Sculpture essays

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2 Pages 980 Words
The Knotted Gun is a sculpture placed outside the United Nation Building, in New York City. It is created by an artist named Carl Fredrik Reutersward in 1988. Nowadays, there are more than 30 copies of this sculpture placing all around the world. The theme of this sculpture is about voicing social injustice. Obviously, this sculpture has becoming more popular...
2 Pages 999 Words
There are many similarities and dissimilarities between the sculpture of the Kouros and the sculpture of Menkaure. The Kouros (plural, the Kouri) is an ancient sculpture which represents a “large scale, hard stone, freestanding, nude” Greek man from the Archaic period (650 BCE- 480 BCE) (Dunham, 1). The Menkaure is a greywacke dyad statue representing King Menkaure and a woman...
2 Pages 1106 Words
During the years between 27BCE from when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor in Rome to 476BCE with the fall of Constantinople, the Roman Empire was inundated with Greek-inspired statues. The art emerged from the Classical Period of Ancient Hellas was a powerful medium of expression, so influential the artists from the Roman Empire consequently developed their techniques, detailing...
7 Pages 3440 Words
Michelangelo’s defiant statue of David has enraptured the world for centuries. Thought to be one of history’s major art masterpieces, the marble figure portrays both the artists skill and the focus of art that embodies and defines the aesthetic of the renaissance at its peak. It showcases technical virtuosity of Greek sculpture and reintroduced ideals of humanism. Since its debut...
3 Pages 1584 Words
When you look at art, do you think about political and/or social issues? Do you think about how the things we see every day as using a visual representation in order to communicate to you? Do you ever think about how our mind absorbs information the easiest? Images are the easiest way for humans to remember through photographic memory, and...
1 Page 578 Words
Art is a form of communication that artists use to pass information to the audiences that will experience the art. Sculptures one of the oldest art forms; they are made from stone, a medium that has been there since before, and thus with the sculptures are embedded a great source of information, culture, originality, and heritage that may never be...
3 Pages 1199 Words
The sculpture of ancient Greece which existed from 800 BC to 300 BC got its inspiration from middle eastern monumental art and Egyptian art respectively. This with time gradually evolved into a unique vision of Greek art. Greek artists eventually reached a high point of artistic quality of working with the human figure that took the world by surprise, a...
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