Psychosis essays

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Essay topics
2 Pages 1082 Words
Areas, potentially reducing future opportunities and impacting on developing a sense of one’s self as an autonomous adult, (McGorry, 2000). Recent research on first episode of psychosis emphasizes the importance of early interventions to initiate remissions and to prevent relapses (Wisdom et al., 2011). The emerging literature on first episode of psychosis highlights the high prevalence and adverse consequences of...
8 Pages 3724 Words
This Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) essay is based on a case study of an 18-year-old man. A fictitious name will be used in the EBL to protect the identity of the young man and henceforth the name Paul Jones will be used, as the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (NMC,2015) specifies that confidentiality is essential when discussing patients....
6 Pages 2677 Words
The main focus of the assignment is a client (Mr. X, a family member) I have come across who suffers from mental health issues, to be precise depression and psychosis; depression is one of the major causes of psychosis. Main focus of the assignment is on depression, firstly the essay focuses about the illness itself and then about the individual’s...
2 Pages 1023 Words
Mental health and wellbeing are of major importance due to the vital role in which they play in everyday life. This can be shown in the prevalence, with mental health affecting approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK each year. Good mental health allows the individual to cope with ‘varying life stressors, learn, feel, express and manage a range...
3 Pages 1280 Words
Most of people think psychosis is splitting of the mind, is this true or not? If not, then what is psychosis, what are the causes of this disease, how it affects the human being? And what’s the role of neuroinflammation in psychosis? Psychosis is a thought disturbance (psychiatric disorder) (Dr.Marian Gorge). Since long time ago, psychosis was generally described as...
4 Pages 1602 Words
Mood disorder is an umbrella term used by both DSM and ICD classification. A mood disorder is any type of psychiatric illness that affects your mood. These disorders could be depressive disorders, manic or major, bipolar disorders, seasonal affective disorder, along with new modern terms such as Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. All these disorders can be categorised by the symptomatic...
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