Synthesis Essay on Gay Marriage

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Many long-time lgbtq+ advocates tell us how they are being asked this question. As the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage approaches. Homosexual behavior is illegal in some countries all over the world. The death penalty for gay behavior is still used in at least countries. Same-sex getting married is the standard of the world's social history, a very rare experience. The Nation's highest high court rejected a declaration to let same-sex marriage, hearing the case that indeed 'the applicant doesn't have a partner and therefore can't claim to be a victim of existing laws'.Although same-sex marriage has been regulated by law, religious ideology, and custom in most countries around the world, legal and social responses have varied widely from commemoration to criminalization.

The media continues to report incidents in which gay, lesbian, and transgender people are humiliated in places. When people in their neighborhood mistreat lesbian and gay couples, they are forced to relocate. A growing number of organizations are legislating same-sex marriage amid a steady advance in rights for LGBTQ+ people, but opposition remains strong in many countries. However the global expansion of LGBTQ+ rights has been uneven, but human rights groups claim that these institutions have restricted enforcement power. When same-sex couples have the same legal right to marry as different-sex couples, a country is said to have marriage equality. Wherever there are restrictions on individuals' human rights, expression, or assembly, there is an insistence on LGBT rights.'That same-sex marriage won't work for us. We're Catholics,' Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said in a speech to the Filipino community in Burma. 'And there's the Civil Code, which says that a man can only marry a woman, even though we are a Catholic majority country, the Bible should never be taken literally to back claims of why sex marriage is not allowed. Also, Pope Francis, a priest, has previously suggested state-approved civil unions for same-sex relationships,' the pope said in the 2020 documentary on his life, Francesco. 'They are God's children, and they have a right to a family.' Nobody should be thrown out or made unhappy as a result of it. We are all equal, and same-sex couples should be entitled to the same benefits as heterosexual married couples. Furthermore, everyone strives for equality in all aspects of life, which, in my opinion, promotes peace and harmony.

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In conclusion, I'd like to see positive change in this country, and I don't see any harm in allowing people, particularly LGBTQIA++ people, to choose who they want to love and for the government to recognize their union. Most gay people are aware of their sexual orientation from an early age. It is not a disease; it is simply the way they are born. Grow up and stop passing judgment on others just to make your own life easier. I don't think you're against gay marriage because of the Bible. I believe it simply creeps you out, and you aren't brave or have enough integrity to be honest about it, so you use religion as a cover. I'm not sure if God appreciates it, but I certainly don't, and I don't respect it. Simply look within yourself, be honest about why you oppose it, and recognize that whatever is bothering you is something you must deal with within yourself. Something creeping you out does not justify denying others their right.

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Synthesis Essay on Gay Marriage. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 21, 2024, from
“Synthesis Essay on Gay Marriage.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024,
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