The Significance Of Academic English

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Studying English and other subjects via English is a consequence of inforce around the universe. According to Kachru’s circles, English has different positions. English is taught in different academic levels. English is learned by non-native speakers and refers as (TESOL). This essay discusses English language in academic environments. It goes through reasons and outcomes of English for academic purposes. It analyzes individuals’ practices in academic English.

Countries in the Inner Circle like USA, and New Zealand utilize English as “monolingual, second or third” language. On the other hand, post-colonial countries practice English in education system, such as, India and Malaysia. Furthermore, students in the Expanding Circle use English as ‘foreign language’. Countries like Finland and Chile were not exposed to English colony. However, they participate in common first language (L1). In addition, international schools and universities in multilingual countries provide subjects via English. Education system around the world has common and vary in its contexts, such as the historical consequences, economic and education settings.

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Malaysia has different attitude over the time towards English. The imposed language reminds Malaysians of their colonizers. For example, during the 60s demonstrations were held to stop teaching English in schools. Although, Malay is the local language; English stands in an equal level to it. However, this view varies in some areas. People in countryside prefer using Malay in institutions. They are less exposed to English due to the limited sources, like books and skills. The Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed supported recurrence of Malay language. However, people of the cities had different view on this attempt.

[CLIL] stands for “Content and language integrated learning.” Europe highly supports ‘Multilingualism’ and promotes practices of different languages. For example, Denmark utilizes English as their first foreign language. English is seen as career opportunities, key to mobility and cultural diversity. Moreover, this view could unite minorities, like, immigrants and limits linguistic diversity. Further, an investment is been taken in Europe to train tutors through The British Council. Teaching different curricula in English; this could lead to ignorance ‘killing’ other languages.

Although America has multinational backgrounds, it still view other languages as ‘foreign language’. This discrimination could be seen in Latino communities. English remains dominant language in bilingual countries; it refers as “subtractive bilingualism”. In addition, in an attempt to balance both languages in education system; the term “additive bilingualism” defines it. Moreover, dynamic bilingualism acknowledges both languages. However, in delivering the meaning, this could result to complexity in multilingual places.

English is highly used on universities websites. This is to entice international students mostly for economic reasons. For example, Bahraini student would look for universities with English layout. Furthermore, “English for academic purposes.” [EAP] differs in its outcome. Resulting, specialized terms, formality, and personal or impersonal styles. Students learn different skills, such as using passive voice and citation. Pupils learn proficiency of arguments and rhetoric traditions. Finally, they gain “new learning identity of the discipline.”

In conclusion, English language is the umbrella of academic world. Academic purposes of English vary in its reasons and ‘Circles’. The view of academic English differs in its perspectives and outcomes.

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The Significance Of Academic English. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
“The Significance Of Academic English.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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