoticed.

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Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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