The Strategies Of National Sports Plan

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Sport has played a key part in Australian culture; sport has provided various health benefits as well as allowed us to develop strong social bonds with our local sporting communities. The sports industry has grown to a point that more Australians are watching sport than ever before and has contributed to the growing nation's economy. As a nation moving less than ever, participation in sport and physical activity is vital for the health and wellbeing of all Australians (Van Manen 2018). The Australian government has developed the first national sport plan, Sport 2030. Sport 2030 aim is to increase sport and physical activity in the next 12 years (Australian Government 2018). The national sports plan has 4 key strategies that they hope to implement in order to the increase in sport participation and physical activities. Building a more active Australia, achieving sporting excellence, safeguarding the integrity of sport and strengthening the Australian sports industry (Australian government 2018). This essay will explore the 4 key strategies of the national sports plan and how they play a role in increasing sports participation and physical activity. The essay will also explore if as a reader are you persuaded that the key strategies work to achieve the proposed outcome.

There are 4 main strategies to Australians national sports plan. This paragraph will focus on the strategy to build a more active Australia and how they plan to fully implement these strategies over the next 12 years. The plan to build a more active Australia target involves engaging all ages and giving them the opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity throughout their lifetime. They hope to achieve this through driving participation and growth in sports and physical activity, improving accessibility to community sports facilities and providing physical activity during the school day (Australian government 2018). The government plans to promote building a more active Australia in the following ways. Ensure all Australian children have the skill to be active and safe in the water, reduce barriers to sport and physical activity and investments into sports facilities to achieve sustainable outcomes for communities, to ensure sport is accessible to all Australians (Australian government 2018). The case behind building a more active Australia is the benefits that come from being active throughout your lifespan. Studies have shown an increase in activity shows improvements to various aspects of health, musculoskeletal health, decrease in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Studies have also shown a reduction in depression and the less chance of developing some cancers (National Public Health Partnership 2005). Evidence shows that being inactive has not only affected our health but the health system. In 2008, physical inactivity cost Australians more than $13 billion in healthcare costs. Other evidence shows ‘81 percent of Australian children aren’t meeting the recommended guidelines’. ‘ 70 percent of adults have low levels of physical activity’(Australian Government 2018, p.16) a shocking statistic that needs to be addressed is that two-thirds of adults and one-quarter of children are overweight (Australian Government 2018). ‘The Australian government is committed to reducing inactivity amongst Australians by 15 percent by 2030’ (Australian government 2018). Building a more active Australia plans to support this statement by introducing new programs, continue to support national sporting organizations and clubs to drive participation in their sports and collaborate and form partnerships with state and territory governments. I do not see building a more active Australia achieve the proposed outcomes set by the Australian Government for reducing inactivity by 15 percent by 2030 but also in the methods highlighted above in the paper to increase sport participation and physical activity. The Australian government is fixed on increasing the participation in sports and physical activity that they are not taking into account the smaller population who don’t have access to sport communities, do not participate in sports or watch professional sports. This smaller population will affect the outcome of building a more active Australia and reducing the inactivity by 15% by 2030. Other policies such as Play Sport Australia and Physical Literacy Standards have been around for years, have yet to hit the attended goals and yet to see a more active Australia (Gowthorp 2018).

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Achieving sporting excellence is the second strategy in the National Sport Plan. An active lifestyle has played a role in establishing our nation’s identity, but our international sporting reputation is being challenged by modern-day life and easier lifestyle, especially among our children (Commonwealth of Australia 2010). There is a long history of sporting champions. Athletes and teams of Australia who have produced countless historic moments creating our identity as a sporting nation. Since 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, australia’s international sporting performance has declined massively in terms of medals and medallists (Australian Government 2018). The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has produced elite athletes that have represented Australia throughout history until recently, the state of the AIS has changed dramatically. A recent decision was made to slash up to 40 jobs, sell land and buildings for their athletic programs and services (Gowthrop 2018). The future of the AIS is still up in the air, but the AIS is trying to regain status as a world leader in high performance once again (Gearin 2018). The target of achieving sporting excellence is to allow sustained sporting success on an international and domestic stage. As well as establish opportunities for our athletes to attend the AIS and compete on the world stage. The government plans to support the target of achieving sporting excellence through supporting the AIS to become a national high-performance leader again. They hope to develop talent across the system and support Australian athletes during and after their careers. To generate support for sporting organizations to achieve success for the targeted communities (Australian Government 2018). Achieving sporting excellence is a great plan to bring Australia back to the glory days of winning major international and domestic events. Supporting the AIS in becoming the leader once again in producing high-performance athletes from all over the nation. The evidence and research above highlights that the government has noticed the areas that are lacking in sporting stages, I believe that they will achieve the proposed outcome to produce sporting success on various stages and provide opportunities and pathways to AIS athletes to compete all over the world.

