The Role Of Dreams Alongside Discrimination And Inequality In Of Mice And Men

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The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, in the novel this author puts the reader in a position of understanding the unattainability of true equality and the American dream during the depression, it is a novel that juxtaposes hopes and dreams against hardships and perseverance, crooks wants to be more than “A coloured man” he wants to have the same rights and opportunities as others, but being unable to because of his race. Curley's wife is a perfect example of this referring to him as less than herself, even referring to him as “Nigger,” it is shown in this excerpt that they have a dream, and dreams are essential even in the face of unfortunate or sour circumstances.

For the characters in Of Mice and Men, dreams are useful because they map out the possibilities of human happiness. Dreams act as a map, used to get from point A to Point B, leading you the whole journey, lose the map, and you lose your way. Such as Crooks and the others have a dream of owning land in order to “Become masters of their destiny.” Even in the face of hardships and injustices. Even when all odds are against them, they believe and follow the dream, this is demonstrated by the fact that a coloured disabled man against all the odds began to believe in the dream-space that George has created, it becomes almost more real to them than the farm they work at, a phenomenon showing that even through hard times are present, dreaming gives you hope to push past those hard times. Even George and Lennie are driven on the entire bases that hope and dreams will get you to the finish line. even if the road is rough, you'll get past it and finally be in control of your life.

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Dreams help the characters feel like more active participants in their own lives because they allow them to believe that the choices they make can have real, tangible benefits. They also help characters cope with misery and hardship, keeping them from succumbing to the difficulties they face regularly. Crooks battles with racism daily and having dreams is important, even being mentally challenged he knows the importance of having hope, falling back on the dream even in the barrier of racism and discrimination by curley's wife. The dream of the ranch offers George, Lennie, Candy, and the others a goal to work toward as well as the inspiration to keep struggling when things seem grim.

Dreams are important, they are the driving factor behind success, but they may not always come to be. Crook's dream to be accepted is tainted as people view him differently because of his skin color. Crooks' dream is to be accepted, to fit in and to not be lonely. He hoped that people wouldn't treat him differently based on his race, but is faced with the like of curley's wife, she threatens to have him killed when he speaks out against her saying “Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” Candy is also an example of this, being old and a disabled worker she is subject to discrimination also by curley's wife, when she says that she will testify on Crooks behalf she is told “Nobody’d listen to you an’ you know it”. In turn showing us that even though dreams are important . they dont always come true.

Dreams are the essential factor when getting through tough times and ultimately facing hardships and unfortunate events, even if they don't come true, they give hope. shown when George and Lennie make everyone strive for independence, to have control of their destiny. Or when Crooks and Candy have hope that they will be treated as equals even though it didn't happen, dreaming is what kept them moving forward. Dreaming makes your life a thing worth living. it is essential for moving forward. Even in bad happenings.

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The Role Of Dreams Alongside Discrimination And Inequality In Of Mice And Men. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Role Of Dreams Alongside Discrimination And Inequality In Of Mice And Men.” Edubirdie, 29 Jun. 2022,
The Role Of Dreams Alongside Discrimination And Inequality In Of Mice And Men. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
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