Birth control is to prevent birth, right? If teens were placed on birth control without their parents’ consent that will give them the mindset to feel like they are grown. When they feel like they are grown then they will chose to do anything as they please. They would become very secretive to their parents. They could be engaging in sexual activities and their parents would not be informed until they turn eighteen. Teens should have their parents’ consent in order to be placed on birth control.
Parents would begin to lose control over their teens and question themselves on their own parenting skills. Once you placed your teen on birth control they are no longer the same. Their attitudes begin to change, different peers, different mindsets and personalities, and even step outside of their comfort zone.
Parents should be aware of all the activities of their children. It is best for a mother to know her own teen. The mother will then be able to console her teen about the positive and the negative effects of having birth control. Some teens find it embarrassing to talk to their parents about this issue.
Parents should take their teens to the clinic to get the birth control just in case they are informed by the doctor of an unfamiliar thing that they are not aware of. In an article entitled New Studies Signal Dangers of Limiting Teen Access to Birth Control, is states “roughly one in five teenagers would have unsafe sex if their parents had to be notified when they got birth control at a family planning clinic.” In other words, parents were not aware that their children were sexually active and by them not informing their parents they could have an STD and were too afraid to confess to their parents. The teen could have easily died because she had a disease and there was nothing they could have done at the last minute.
In the second article it states how a teacher in Washington takes their twelve years of age student to the clinic to get birth control. The two saddest and awkward thing about the situation the mother doesn’t know what’s going on and he contiunlsey rape this innocnet child. He placed on birth control himself so she wouldn’t end up pregnant and he most definitely wouldn’t have gotten caught for his wrong doings. The clinic are allowed to not alert the child’s mother. By the child being so young she is afraid to speak up . Having a relationship with her daughter plays a major role at this point. Let her know there is no reason to be afraid to speak and say how she feels.
Before considering the decision have a TALK with your teen. T stands for talk. Talk to them about the cause and effect of birth control. A stands for aware. Be aware of their actions. L stands for listen. Listen and understand their point of view of why or why they shouldn’t be placed on birth control. K stands for kindly. Kindly and in a respectable way come to a decision that is reasonable and suitable to you as a parent. This will allow the teen to understand where you are coming from and important is it that you keep a check on her and now that her safety is the most important thing to you.
Work Cited
- “New Studies Signal Dangers of Limiting Teen Access to Birth Control Information and Services.” Guttmacher Institute, 17 June 2013,
- Brady, Kevin, and Jan Schakowsky. “Symposium.” Insight on the News, vol. 18, no. 39, Oct. 2002, p. 46. EBSCOhost,