Regeneration essays

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3 Pages 1447 Words
Introduction Methods for bone as well as periodontal tissue regeneration were therefore widely used. Throughout endodontic surgery, GTR was adjusted using various bone replacement materials and different boundary membranes. The concepts behind GTR will also be built on the idea that if epithelial cells, which migrate somewhere around ten times faster over other periodontal cell types, seem to be absent...
4 Pages 1825 Words
Anatomical modifications and cellular responses Regeneration is initiated by wound healing, which is a process mediated by local muscle contraction that allows contact between the remaining dorsal and ventral epidermis layers, which happens right after a few minutes post-injury to prevent further damage and invasion of pathogens. After this, the muscle relaxes, leading to the stretch of the epidermis, creating...
2 Pages 775 Words
Introduction Costus speciosus (Koen ) Sm medicinal important plant belong to family Zingiberaceae. All plant parts of Costus speciosus have different uses so demand of this plant increased day by day .So now a days Costus speciosus become endangered species. Tissue culture technique play an important role to conserve the endangered species.Different concentration of various phytohormones auxin,cytokinin,gibberellins directly effect on...
4 Pages 1703 Words
Abstract In recent times there has been a great increase in the number of chronic lung diseases and lungs being one of the vital soft tissue organs of the body need transplantation or excision of the damaged tissue1,2. Though recent medical advances and transplantation procedures have saved numerous lives their efficiency to provide a better life outcome are suboptimal. Stem...
4 Pages 1772 Words
Introduction Guided tissue regeneration is defined by the glossary of the American Academy of Periodontology: A surgical procedure with the goal of achieving new bone, cementum, and PDL attachment to a periodontally diseased tooth, using barrier devices or membranes to provide space maintenance, epithelial exclusion, and wound stabilization. Guided tissue regeneration aims to compartmentalize or exclude cells from the healing...
3 Pages 1211 Words
Turritopsis dohrnii is a species of jellyfish with significant ability and is part of the class of Hydrozoa. Large bodies of research on the unique survival strategy and cellular mechanisms of this jellyfish concluded in the 1990s that it is able to revert to its immature form when needed, ultimately hitting a 'reset button'. Turritopsis is the only known genus...
3 Pages 1421 Words
Introduction A normal biological characteristic of human body is its capability to fix hard and delicate tissues. Majority of tissues can fix and repair themselves within biologic restrictions. Though, regeneration is another issue. As in most situations, the tissues are unable to restore themselves to the former state after occurrence of tissue loss. That loss could be a consequence of...
5 Pages 2107 Words
Within British society today youth is generally defined biologically, by both puberty and age however the natural stages from childhood through to adulthood are open to questioning; leading the definition of youth to be progressively less clear. It has been said that ‘conceptions of the youth phase are historically and culturally specific’ (Cieslik and Simpson, 2013:3). The difficulty of insinuating...
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