The third strategy of the plan to reduce inactivity by 15% and is the most ambitious strategy, safeguarding the integrity of sport in Australia. This strategy looks at how sports integrity can affect fairness and legitimacy of sport, but also creates other challenges. There are many challenges that result from maintaining sporting integrity. The main objective is the safety of the participants in any sport. The Australian Government plans to support the sports sector in providing safety in sports (Australian Government 2018). Sport provides a lot for Australians, in all different areas of life some culture and fantasy others business and economic benefits but as of recent years, sport has faced many threats. These threats a comprised of doping/drug scandals, online sport betting, exploitation of sports in organized crime, participation protection and sporting environments (McKenzie 2019). We must protect Australian sport as it offers so much to the country. Strong government action needs to be taken in order to respond to multiple integrity risks. Leadership is identified in the Wood Review (McKenzie 2019) as a critical role for the Commonwealth Government. McKenzie believes the Government should be supporting the integrity efforts of sports organizations to counter the evolving threats. The Australian Government plans to use these actions against the long-term damage of sport integrity by developing and implementing the Australian Sports Integrity Arrangements, which are stated in the Wood Review as well as ensuring the protection of children and participants at sporting events. ‘This is perhaps the most ambitious element of the plan’ (Gowthrop 2018, para. 16). Safeguarding the integrity of sport has multiple challenges that require critical attention from the government. The challenges come from multiple different sources from participants safety all the way up to drug and doping scandals. I don’t see the proposed outcomes for safeguarding the integrity of sport being achieved by 2030 or a later period in time, because it isn’t a singular problem that can be easily fixed. It requires the attention and work of a nationally coordinated team, governments, wider communities, law enforcement and support from the sport (McKenzie 2019).

The last strategy included in the National Sport Plan, discusses strengthening Australia’s sports industry. Focusing on the plans and actions for strengthening the Australian sports industry and the predicted outcome and purpose the government plans to achieve. The sporting industry is made up of many different components that range from the business end of sport; sport marketing and management to the higher end of the industry professional and amateur sports. Sport creates business for Australia to a point where the global sports industry is worth between $480 and $620 billion, in Australia more than 12 billion is spent on our every growing sports industry (Australian Government 2018). The sports industry doesn’t just create economic and business benefits, but it also provides a wide range of employment opportunities for a wide range of qualified and skilled individuals, managers and coaches. But also, has offered a wide range of education in sport courses to all Australian tertiary institutions around the country, allowing them to gain the important skills and knowledge to pursue a career in the sports industry. The sporting industry must be strengthened and maintained as it offers numerous benefits. The key areas where the government needs to focus is to continue to help support sport organizations, deliver sector initiatives for coaches and provide opportunities to improve financial sustainability (Australian sports commission 2018). The government plans to promote strengthen the Australian sports industry through the growth of the sporting industry supported by the government, improved workforce capability to support our athletes and organizations be the best and to promote how active, sporting and healthy Australians are and could be. I see strengthening Australia’s sports industry purposed outcomes being achieved, sport is a massive part of Australia that produces economic and business benefits, but it also is part of Australia’s culture, people and history. To see the sporting industry crash and burn would tear this country apart. Yes, I can see the proposed plans achieving the predicted outcome but it is also a priority for the government to achieve this outcome or as a nation, we will fall.

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The Strategies Of National Sports Plan. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“The Strategies Of National Sports Plan.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
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